
yeah wasn't Trump's father in the KKK?

He was in the KKK. Yes sir!

Fred “Papa” Trump also had alzheimers the last 6 years of his life

I didn't know that. So he was suffering without knowing it at the end. Too bad. He inflicted a lot of real pain on others and they did realize it.

I agree. Hopefully Don the Con will reep what he has sewn before he is in the 2nd stage of the disease

I love those who argue his father wasn't in the KKK. Riiiiiggght, I'm sure a lot of non-Klansmen get arrested attending Klan events.

I would like to point out that sometimes people are arrested mistakenly, but also, that if you judged someone by what their parents or grandparents did, most of the white population would be considered racist. I think it is fair to judge trump on what he has done himself, but not his father

Fair enough. The son’s racist policies & statements stand on their own. It’s worth noting, however, that humans are not born with racist ideology. It’s a learned behavior.

That’s very true. Racism is learned. Ive researched psychology studies proving that

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