After having 7 inches of rain in 6 days straight last week, I found this earthworm on my porch. There are many different species of worms. I know that this one is a nightcrawler because of its size and I found it at night.

They have ring shaped segments which are called "annuli." There are small bristles called "setae" which cover the annuli. These worms use their setae to dig into the ground and to move around. As you can see by the length of this one, they grow up to 14" long.

Their mouth is in the first segment. They feed on the soil as they dig into the ground, and as they move under the ground, they create tunnels. These tunnels bring air to the ground for the soil to breathe. When it rains, these tunnels allow water to get to the roots of anything that is planted. Oxygen and water helps roots to grow.

Nightcrawlers are excellent bait for fishing. When I was a child, I looked under rocks at night with a flashlight and caught worms to take with us the next morning when we went fishing. If we didn't take the boat out, we fished off of the dock. There were always other kids my age fishing off of the dock, and I was constantly baiting hooks because I was the only one who would touch the worms. Ew, I can't imagine me touching these worms today.

Information Source:
Image Source: 100% own work.
Excellent Topic
Thanks so much! I appreciate your comment. I didn't get this worm for my nature series so I was happy to see it, but I will not touch it. : )
earthworms!!! I actually enjoy observing worms, especially earthworms when I was younger! ^^
Ew! They remind me a little bit of miniature snakes. I didn't get a worm for my nature series so I was happy to see this one. : )
hahaha... xDD I got reprimanded way back in high school for making one of my classmates cry. I saw a cute green worm on a leaf, so I pick out the leaf with the worm and gave it to her... even though I know she's scared of them.. now, we could both laugh about it.. she's still scared of worms though. ^^
Oh, you ornery thing you! : ) I am happy to hear that she can laugh about it now. : )
Hahaha... ^^ I've done some crazy things in the past, too.. hihihi ^^ Yeah.. we're gonna see each other sometime in May for our reunion, so there'll be a lot of catching up and "nostalgic feels".. hihi ^^
Ackkkk that’s one thing I couldn’t ever do was bait worms!! Hahah maybe I did it once as a kid and felt horrible. Hahaha
I could feel your shivers. LOL! I have been checking your blog every day and I miss your posts. Are you OK?
Ah yeah. Just not feeling it again. Haha but I get these notifications on discord when my favorite people make new posts! (Like you!) so it’s making it convenient to stay on top of that! And comment! :) <3
I’m kinda down again, but it’s not too bad. :)
I am honored to be on your list...thanks! : )
I hear ya. This weather just makes me want to lay on the sofa with a heating pad all day and night. It is an effort to do anything. I think that both of us will be feeling better when spring ever decides to arrive. Hang in there. : )
I’m TRYING to do other things than watch tv but today I had a headache. But I also got to go to my Beekeeping mentor’s apiary and we checked in on and opened most of her hives! She has 6. I was a little nervous. But must have did alright cause I didn’t get stung! Got to use my brand spanking new beejacket suit and it got christened by bee poop. Ha
And I got embarrassed cause my car battery died! I had Koodge in the car, and the music on for him. Tried to leave and my battery was dead! Thankfully they had some jumper cables and everything worked out fine. Haha
That sounds interesting and I am glad you didn't get stung. Why do you have a bee jacket? Are you planning on having bees on the homestead?
OMG! You left the music on for Koodge? How cute is that! : )
Oh my gosh yes! Bees are coming in May! Haha I’m in Oregon’s Master Beekeeping Apprentice program this year. :) I can’t believe I didn’t tell you!
Haha yeah I gotta take him with me when I go places when other people aren’t home, so the music helps keep him calmer. He did so good with me today!
Cause I can, just gotta share with you Squeakers and Benji right now. ❤️ Squeakers is snoring!
How exciting!!! I can't wait for you to post about them. Awe, look at those 2 cuties. There is nothing better than having them snuggle with you. Thanks so much for this pic; it made me smile. Happy dreams! : ) So darn cute!
that must be really long eartworm. go fishing with it. hehehe
The only fishing I can do here right now is ice fishing! LOL! : )