Disable Notifications from Feeds - option

in #option8 years ago

Now that we have a Settings page, thought I'd mention something that has been on my mind lately.

The home/feeds page opens up on default nowadays anyway, so I find it a bit unnecessary to see a notification when its to a new feed, plus the disappointment every time I check it thinking its a reply or a comment.

Having the option to disable notifications would make it a lot easier for many of us who follow a lot of accounts.

Anyone else who thinks they would use the filter if available as well?

I would like a little red envelope when I get a reply.

Oh, another redditor. ;)

They did mention in GitHub that settings to control the notifications is on their roadmap.

Ahh, that's awesome! I should check that out!

I would, it's replies that I am most interested in as I browse the feed anyway and always liked to interact with repliers!

made you check

Hopes you are not disappointed as its an actual reply (:
Completely agree though.

Wuut 2 replies! Was really not disappointed this time, haha!

100th vote!
Nice meme :)

Grats on your achievement! Would be nice with some achievements on the wallet page too. :D

lol I'm far over 100 votes, I mean I was vote #100 for your post.
But yes achievements would be awesome sauce!

Aaah okay, haha! :D

Haha yup feed always come up, thanks upvoted back

Yeah I don't really care about my feed. Actual human replies rock.

I agree...every feature should be an option.

hahaha i feel you

Where is this settings page? I cant find it.


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