Steembasicincome Closing Update
SteemBasicIncome Is Closing Down Daily Contests
Note of Closing to Participants
To all of our participants, we started a comeback about a week ago. After returning to our former daily duties it's my unfortunate duty to be honest and say I was met with a strong lack of desire to continue conducting the daily activities for the contests.
It is for this reason that I have decided to cease further contests going forward.
Any post rewards and steem that remains from the last amounts of our power down will be used to provide some final shares to active members here.
Thank you for all of your support over the past two years and good luck to you all on the rest of your Steemit journies.
@simonjay @axeman
Very sad to hear this as I think with consistence this would of became popular again plus the price as been going up from it's $0.12 drop, perhaps in future you will find a contest to re-motivate yourself back.
@simonjay I felt bad writing this and coming to this decision but by the time I’m able to get my kids down for the night I have such little time to myself and just in this past week I found that it’s just too much. It begun to feel more like a chore than a hobby and that’s not something I feel like anyone deserves. It was a cool idea to come back but I’ve just lost the drive to do this unfortunately and that’s being as honest as I possibly can be.
Yeah I get where your coming from time is not often on my side either it is indeed a struggle I wish you luck and hope you will still come on Steemit from time to time, also a big thank you for all the SBI's they will help me with my continued journey.