Got Jesus?

in #religion7 years ago (edited)


This blog entry is made to show a macro view of the Biblical Results of Apostasy.


Jesus Christ is not a respecter of persons. He came to save souls not lives. He came to satisfy the law of justice. To be the last sacrifice as payment for our sins.

Discipline will be handed out in this life to his faithful. (Hebrews 12:6-7)

But God himself is not going to torture anyone ever if we don’t choose him: that’s what Hell is for.

Hell is a situation we put ourselves into by not repenting to follow Jesus. Analogy: you are about to fall into a volcano which won’t kill you. It will torture you for eternity but Jesus offers you his hand to pull you to safety but you refuse his hand because your principles tell you the whole paradigm is flawed. You refuse because It’s based on faith or because the idea of God setting up the plan to this result is too horrible to imagine or both. As far as people who never heard of the one True God? We need to bring them the gospel.

Hell is the unavoidable result of sin. The everlasting #punishment#.

This guy presents it better than me.

“Jesus plainly sets this forth in His message on the sheep and goats: “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matt. 25:46; italics added). The punishment of the lost in hell is coextensive to the bliss of the righteous in heaven—both are everlasting.”

Either way this question is moot for the purposes of this blog entry; Whether souls be Annihilated or into Eternal Punishment; makes no difference to me. I want no part of either. I choose the Hand of Christ rather than disappoint my God.

But seriously, what about those who died having never had the choice to make? The blame is their ancestors who failed to pass on the Gospel, not theirs and I have faith in God’s mercy to do the right thing. 2nd Peter 3:9.

Blog Entry:

What is clear to me is that God has destroyed whole civilizations for “evolving” humanism in which societies completely fall away from the Truth of God and place our accomplishments on par with God’s creations. But keep reading.

He asks us to worship him so we can exist with him for all Eternity because not doing so condemns us to an eternal existence without his light. Otherwise known as hell to be euthanized via annihilation as some scholars believe.

What we need to remember us that he loves us and wants us to return to him in heaven not be outcast because of our stupidity and arrogance.

God is Enlightenment and existence is hell without his light. He doesn’t want slavery so gave us Free Will. Some might suggest that this choice is under duress but he’s not here with a gun at our heads. We choose by faith. To follow Lucifer and the immediate gratification he provides and with it the second death or we choose God, temporary suffering but an eternity of joy in heaven. Either choice is not without Just rewards making each a valid contract.

Historical View of Apostasy.

God created Adam and his society existed until a point where their arrogance erased true knowledge of him and his plan of salvation.

He destroyed those who fell away and who has lost the ability to choose him.

Next after Noah’s civilization became corrupt he made a Covenant with Abraham. Then when they Became corrupt he sent the Savior to Save all Mankind. Now we are again rejecting him. What do you think the result will be? Check it out.

Jesus Christ made it easy for us to be saved. He satisfied the law of justice for us and will wipe the record clean of our crimes against man and God. All we have to do is accept his gift.

It’s true that most Christian churches today are corrupt and preach that we have to do things and perform certain rituals regularly to be worthy of his gift.

They are just as confused by Lucifer as the Israelites were when they were scattered and just as confused as the Jews were when they had Christ crucified. And they give power to those who point out the Hypocrisy of it all. And then there are those who pervert Christianity and other so-called religions to take control of people, turning educated people away from God in general.

Why does God allow Lucifer to still exist and tempt people away from him? God allows bad things to happen? First because of Free Will and the former, Because there must be opposition in all things. We must be given the choice to in order to be sentient and have the knowledge of pain and joy.

When believers in God commit a sin, Lucifer performs the service of applying the scourge in this life. But when Lucifer’s followers sin, he rewards them.

Ultimately, The result of sin is Hell but for the believers in God, we will have our records wiped clean and be accepted into Heaven.



And because he fufilled the law, so are we supposed to follow the law, for no unclean thing can enter into Heaven.

We are all made clean in Christ. By his grace and our faith. He satisfied the law for us.

I had an epiphany one day and this was the result. Like a mental fog lifted and it suddenly became clear what the Grace of God really means and that I’m saved as a sinner simply by faith. I had to organize my thoughts and write it down. Here they are for what they are worth to you may be insignificant but truly a revelation to myself.

For years growing up in a church requiring performance of specific rituals and traditions being indoctrinated into believing that I had to strive to be perfect to go to Heaven, And only after all that work that God could still choose to revoke his promise that my faith in him is all I need; the Law of Faith; And the indoctrination that the only way to Heaven is if I’ve confessed and repented of all my sins and that I must partake of a sacrament on a regular basis. This often was very disheartening because I knew I wasn’t perfect and I know I’ll always be a sinner no matter how hard I try.

Christ made a promise to wipe away the records of our sins, all of them, by professing our faith in him. Period. Plain and Simple.

Living, A life of Constant regret and unwilling confessions and making the same human mistakes and being told I wasn’t repenting properly if I repeated the sin. It really ruins the faith, and creates mass arrogance and hypocrites in the congregation made up of People acting perfect all the time and wondering what’s wrong with me? Trying to be honest but can’t help myself from a drink or a smoke once and a while.

These faux Traditions are designed take away from Christ’s message of being saved by his grace. These faux traditions are telling us to put salvation into our own hands by our own power or in the hands or worse that I could do everyone I can do and still be rejected; ruins the faith in him.

I’m saved as a sinner.... admitting I’m a sinner and simply accepting his gift, worshiping him; glorifying him. In this fashion it will be impossible to lose faith in Christ. And now I want to do for him the things I felt forced to do before.

And it’s important to note that, the saved are saved but how will we be judged? This is the Epiphany. By our Good works. Our rewards in the afterlife are separate from salvation but should not be boasted about. Be humble and have charity in your heart was also a message from Jesus Christ.

And now I want to do for him the things I felt forced to do before. The spirit guides me now, whereas Before, I was often second guessing myself. Now I live by the spirit and look for confirmation of Epiphanies that come more often now as I grow in understanding of our purpose and mission in this life. To Love God and our Neighbors. How we do that is a personal matter but we cannot work our way into heaven without believing in him and the sacrifice he made for us. But we can gain the rewards in heaven that living a charitable life will bring us.

So, you are saying that God is loving, and He created us to worship Him for all eternity, and if we don't He will torture us for all eternity? I fail to see the love.

God gave man instructions on how to live, then let them choose a different way, then decided to kill them for it... Presumably they are still being tortured in Hell. Again, how is this loving?

And you say God created Lucifer to tempt us because "there must be opposition in all things," yet again this doesn't seem loving. Why would God stack the deck against people knowing that the ones who Lucifer fools will be tortured forever in Hell? And for believers, Lucifer has free reign to torture us here on Earth... So either way Lucifer wins, and Jesus only wins a small percentage of the time? Can't faith be proven in another way? How is this loving?

You say that most Christian churches are corrupt, which really begs the question: who is more powerful? Yet you say the correct answer is to "accept the Gift" Jesus gave us... What does that even mean? Do you just say thank you and you're out of Hell?

If I were to treat my children the way you say God treats us, people would rightly call me a monster, and lock me up. Maybe even execute me. Yet for you this seems loving?

We are created beings. There is no meaningful existence without God and there is no meaningful existence with him unless we are allowed to choose. Lucifer is also a created bring who made his choice already and now works against us and God allows it because it’s how we make the choice. Hell isnt a punishment it’s the result of your own choices.

If there is no meaningful existence without God, then what is hell, in your opinion?

Are you saying that we couldn't make any choices without Lucifer?

Okay, so if I let my kid walk into moving traffic, even though I could stop him, then it's okay because it's his choice? Hell is absolutely punishment, as you describe it, because God keeps people alive forever when He doesn't have to. That makes it His choice to continue the torture, so if it's not punishment then it's just a psychopath torturing lesser beings. Would you stand by and watch your kid torture the dog for hours because it pissed in the house? How about days? Years? Decades?

I don’t mean to sound arrogant but you’re missing one crucial point. God is not a created being and he is not our father in the sense that you describe.

Our children can exist without us but since we all are created beings, we cannot have any meaningful existence without God beyond this world. Again, He is not our father he is our creator. He doesn’t need us, we need him for that simple fact.

Sure, we can make choices without Lucifer, but he serves the purpose of purifying the faithful in this life and provides fame wealth and power to those that follow him, for the same purpose. To also provide opposition in this life.

So why did Jesus consistently call Him the "Father?" Is there ANY meaning that we can get from that?

Even if we throw that out, your description of God is monstrous.

Again, how is there existence in Hell without God?

The Trinity is God The Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. All three have no beginning and no end. He is our father too just not in the sense that you’re describing.

Plenty of the Host of Heaven followed Lucifer, I suppose because they agree with your thinking; that God’s plan is abhorrant. But they will be on the wrong side of history and you too if you think you can exist (have eternal joy) without the deity of God. You can believe you’re good and follow moral rules as best you can while creating no victims.... because.... morality; but you’re judging things on mortal standards.

Our souls are eternal, God created them but he’s not a respector of persons and he doesn’t want slaves.

I know that to follow him or go to hell isn’t much of a choice but he’s weeding out the tares and that’s what sinners are, tares to be discarded at the harvest.

Admit you’re a sinner, have faith in Christ that he will wipe our slates clean and be accepted by God I To heaven. Otherwise be a tare and be discarded to hell because no unclean thing can enter into heaven.

Where does the bible teach that souls are immortal without the Gift of God?

Don't assume too much about me, you don't know me, and you aren't God.

So you think saying some magic words gets you into heaven?

I’m not God and I don’t want to be God. But luciferians want to replace God with Lucifer.

Humanists want to replace God with Humanism.

Souls are eternal. I’m not going to quote scripture because it’s obvious about eternal torment of souls in Hell.

The words are only magic if you believe what you’re saying and have faith. Otherwise they’re lies.

Don’t lie to God. Smh.

So tell me about yourself then. I’m Obviously Christian Born Again and if you’ve read any of my other recent writing I’m a recent convert to Libertarianism except where God is concerned. What about you?

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