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RE: Slavery exists, is endorsed, is legal, inside the U.S. - Con-Sourcing is alive and growing...

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

"WE DON'T HAVE LABOR CAMPS IN THE US!" says the news reporter talking to Rodman about North Korea. :3"

There's truly no comparison, though, between U.S . prison labor conditions and North Korean labor camps. I've read many accounts of former prisoners, including a book by one called "Eyes of the Tailless Animals."

It sometimes left me in a daze of horror at the brutality, which at least equaled the Nazis. It very much reminded me of the Holocaust, and that's the overwhelming conclusion of people who research it. From the UN, where North Korea should be brought to the International Criminal Court:

  • "the gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world".

  • "unspeakable atrocities" which amounted to "crimes against humanity".

And this from the UN leader in charge of investigating North Korea's atrocities:

"Mr Kirby said that the descriptions he heard reminded him of Holocaust abuses.

"He said: "I never thought that in my professional life, my life as a judge or as an officer of the United Nations, I would sit there and hear descriptions that were so similar to the descriptions of what went on in those places.

"I thought we had said as a world community, 'never again'.

"I thought that was what the charter of the United Nations was about. I thought that was why in the charter it speaks of international peace and security and the protection of universal human rights together."

Whenever I think of those North Korean camps, I think that right now, under the same sky of this planet that I'm looking up at, there are people being constantly and most cruelly tortured in dozens and dozens of horrific ways.
