For me, this process of navigating experience through the blockchain has opened up whole worlds to explore I had never expected I would enjoy. It has tied what I am comfortable with to things I never knew existed and my understanding has developed on both sides.
That's what I'm experiencing too since I bought my first crypto a few months back. I got to know the technology and took my time to read whitepapers, think about investment strategies, watch every video of the big crypto-youtubers, try to understand the basics of what all the triangles on technical analysis-charts meant etc. It was fascinating to experience the crash like we saw last month. Although I lost some money, it was super interesting to see the sentiment in the market change, the fear in the conversations, and now the resurgence of hope and FOMO since BTC is rallying above the 10k level again... Last week I decided to read up on Steemit and wanted to give it a try... And here we are. Another adventure, and again more awesome times ahead of us.