
How do you KNOW this is cray cray Florentina,,,, just because you are not aware of this,, DOES NOT make it untrue... ALSO,,, FYI,,, the reason I know this,,, is because I am going through a LAWSUIT... I am getting a SETTLEMENT,,, and MY CUSSIP number is what shows MY NET WORTH to WHATEVER COUNTRY I APPLY TO GO TO, or apply to for CITIZENSHIP,, which is why THE RICH have NO PROBLEMS getting into other COUNTRIES... I PROVIDED you with LINKS TINA,,,, it does not get any easier for YOU TO CHECK OUT THE FACTS... Before Criticizing perhaps you should have DONE YOU OWN RESEARCH and clicked and READ THE LINKS.... YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO MARITIME WATER LAWS AS WELL....

DO YOU know what CAP LOCKS ARE FOR FLORENTINA?? CAP locks, are to LOCK THE CAPS ONLY... IT IS NOT YELLING..... ONLY PEOPLE who are UNEDUCATED think it's a form of YELLING... BUT,,, but if they ever took ENGLISH COURSES,,,, the EXCLAMATION MARK is used to yell... EXAMPLE,,,, Stop YELLING at me!!!! Notice the EXCLAMATION MARKS??? ALSO NOTE HOW I ALSO USED QUESTION MARKS AFTER I ASKED YOU A QUESTION.... ANYWAY,,, CAP LOCKS ARE USED TO HIGHLIGHT WORDS.... If you Finished SCHOOL,,,, you would KNOW THAT,,,, but since you are A FOLLOWER and NOT A LEADER.... all you can do is PRETEND you know something and repeat what you hear,, without knowing FACTS....

I don't know which rock you've been living under, but it is widely acknowledged that typing in all caps is Internet code for shouting. Look it up on this cool new thing called Google. As for my education, I have a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from Simon Fraser University here in Vancouver, and a Master's in Liberal Arts from the University of Toronto where my thesis was on Language and Linguistic Science. And I was a journalist for 11 years so I damn well know how to use punctuation among other things. Go back to high school, clean up your syntax and learn how one properly uses an ellipsis in a sentence.
And yes, you're cray cray--possibly suffering from NPD or a delusional disorder?

HAUL out your DRIVER LICENCE ,,,, and look at how they spell your name.. ITS IN CAP LOCKS Silly.... You going to tell me They are yelling?? CHECK out YOUR SOCIAL INSURANCE CARD,,,, YOUR MEDICARE CARD,,, are THEY YELLING TO???? What about on your HOUSE DEEDS??? Or the TITLE of YOUR CAR??? are they all YELLING AT YOU AS WELL????? , they are ALL CAPS...EVERYTHING YOU get from the GOVERNMENT is in CAP LOCKS,,,, and I MEAN EVERYTHING.... CHECK it all out there,,,, THIS IS EXACTLY MY POINT ABOUT BILL C-15 AND BILL C-151 which it is OBVIOUS you dont know what I am talking about..

You know ,,, if YOU had of WATCHED THE VIDEO ,,,, you would KNOW ALL THIS.. Anyone reading MY COMMENT,,, will SEE when they PULL OUT THEIR WALLETS,,, and YOU can BET they will CHECK it OUT,,, YOUR CONSPIRACY THEORY about cap locks,,, is IN YOUR WALLET... Every Sign on the STREET and HIGHWAY,,, even HOLLYWOOD is Spelled with CAPS.... GOOGLE WHY everything in your WALLET IS IN CAP LOCKS,,,, EVEN SPEEDING TICKETS,,,, Corporations are in CAPS as well,,, i.e. ESSO,,, NBC,,, CNN,,, TOYOTA ,,,,, then there are STREETS and CITIES that are ALL IN CAPS.... are they Yelling too??

Open Your EYES, Personally I think all this Politically Correct stuff is all in People's HEADS and is a FORM OF Suppression of FREE SPEECH.... What’s NEXT???? I am a RACIST BECAUSE I USE MORE BLACK LETTER THAN WHITE????

Caps in digital communication are used to indicate shouting. It's common knowledge that one does not use CAPS in email, blog posts, social media or other online forums for anything other than to indicate shouting. Should I post a few links to validate my claim? In printed documents including identification, passports, etc, caps are used for legibility. My god, you are simple.

Florentina -- There is no need to be so rude.. You ignorance on this subject is as bad as your manners. I doubt very much you Majored in anything the way you speak and communicate. Your Phony Education you pretend to have is not fooling anyone. A Journalist for 7 years, and Linguistic Science??? Right on,,, and I suppose you have A Bridge in Brooklyn with a Beautiful view as well RIght???

Hey Mike,,, this Florintina thinks CAP LOCK are used for LEDIGIBLIITY??? ,,, lol....

Not "your to" but "you're too" immature. I don't understand why people can't understand the difference between "your" and "you're."
As for my thesis on Language and Linguistic Science, it garnered 94%, one of the highest marks in my graduating class.
Last, but not least, I'm not a child but a middle-aged woman with grown children of my own, so you can keep your patronizing, poorly articulated comments to yourself.


I'm neither a linguist or a professor--nor did I say I was so you must be seeing things. Read my posts slowly and perhaps you'll understand my words instead of inventing things to bolster your false beliefs. I never told you my profession but only mentioned my degrees as you were questioning my education. You're exhibiting some of the qualities seen in people with NPD or anti-social personality disorder but I'm guessing you've been told that before and haven't accepted it.

Florina,,,, ---- Here is a LINK with SEVERAL PEOPLE ASKING WHY THEY HAVE THE BANK OF CANADA ON THEIR B.C. BIRTH CERTIFICATE.... What do you have to say NOW ????

Ha Ha , I like that ORION --

By the way ORION, I really liked your post on Vaxxed. What a great documentary. I shared that on my face book page.


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