Trump Denies Being Racist After Years of Racist Comments [dTube]

in #news7 years ago

Responding to accusations that he is a racist in light of his "sh*thole countries" comment, President Trump declares to a reporter that he is "the least racist person you've ever interviewed"

▶️ DTube

Whether or not Trump fits the textbook definition of a "racist" or "white supremacist" is ultimately irrelevant IMO. It's an exercise in futility to try and figure out what he feels in his heart.

When you're President, however, we get to define you by your policy prescriptions. And between the Muslim ban, the wall, voter suppression, criminal justice policy, and DACA -- these policies all share common threads: racism, racial ignorance, and contempt.

This, btw, is what drives me nuts about the Jeff Flakes and Bob Corkers of the world. Flake is giving another speech today denouncing Trump's "character" and "rhetoric". However, there's no clearer expression of Trump's character than his policies. And guys like Flake & Corker may talk a good game, but at the end of the day they support the expressions of his character -- his policies -- 90% of the time. Actions speak louder than words.

Trump and his father:'Papa Trump' were known to be racist back in the day.

yeah wasn't Trump's father in the KKK?

He was in the KKK. Yes sir!

Fred “Papa” Trump also had alzheimers the last 6 years of his life

I didn't know that. So he was suffering without knowing it at the end. Too bad. He inflicted a lot of real pain on others and they did realize it.

I agree. Hopefully Don the Con will reep what he has sewn before he is in the 2nd stage of the disease

I love those who argue his father wasn't in the KKK. Riiiiiggght, I'm sure a lot of non-Klansmen get arrested attending Klan events.

I would like to point out that sometimes people are arrested mistakenly, but also, that if you judged someone by what their parents or grandparents did, most of the white population would be considered racist. I think it is fair to judge trump on what he has done himself, but not his father

Fair enough. The son’s racist policies & statements stand on their own. It’s worth noting, however, that humans are not born with racist ideology. It’s a learned behavior.

That’s very true. Racism is learned. Ive researched psychology studies proving that

Trump's statement is worth a whole lot.

Oh, well Trump's statement that he is not a racist settles it once and for all! :)

If the presidents of the United States, as lords of the great houses from "Game of thrones" chose the motto, the coat of arms of Donald trump decorated with the proud inscription, "no day without a scandal".

Nowadays almost everything someone could say 30 years ago without a problem has become "Racist" or "Hate Speech". Even a merely low brow comment from a daft person is enraging the thought and speech police.
As an older person you find yourself as a villain for only saying the same stuff which was perfectly normal or funny when you were a kid. Brave New World.

that's one way to look at it. or, we're realizing that the US has a long history of treating people poorly and we're trying to do better now.

Agreed. I am asking myself though...a lot of division and hate is also produced because of it. And people are starting to go to jail or lose their likelihood just for saying dumb things. We can always improve, but sometimes it appears as if politically correct speech is being used as a weapon. Just the two cents from the perspective of an old person who used to be an avid liberal and finds himself now in a different drawer 🙂

Someone really ought to call him up on all this nonsense: "Look, You're not the smartest person in the world or the best at anything and never will be. And you're hardly the least racist person in the world. Now behave yourself and grow the f*** up. You're embarrassing yourself."

Does nobody love him enough to try enlighten the deluded fool?

I guess one loves him enough

Very nice post my dear, and i like this dtube channeland and also so..... good your blog. i want your next post sharing us, all the best........

Good post

This man is insanely hilarious.He thinks that the world is filled with 5-year old kids with lolipop in their mouths who he can sway with his tongue which ever way he choses.Funny man

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