💪🙏👏 Saudi Arabia to criminalize sexual harassment! 💪🙏👏

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,

I wanted to write this article "out-of-series" because it is a news that is very close to my heart as a "feminist-friendly" ^^.


I was quietly sitting in my couch watching Episode 3 of season 2 of the series "La Casa De Papel" and at the moment when Nairobi pronounced this sentence: "Matriarchy begins", I receive a notification on my phone. And not just any:

> The kingdom’s Shura Council, which advises the cabinet, approved a draft law on Monday which would introduce a prison term of up to five years and a penalty of 300,000 riyals ($80,000).


This news has brightened my day because it shows a real breakthrough and fills a legislative void in the field of women's rights in this country.


The young Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is at the head of the highly publicized liberalization movement at the moment. He announced during an interview recently:

"We go back to our origins, those of a country with moderate Islam, open to the world and to other religions"
video source

Indeed the changes begin to appear because June 24, 2018 is the official date of the historic lifting of the driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia! Another big revolution! But that's not all...


Mohammed Bin Salman also lifted the ban on cinema, theaters and stadiums and also allowed them mixed concerts, the right of entry to the army and the creation of a company for women.

I jumped for joy when I had this information and I had to share it with you my friends!

Obviously this new law is far from filling the legislative gap that exists in this country on this subject but it is a good start! And I am glad to see that Saudi Arabia is starting to get things done little by little in the area of women's rights.
We are experiencing great progress for women and I hope it will not stop there!

On these positive words and this promising news, I wish you all a beautiful day or night depending on where you are in the world ^^. And if you are in Saudi Arabia, do not hesitate to share with us your feelings about this news!

I hope you enjoyed reading my article.
Feel free to support me and UPVOTE, COMMENT and RESTEEM my article! It's always nice ^^.
Thank you for your support!

Xoxo from Barcelona!

Chers Steemians,

Je tenais à vous écrire cet article "hors-série" car c'est une nouvelle qui me tient beaucoup à coeur en tant que "féministe-friendly" ^^.

J'étais tranquillement installée dans mon canapé à regarder l'épisode 3 de la saison 2 de la série "La Casa De Papel" et au moment où Nairobi prononce cette phrase: "Le matriarcat commence", je reçois une notification sur mon téléphone. Et pas n'importe laquelle:

> Le Conseil de la Choura, a approuvé lundi un projet de loi qui introduirait des peines allant jusqu'à cinq ans de prison et une amende de 80.000 dollars pour les auteurs de harcèlement en Arabie Saoudite.


Cette nouvelle a égayé ma journée car elle montre une réelle avancée et vient combler un vide législatif en matière de droits des femmes dans ce pays.


Le jeune prince héritier Mohammed ben Salman est à la tête de se mouvement de libéralisation très médiatisé en ce moment.
Il a annoncé lors d'une interviw récemment:

"Nous alons retourner à nos origines, celles d'un pays à l'Islam modéré, uvert au monde et aux autres religions"
source vidéo

En effet les changements commencent à apparaître car le 24 juin 2018 est la date officielle de la levée historique de l'interdiction de conduire pour les femmes en Arabie Saoudite! Autre grosse révolution! Mais ce n'est pas tout...


Mohammed Ben Salman a également levé l'interdiction des salles de cinéma, des théâtres et des stades et a également autorisé les concerts mixtes, le droit d'entrée à l'armée et de création d'une entreprise pour les femmes.

J'ai sauté de joie lorsque j'ai eu cette information et il fallait que je partage ma joie avec vous les amis!
Evidemment cette nouvelle loi est loin de combler le vide législatif qui existe dans ce pays à ce sujet mais c'est un bon début! Et je suis ravie de voir que l'Arabie Saoudite commence à faire bouger les choses petit à petit en matière de droits des femmes.
Nous sommes en train de vivre de belles avancées pour les femmes et j'espère que ça ne s'arrêtera pas là!


Sur ces paroles positives et cette nouvelle prometteuse, je vous souhaite à tous une belle journée ou nuit selon où vous êtes dans le monde ^^. Et si vous êtes en Arabie Saoudite, n'hésitez pas à partager avec nous votre ressenti par rapport à cette nouvelle!

J'espère que vous avez aimé lire mon article.
N'hésitez pas à me soutenir et VOTER, COMMENTER et RESTEEMER! Ça fait toujours plaisir ^^. Merci pour votre soutien les amis!

A bientôt!

FlaminGirl with love...


This is great step and we should not support any discrimination towards any human being and everyone have the same right of actions and if anyone is supporting discrimination then for sure they are acting against humanity. No one is superior than anyone and if anyone thinking like that then they are in illusion and we need to see more changes in this world because there are many places where still discrimination is live and possibly this move can bring the effect at remaining places and let's hope and wish that we all will walk with togetherness to make this world beautiful. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I totally agree with everything you say as usual my friend =). Nobody is superior to anyone and I hope that with these changes we will be able to change attitudes about human rights. 🙂

Yes, let's hope for the best. Stay blessed. 🙂

Informative post , thank you . Keep good work .

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @flamingirl

Wow.Prince Mohammed bin Salman is going a great work for women in Saudi Arabia. Such a great person. It is good that woman rights is now very important. Thanks for sharing another wonderful post my friend

Yes he wants to change things and make Saudi Arabia a more open country. I think it's a very good thing not just for women but for the world...

Oh yes, he is doing a great thing, all the leaders of the world should take note and follow in his footsteps to make the life's of women all over the world better

the woman in the first picture is the image of the most consumed product in my country, it is a flour with which the Venezuelan arepa is made, women live!

asi mismo es !!! saludossss paisanoo !!!

Good for Saudi Arabia. Forbidding the Sharia Laws is the next steep to get freed inside the Islam...

Yes, you are right my friend! Let's see... I think things will change step by step...

The content of your post is very interesting, I really admire it ..
And I always support your success

Hi! I'm here in Saudi, keep the fire burning.

Can you explain please?

i'm referring to your handle i thought "flamingirl" as flaming, it means you have an extreme desire in whatever advocacy you have, that's why I told so keep that fire burning in you

Ok, I did not understand ^^ Thanks for the precision hahahah. Can you give us your opinion on these new laws in Saudi Arabia. What do people think about these changes? Thank you so much! =)

Nice to meet you. I am a friend from today. I wish you all the best and healthy. Your friend lucky7777

Je ne peux que liker et surliker et reliker. Une très grande avancée dans ce pays très conservateur qui a encore du chemin à faire.

Oui mais on avance, lentement mais sûrement... =)! Cette nouvelle me réjouit tellement! Le monde va mal mais je me dis qu'il y a encore de l'espoir ^^

@flamingirl Tu as totalement raison, il faut se réjouir des petites victoires. Toujours !

Nice posting
Thank you for sharing.. good news to all

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