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RE: Slavery exists, is endorsed, is legal, inside the U.S. - Con-Sourcing is alive and growing...

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

"WE DON'T HAVE LABOR CAMPS IN THE US!" says the news reporter talking to Rodman about North Korea. :3

I have to admit though I was completely unaware of the points you touch. I always thought your high prison number stem from misguided laws and were so to say an 'accident'. But them being used for cheap labor makes a lot of sense. Guess the war on drugs was not only to demolish the hemp industry.

In Germany it is different! I heard people can get educated in crafting jobs and can get a non-college degree, that helps a lot when they are released... But a small google search revealed that it is the same problem here in Germany:

Billiglöhner hinter Gittern = cheap workers behind bars.
