Thank You!

I am so happy to have met you, traded with you and had all kinds of fun!

I hope the future brings you all fortunes beyond measures.


Thank You.jpg


Sincerely yours,
@fyrstikken / @fyrst-witness.


Thanks for mentioning me! I will stay on this magic platform forever and a day.
I hope you also will do so, mate.

3 years is a long, long time. Especially on a place like this. Hopefully, this ship will turn around and set sail towards new heights in the near future.

You forgot me.

we need a steem meme contest, 100 ASS to best meme posted on

thanks for the mention! it's been a heck of a ride these 3 years! here's to even more fun🎰🍻

You left me off the list brotha.. We've been homies since 2016!!

;) You are too stealth for this list brother man!

Heck yeah amigo! Always here for you hit me up on Discord if u ever need anything!! 🤘

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wait a second @fyrstikken what is this even a list of? LOL did you find a way on to like find out everyone you traded with ? like to demonstrate a need for security? lol

But we never talked :O Btw, thanks for the mention.

That is what you think. ;) You think my only nickname is "fyrstikken"? :)

Yeah i do think that :D if i am wrong, then what's your nickname other than fyrstikken :O

a Whitehat never tells ;)

Then i request you to be a black hat ;)

A black hat definitely never tells...

he is... THE ASS man

You are welcome and why you thanked us?


Congratulations @theguruasia, You are successfuly trended the post that shared by @fyrstikken!
@fyrstikken got 6 TRDO & @theguruasia got 4 TRDO!

To view or trade TRDO go to
Token distribution bot developed by @swapsteem & @ali-h

Here are your ENGAGE tokens!

To view or trade ENGAGE go to

You are very welcome sir :D

<3 hugs for you and I hope blessings comes for you and yours.

Quite some miles you've travelled bro. Wouldn't you tag me along??

Thanks for the upvote. So appreciative.

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