Out for a walk on a cloud filled day

in #photography7 years ago

I've enjoyed going out for walks a lot more recently. It feels like it helps clear my head and think about the more important things in life for a while. Not to mention its also been helping with my sleep, and more importantly being able to fall asleep which has proven to be the hardest part.

Although many of the problems we are facing in the world today are not any I personally can have an impact on, I am hopeful that the new innovation we know as Blockchain will help better it in the future, though. It will at least bring more balance to the economic situation we are in and combined with automation I believe it will start to reward humans more for being themselves, creative, innovative and looking more into how to make things better for the next generations.

I don't personally think that we should be too thankful about the past generations and what they have done for "us". I keep seeing how greed, hunger for power and selfishness have impacted Earth in the last decades and it hasn't been showing great signs to its health. The race for technology and innovation powered by money has been a mix of bad and good, but I am hopeful that it will become a lot better with the advantages this new innovation brings, which by many has been called "the new internet". With the rise of Bitcoin and the countless other projects who are using Satoshi Nakamoto's innovation to further evolve and better it I believe we are getting closer and closer to bringing more balance to this world and I am looking forward to what the future holds within it.

Anyway, toning down on the deep and abstract thoughts I wanted to share some new photos I took today of my hometown.

I noticed this weird shape and contrast in the clouds today and had to snap a photo of it.

Not really sure what it is, maybe someone has more info on it in the comments. Is it new clouds forming? There is another photo of it later.

Some cool looking new houses by the water


The other side



That weird cloud formation again




This is where the Ice rink is during winters


The football field next to it (or should I say soccer since most traffic on steemit is from the the U.S :)?)


Dark clouds above me



We also have this random massive boulder in the woods close to my place, how did it get there? :)



To finish this post off, here are some sunset photos from the other day

Hope you enjoyed viewing these photos, until next time!


I really do hope blockchain technology can help us improve. I agree with you, greed and corruption is slowing if not shutting down our evolution. Because of greed we cannot progress. Our entire economical system is based on regression. For example, instead of building cars that will not need petroleum to run, we continue building cars that run on regular gas because the oil industry wants to continue selling it's Oil so they can continue getting fat.

Next, instead of building durable cars that will not break often (for example, use gold on sensors and use quality material so that things don't break easy and burn out) they build crappy cars with cheap material so that way they can break after 100,000 miles and they can sell more of their cars and there will also be work for mechanics... So there will be "more jobs".

Another example is the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry, instead of curing people we only suppress the symptoms just enough to relieve the pain so you can come back and continue buying it but not enough to cure you because if it did cure you then you will not need to buy it anymore and they will go out of business.

And, another example is the food industry, our food and water is contaminated with all kinds of poisonous chemicals. We eat fake food that is harmful to us. Again, as we know, all this is because a few individuals who want to profit and sit around and do nothing while the rest of the people suffer.

Our politicians are bought by these big corporations to serve their agenda and interests and the entire political system is corrupt to support the greedy corporations (which are run by a few greedy and wealthy individuals) and not the greater good of the human race.

These are only some examples, our entire system is built like that and as you can see it is not built to progress. We are just like parasites leeching on the host (our planet) and then moving on to some other host. This is a primitive way of thinking and doing things. Our civilization will self destruct if we continue this way...

Nice pics indeed, this one was my favorite :

But do not understand the electric wire in this pic :D

Hahah, I didn't even lay notice to the wire, guess they didn't find a way around the boulder. xD

Hi @acidyo I've written an article about you, check it out, if you can? thanks.

30 Best Steemians Of The Day To Follow 1st August 2017


Liked the one with the street a lot too. The composition is almost like the one of a renaissance painting with the lines emphasizing the (back then newly discovered) perspective.

For the wire, my guess would be, that its supposed to keep the rock from rolling down ;-)

You live in a place with great scenery :O

Were the photos edited though? All I have is an empty beach :)

Awesome photography, I like the 5th one the most. Also, clouds are all over the place. I love taking photos of them too. Cheers!


Great pictures @acidyo!

Good to hear that the walks help with the sleep at night.
I am used to going to bed late and sometimes it can be annoying.
Of course that any kind of physical exercise through the day helps a lot, also yoga or meditation. I like to do some breathing exercises before bedtime , with some relaxing music in the background.

Before leaving... a sunset pic from the other day. Autumn is here and with it its amazing colors!


Hava a good day!

Finland is the place to be :) i love this land and the nature, i was there four times


Great shot!

What a beautiful day it is outside! I think your thoughts on the past generation and their greed is spot on. It definitely seems like blockchain technology has the possibility of leveling the playing field and allowing innovators to bring new ideas to the world!

The new internet is going to change the world.

Wise words my friend, and glad you're feeling better with the sleep! It's so important spending at least a little time out side every day.
Beautiful pics too! I like the ones of the nature, with the big boulder. :)

Really stunning photos! Agreed, taking long walks has helped me so much with clearing my head, getting a better outlook on things, and sleeping. I find that because I spend so much time on a computer, it is so important to get out, get some space and look around at things daily. I usually go for walks with my pups, or even sometimes I go running with them. Really lovely post. Were these photos taken in Finland? Whereabouts?

@aggroed said i should come check this post out and I was pleasantly surprised ... okay not really surprised, you take some nice pics, you get some great angles. Muchos Luv!

Thanks :3

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