in #poetry8 years ago

i think i’ve found the answer to all my problems,
if only i could remember the thought—

that would make things easier.

i like to believe that insights do something,
the spark,
and that feeling,
the million bolts swirling around your mind,
awakening your spine, vessels, limbs.
actually leaves a mark.

i like to believe the world holds more magic than I give it credit for,
and i’m willing to see through my heart,
which anticipates magic
and is more in touch with this grand thing,
than seeing through categorical boxes
and lists,
and logical analysis that equates to paralysis.

i’m willing to test out this other vision,
if you’re willing to walk this mad road with me.


very nice - I often have that same feeling, when I had a really insightful revelation, then completely forgot (in my thinking mind) - I always hope that somewhere in my body/energy field it is recorded, and somehow things subtly changed to adjust to that thought once I had it. also, relying only on our rational analysis is a sure way to spend your life afraid of most change - anyone who has lived a little will agree with you (and me) on that

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