Swing, Swing #4: Crazy/HotsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #nsfw7 years ago


[Guy whose name I can’t remember] kept calling and I kept ignoring. He’d served his purpose and the time had come to act like we never knew each other. I imagined that he got very upset about this, if any of his numerous calls meant anything, but I was not to be swayed. I just changed saved his number as ‘Do Not Answer’ and completely forgot about him. He eventually got the hint and stopped calling.

A few months later I got a call from a number saved as ‘Do Not Answer’ and I genuinely couldn’t remember why I’d saved it liked that. I was bored and decided that I might as well remind myself. That clawingly high-pitched voice answered and I immediately regretted taking the call. I was in a car with my dad's driver at the time so I couldn’t speak strait. I just gave him one word answers and led the conversation to a quick end. I must have looked flushed because the driver mentioned that it must have been an old girlfriend on the phone. Close, but not quite.

After that incident I saved the number as ‘Do Not Answer, Ever’.

Relations with the wife didn’t get that much better after I quit my online hunts. We were set to go off to different schools the following term and she wasn’t sure that our relationship could handle the distance. The cushy life that we lived in the boarding school up in shags meant that we saw each other all day, every day. Anything less than that would be total and complete chaos. Clare responded to the emotional uncertainty by throwing her body at me and fucking me like a pornstar. Never said no, nothing was ever too taboo. She became my little cum-slut and my balls were busting for her. She took so much P2 in the summer after we graduated o’ levels that I was shocked years later when I heard that her womb was still capable of carrying to term. Nowadays, I say a prayer whenever I hear that I girl I used to bang is pregnant- a silent ‘thank you’ to the Gods of Fate that it wasn’t me who knocked her up.

The downside to having all that hot sex was in how far ramped her crazy drive went. One day she accused me of going to the gym just so that I could meet new girls and that same afternoon she fucked me in the watchman’s hut, in full view of the neighbour’s balcony. When school started she insisted on passing by my school every morning to meet in the parking lot before she went to hers. Insisted on seeing me every day after school too. We had the hottest sex ever during those visits, right there in the school parking lot in the back seat of her mum’s Harrier. Steamed the windows up a good one.

Nothing that unstable can last, and our relationship was no different. It decayed right to the point of collapse. The final straw was when she started texting me under the guise of being another girl called Stacey. I knew it was her from the very beginning. The fact that Stacey’s phone was only ever on when Clare’s was off was a dead giveaway that Clare was switching sim-cards, and she went to great lengths to mask her texting style. But I played along, eager to see where she would take it, barely a week after she’d claimed to have photographic evidence of me hooking up with another girl, photographs she couldn’t have because nothing like that ever happened.

‘Stacey’ flirted openly and I flirted back. Who knew my girl had it in her to seduce me all over again? But the dam had to break eventually and it did when Clare came forward and revealed that Stacey was actually an agent provocateur sent by her to uncover my unfaithful ways.

Damn, the bitch was good. I did not see that coming. I thought that she’d at least admit that Stacey was actually her but no, she followed through on the lie with claims that she and Stacey were having a get-together with the rest of the girls to go over the text messages and prove my guilt. More likely it was just a pity-party with her and her dildo.

That was it, my boiling point. The point in our relationship where I couldn’t take it anymore, for the second time. In my coolest and calmest voice I told her words that I’d been holding onto for weeks. “We’re done. We’re over. I don’t want to be with you anymore.”

She didn’t cry. Didn’t beg. If anything I could swear that I heard a sigh of relief from the other side, like she’d been hoping to hear me say those words. She hung up without saying a word, and the biggest smile stretched across my face.

I didn’t realize it at the time but that was too easy. She wanted us to break up but she didn’t have the guts to do it herself and drove me to terminating the relationship for her. The cheeky bitch had a new official man, a man who just happened to our former classmate Wainaina, fast enough for me to be certain that there was some kind of an overlap between our relationships. Just like a woman to not let go of one branch until she had her hand firmly on the next one. At the time I was pissed about the obvious deceit but I should have been grateful; I just passed a live grenade to the poor sap.


I hate when girls play these type of games its like they follow some weird rule book that was never written, I think a woman who stays in one relationship that she hates until she is safe with another man is such a horrid thing to do to that person.

It's pissing off but that is their nature. Best we can do is anticipate their bullshit and use it against them. We know how they will act, so we have the upper hand.

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