in #sethrich6 years ago (edited)

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It's been a couple of years since the alleged murder of Seth Rich and a number of things keep playing through my mind. For a long time I've felt like it was part of a psy-op and increasingly I believe that. At the same time I'm seeing many of the content creators and commentators that I follow starting to theorize similarly. So I thought I'd go over some of the absurdities of the case and some of the facts surrounding them that most leap out to me as suspicious.

I’m not in a habit of using Wikipedia as a source, but for this purpose it’s appropriate as Wikileaks contains a pretty good assortment of the ‘facts’ that constitute the ‘official story’; it’s generally a fairly good arbiter of ‘official stories’ (aka propaganda). As we go through some of the details, allegations and oddities, we will take a moment to consider various points, take a brief detour to some peripheral considerations, before putting some of the pieces together.

  • On Sunday, July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m., Rich was shot about a block from his apartment in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
  • Earlier that night he had been at Lou's City Bar, a sports pub 1.8 miles (2.9 km) from his apartment, in Columbia Heights, where he was a regular customer. He left when the bar was closing, at about 1:30 or 1:45 a.m.
  • Police were alerted to gunfire at 4:20 a.m. by an automated gunfire locator.
  • Within approximately one minute after the gun shots, police officers found Rich conscious with multiple gunshot wounds.
  • He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he later died.
  • According to police, he died from two shots to the back and may have been killed in an attempted robbery, noting that the neighborhood had recently been plagued by robberies.
  • The police told the family they had located a surveillance recording showing a glimpse of the legs of two people who could possibly be the killers.

Already there are a number of things wrong with this narrative, chief among them being the fact that no death certificate, autopsy report, or forensic report for the crime scene has ever been released to the public to provide evidence that a murder even took place. That’s how bogus the narrative is – we have NO proof that he was murdered at all. Another glaring problem is the fact that, allegedly, none of his belongings had been taken. I would have thought that even a ‘botched robbery’ requires a robbery.


We can see from the police report (available here - that the attending officers were wearing body cams – yet that bodycam footage has never been released. The police allegedly told Rich’s parents they had located surveillance footage showing the murderers legs – yet that surveillance footage has never been released.

Police cite the neighborhood having been ‘plagued by robberies’ in an attempt to explain this. However I would draw your attention to the following video, which highlights the way in which a very sudden spike in armed robberies occurred in the immediate lead up to the alleged murder of Seth Rich, and including the fact (supported with video footage) that the roads in the surrounding area were under some kind of construction at the time creating an almost maze-like network of pedestrian passage-ways. This video also contains other information to pay attention to regarding Seth Rich’s year book photos and his involvement in Jewish summer camps and training with the Israeli military – which will be important later.

The road constructions taking place at the time of the alleged murder provided ample cover for nefarious activity. It could be that opportunistic low-lives seized the opportunity to commit a series of armed robberies. As the video highlights, the spike in such crimes at the time was being noticed and documented, however I would argue that the prime conditions and cover provided for such an opportunist thug should dissuade us from the suspicion that these robberies were carefully orchestrated to lay realistic foundation for the claims later made about the Rich murder.
Was someone setting the stage for what was to come with prior robberies?
Was the road construction set up to ensure an easy get-away for Rich’s murderers?
Was the road construction set up to enable an even bigger cover-up?

We have to bear in mind that only one alleged neighbor ever came forward as a witness – you know, the guy who spoke at the vigil held on D.C. streets following the murder…

…where Debbie Wasserman-Shultz also said a few words. Credible witness, huh?
Notice that at the vigil the road construction has mysteriously vanished.
Was the road construction taking place in the weeks leading up to the murder even taking place?
Why weren’t the more witnesses?
Would people have been unwilling to venture out of their homes into the maze of pedestrian passageways around the construction activity, knowing that armed robberies were on the rise in the area?
What would they have been able to see looking out their windows upon hearing the gunshots?
Did they neighbors even hear gunshots????

Remember, according to The Washington Post…
“Rich was found shot several times, at least once in the back, about 4:20 a.m., after police were alerted by sensors that detect the sound of gunfire. ShotSpotter sensors drew officers to Flagler Place and W Street”

Quite honestly, this case was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. This has always been a major red flag. It almost seems as though none of the neighbors heard gunshots or phoned police.
If police were alerted by ‘automated gunshot detectors’, how do we know gunshots were even fired?
We have little evidence to suggest that shots were fired beyond the claims of law enforcement and propagandists like WaPo and New York Times.
Why have we never heard from the neighbors who heard the shots and phoned the incident in to police? I argue – because there were no concerned neighbors – there were no gunshots.

This might explain why, as Washington Post puts it – “Officials told the Riches that their son, who died at a nearby hospital less than two hours after being shot, didn’t know he’d been hit in the back by two bullets”

Of course, later, an anon on 4chan made some claims about the situation in the hospital which, at the time, I found very interesting - I think most people did. While the language used in this post does seem very authentic... we have no way to verify this. It was posted considerable time after the event and almost comes across like damage control. They had to make sure people believed he was definitely dead, so this post establishes the 'he was killed' or 'allowed to die' in hospital narrative that, most people who still believe he was killed, seem to think accurately explains his death from theoretically highly treatable, non-life threatening injuries.

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Now let’s talk about the aftermath.

"The murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories, including the false claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, contradicted by the July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for hacking the e-mail accounts and networks of Democratic Party officials and by the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections”

I’ve never seen any convincing evidence to implicate Russians in the DNC leak scenario. I certainly don’t think indictments contradict the claims. Julian Assange emphatically denies the claim Russia was involved (

Despite the Wikileaks policy of never burning their sources, Assange has hinted more than once that Seth Rich was the leaker and the $20K reward he offered for information leading to the arrest of Rich’s murderers is now well known.

Assange/Wikileaks also drew everybody’s attention to the following email from John Podesta claiming that he is ‘definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it’.
podesta suspected leaker email.jpg
This email is now also infamous. This email is dated Feb 22, 2015 – well before the alleged murder of Seth Rich on July 10, 2016 and the leaks of the DNC email archive (July 22, 2016) & the Podesta emails (7 October, 2016). The Clinton email archive had its first dumps starting March 16, 2016. The Clinton emails, according to Wikileaks, contains emails sent between 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014 – before the dated email of John Podesta’s where he eagerly discusses making examples of leakers. Presumably Seth Rich may be the source for all of these email dumps via Wikileaks.

Most people when discussing the ‘suspected leaker’ email – including Julian Assange himself – never bother to discuss the context. Context is important. John Podesta’s email is a response to Joel Benenson, of Benenson Strategy Group, a pollster and political strategist who worked on both the Obama and Clinton campaigns. They are specifically discussing the following article:
In the same string of emails, Podesta writes to Berenson -
“I generally agree with the point, but we need a strategy on this that goes beyond internal discipline. This story could have been written without any of these big mouths blabbing.”

To which Berenson replies -
“I think Robby rightly says that a lot of our leaks are coming through job searches we’re doing. I think every conversation has to either begin or end by telling people if you’re name appears in print as a result of the conversations the job is off the table. I think we have to make examples now of people who have violated the trust of HRC and the rest of the team. People going forward need to know there are stiff consequences for leaking, self-promotion, unauthorized talking with the press. No one – literally no one talked to the press in either Obama campaign without clearing it with campaign brass.”

While I do agree the Podesta line about making examples out of leakers does speak to his character, he’s not talking about bumping people off for leaking emails which reveal everything from election rigging, pay-for-plays and quid-pro-quo’s, let alone sacrificing chicken’s to Moloch in the back-yard or whether to ‘play dominos’ on ‘cheese pizza’ or ‘pasta’. The context is actually rather clear: the Clinton campaign was going through recruitment processes and certain people who were being interviewed for positions in the Clinton 2016 campaign team were spilling the beans to the media mostly, it seems, for the purpose of self-promotion. Within this context, I can only imagine what Podesta would be saying if he had any idea what happened. My point is – this email doesn’t speak well of Podesta’s character, but it’s absolutely NO evidence that he knew about the DNC leaks that were coming, or what he would do if he did. I imagine if he’d known then he wouldn’t be emailing, he’d be phoning mobsters on a disposable, untraceable cellphone.

The events surrounding Seth Rich’s family in the aftermath of his alleged murder are very interesting. I assume we've all seen their interview, just three days after the murder, in which the brother appears to be trying not to laugh, the father totally contradicts the official narrative, and then proceeds to mouth the words the mother is speaking while she is speaking them, as if the whole family is reading from a teleprompter or prepared script. Then there's all the creepy Disney artwork all over the walls of their home -- which we'll get to later.

For a family supposedly experience the raw, fresh grief of having a loved one murdered, they seem extremely switched off, don't they? No sense of emotion coming from the parents and, at most, a sort of bemusement coming from the brother. It's almost as if they know Seth Rich isn't dead. It reminds me of some of the videos that emerged in the aftermath of Sandy Hook, frankly - another suspected hoax.

Now consider a few of these odd facts (again, taken from Wikipedia):

  • Rich's parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son's death for political gain, and their spokesperson called the conspiracy theorists "disgusting sociopaths". They requested a retraction and apology from Fox News after the network promoted the conspiracy theory,[17] and sent a cease and desist letter to the investigator Fox News used.
  • The Rich family accepted the pro bono public relations services of Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman in September 2016.[12] The Rich family and Burkman held a joint press conference on the murder in November 2016.[12][46] In January 2017, Burkman launched an advertising campaign in Northwest D.C. searching for information regarding Seth's death.
  • On March 19, 2017, Rich's brother, Aaron, started a GoFundMe campaign to try to raise $200,000 for private investigation, public outreach activities, and a reward fund.
  • The Rich family was approached by Ed Butowsky (a friend of Trump advisor Steve Bannon and a frequent Fox News contributor), who recommended having Fox News contributor and former homicide detective Rod Wheeler investigate Seth's murder. Butowsky said Wheeler had been recommended to him. The family gave Wheeler permission to investigate, though they did not hire him. When questioned by CNN, Butowsky denied involvement in the case, but later admitted he was involved and had offered to pay Wheeler's fees. After Wheeler asserted links between Rich and Wikileaks in a Fox affiliate interview on May 15, 2017—an assertion he later backpedaled from—the family spokesman said that the family regretted working with Wheeler. Wheeler then sued Fox News on August 1, 2017, for mental anguish and emotional distress, alleging that he had been misquoted in a story that was then published on the urging of Trump.

I found the reactions of the Rich family extremely suspicious. It’s interesting that so many individuals connected to Donald Trump, his campaign and his supporters became involved with the Seth Rich investigation. Jack Burkman was heavily involved in fundraising for the Trump campaign. Ed Butowsky, being a friend of Steve Bannon is arguably within the Trump sphere, and Rod Wheeler being a Fox News contributor is also rather interesting, given that Fox News has been demonstrably pro-Donald Trump since before all this drama began.

The leaks of Seth Rich arguably strengthened support for Donald Trump, largely by thoroughly weakening support for Hillary Clinton. With the scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton’s emails, and the amount of dirty dealings she had going on, pay-for-play, Uranium One, etc. the DNC leaks, revealing election rigging in Clinton’s favor, not to mention Clinton all but privatizing the DNC in her name, were surely the last straw on the Clinton camel’s back. Which is to say nothing of the Pizzagate scandal which largely took Podesta in its crosshairs, but Clinton was heavily involved as well. The leaks attributed – whether directly or indirectly – by Julian Assange/wikileaks to Seth Rich were a huge factor in determining the outcome of the election.

This passage from Wikipedia actually makes some good points:
“The same venues that fomented the false Pizzagate conspiracy theory helped to promulgate the Seth Rich murder conspiracy theories, and each shared similar features. Both were promoted by individuals subscribing to far-right politics, and by campaign officials and individuals appointed to senior-level national security roles by Donald Trump. After prior coordination on Facebook, each theory was spread on Twitter by automated bots using a branded hashtag, with the goal of becoming a trending topic. Both the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and the Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory were spread in the subreddit forum /r/The Donald. In both conspiracy theories, the promoters attempted to shift the burden of proof — asking others to attempt to disprove their claims, without citing substantiated evidence.”

I think all of these issues became fairly non-partisan to those in the community who are awake and paying attention. But I think it would be fair to say that a lot of the people pushing the Seth Rich and Pizzagate issues became, to varying degrees, Trump supporters and, more recently, Q Anon believers. What if all this was by design?

On the topic of Pizzagate/Pedogate let me be very, very clear. I 100% believe that elite pedophilia, child sex trafficking, Satanic ritual abuse, and trauma based mind control are very real. I’ve been researching that sickness for years, and was banging on about those issues long before the ‘Pizzagate’ story blew up. I’ve read Cathy O’Brien’s book on the MK Ultra program, Trance-formation of America. I’ve read Fritz Springmeier’s books on MK Ultra. I’ve read people like David Icke and Henry Makow exposing Satanism, child abuse, mind control – the whole gamut. I’ve researched various cases like the Franklin and Hampstead scandals. It definitely goes on – big time.
I’m very much aware that pedophilia is used as a blackmail tool with things like Brownstone operations, obtaining footage of (sometimes perfectly innocent) people engaged in pedophilia for use in blackmail schemes to obtain complicity in other forms of corruption, and to make political puppets malleable in the hands of those who seek to use them. But I also believe that pedophilia can become a weapon and can be used to throw somebody onto the fire once they’re no longer useful.

I have no doubt that the Podesta brothers are pedophiles – there’s way too much information that has been exposed by citizen investigators and journalists not to believe that. I also believe that James Alefantis is involved, as well as the Clinton’s, Jeffrey Epstein, etc. etc. I’m NOT saying some or all of what people believe about Pizzagate isn’t potentially true. But I am going to venture that this information has been selected to come out in a weaponized psy-op to try and destroy the American body politic. I believe this psy-op is being waged by Zionist Israeli’s. I believe Donald Trump is connected to the operation, and I believe Q Anon is essentially part of the same operation.

I’d like to direct you to the four-part series of posts I made about the Q Anon psy-op – also available on my steemit page – as they contain some information that may help clarify some of what I’m about to say here in lesser detail.

I do believe that there a foreign interest involved in the leaks, but I don’t believe it was Russia. It was Israel. Once again, remember that Seth Rich trained with IDF in Israel during his youth, he went to summer camps there.
He is also from Omaha, Nebraska. If you’ve ever researched the Franklin scandal you’ll know that Nebraska is a key location. In addition to that, here’s a photo of Seth rich with Warren Buffett.

As Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler wrote in Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula, a companion to Springmeier’s book The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave:
“Warren Buffett. A major stockholder in Walt Disney. He also owns 40% of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal”

Doesn’t it seem rather odd that Seth Rich is tied to Warren Buffett? Think about it. Warren Buffett is an MK Ultra operative and connected with Disney. Does this explain all the Disney imagery behind the Rich family in the seemingly bogus interview in their home? Springmeier's books contain a great deal of useful information on the use of Disney in MK Ultra mind control programming, and Cathy O'Brien spoke of it in her book Trance-formation of America, also. Therefore, I would argue that the connection of Seth Rich with Warren Buffett - and the connection of both to Omaha, Nebraska, is EXTREMELY odd.

I would go further to suggest that the Rich family are an MK Ultra family. Bear in mind that Joel Rich (Seth’s brother) works for Northrop Grumman. So you’ve got a family who lived in a major center for an exposed child abuse ring with all sorts of ties to MK Ultra programming, etc. You’ve got one child in the family working within the military industrial complex, and the other training with Israeli military and then infiltrating the DNC, eventually leaking damning evidence to Wikileaks which threatens the very existence of the Clinton cabal. I assert that Seth Rich was an Israeli intelligence operative, and that Wikileaks is complicit with Israeli intelligence.

The entire operation has been designed to expose the crimes of certain factions of the deep state – the Clinton, Podesta, Obama, et al. faction, and gain increasing amounts of power for the Zionist and neo-con faction – the very swamp dwellers Trump has gleefully surrounded himself with.
Think about the revelations of the DNC leaks. Who are the people within in the media who have pushed these issues the hardest? It’s been people like Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Sean Hannity, Paul Joseph Watson, Newt Gingrich, Jack Posobiec, Roseanne Barr, Laura Loomer – all the Zionist shills.
Go and check out some of the material on Adam Green’s YouTube channel, Know More News – he exposes many of these individuals as Zionist propagandists.

The issues raised by the DNC leaks have been used again and again by Trump supporters to ensure Trump’s popularity. The Q Anon psy-op is connected to this. You can go and read my four part piece on Q Anon and you’ll see how it relates. In particular I discuss the way in which this whole process resembles certain tactics discussed in The Protocols of Zion, which talk about choosing leaders with dark stains in their pasts so they can be easily blackmailed and, therefore, controlled. The Protocols also talk about the time where the Zionists will seize control of the world, echoing what is contained in Biblical prophecies. One world government, currency and religion, operated out of Israel with the Jewish people ruling over the world’s non-Jewish population. The Protocols stipulated that upon the final stages of their plan for world domination, they will conduct a purge of cabal and deep state assets who have helped them achieve their plans but outdone their usefulness. I argue that this is what we are seeing. Not a deep state take down by Donald Trump and alleged ‘white hats’ within the government apparatus as Q Anon would have you believe. But a power struggle between factions. The Zionists are throwing some of their previous assets who had grown to sloppy onto the fire. The same ‘dark stains’ used for blackmail, are now being used for politically motivated character assassinations. However true some of that information may be, it is being weaponized against a certain network of individuals to obtain greater power for the Zionists.

I would argue that the ties between Trump & Putin and the Jewish doomsday cult, Chabad, are indication of this. You can see Adam Green’s Know More Knews for some great research on that, or check out Nathan Stolpman’s work at Lift the Veil also.

Nathan does a brilliant expose on Chabad and its connections to both Trump & Putin, as well as numerous videos on the topic of Q Anon and Seth Rich. You will find some common threads between this piece and Nathan’s video work.

The New World Order is being rolled out as I write this. The 5G smart grid internet of things is being established with ever increasing speed. Check out the agenda of this years’ Bilderberg Conference, brilliantly discussed by Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media. They discuss the technocratic control system being rolled out by the Cabal for global domination.

Then do some research about Israel’s Talpiot Program.

It becomes reasonably clear that the New World Order, control grid, mark-of-the-beast system prophesized in biblical texts is coming true before our eyes. The Jewish supremacist doomsday cult Chabad, closely tied to Israel-controlled Donald Trump & Vladimir Putin, is all about fulfilling biblical prophecy. They seek to rebuild the 3rd Temple (Solomon’s Temple) at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in order to hasten the coming of the Jewish Messiah and rule humanity from Jerusalem. All of this has strong ties to what is contained within the Protocols of Zion. They refer to it as the Jewish people ‘coming into our kingdom’. The Protocols also speak of introducing a new religion, their true religion, to the world – something also contained in end times prophecies.

It’s not a joke. The world is being played from numerous angles and numerous psy-ops, not least the Clinton & CIA cabal’s response to the Zionist attacks, the concoction of the Russian-collusion narrative. I don’t hold out much hope that justice will ever be served to any of these criminal conspirators, but the deep state take down that entities like Q Anon are propagating seem only to be taking down certain elements of the deep state and leaving others greatly empowered and, even then, it all seems to be a show. Remember the Mossad motto ‘By way of deception, thou shalt do war’. Zionist intelligence are psychologically manipulating humanity towards the tribulations described in prophecy, like a sick plan laid centuries ago by way of the mind control of religion, so that as the scheme and connive to produce the prophesized scenarios the mental slaves of religions will welcome it as prophesized. Bullshit.

It’s a part of a plan. “Trust the plan”, Q Anon keeps saying. Of course, because they’re talking about the plan for world domination, not the plan to liberate humanity from such a concept. It’s a bait and switch of epic proportions and Seth Rich, Wikileaks, Pizzagate, Russian collusion… it’s all part of the psychological operation to keep people confused, fighting among themselves, divided and conquered.
It’s no surprise that a majority of people that are being captured by the Q Anon psy-op, telling them to sit back and ‘watch the show’, because your saviors and here and they’re going to save you, are a heavily religious crowd. Religious people are all about waiting for saviors, because they’re mind slaves with severe Stockholm syndrome.

What we need is for people to wake up and see all this for what it is and realize that nobody is going to save them. Nobody except ourselves.

In October 2016, a plaque and bike rack outside the DNC headquarters were dedicated to Rich's memory. Perhaps because his murder was all part of this on-going Zionist psy-op… we’re being taken for a ride.

In February 2017, the Beth El Synagogue in Omaha named after Seth Rich an existing scholarship that helps Jewish children attend summer camps… where they can be brainwashed by Zionists, most likely.

The alleged murder of Seth Rich, I would argue, never happened. It was all for show. They needed Seth Rich to make the revelations and the resulting psy-op of ‘deep state take down’ seem motivated by an insider, an American, and not the Zionists in Israel, and the Chabad doomsday cult, where it’s really originating from.

To close, since anons on the internet seem to have so much sway with people these days, I’ll leave you with an alleged prophecy posted on the internet some time ago.

“It will happen when the weather cools.
That's when they'll make their move.
The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
They're trying to force God's hand.
Watch for these signs:
Three branches will become one.
An island will drift away.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
The star will gorge itself on clay.
Idols will speak and move about.
The black flag will fly above the dome.
The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
A rock will stand on seven hills.
The ravens will starve.
The bear will leave its cave forever.
The rod and the ring will strike.”


He was murdered. Your post was too long. I didn't read it all. Please don't be upset at that feedback. You appear to be a friend, and I hope to stay connected. Smaller posts perhaps?

Well, that's the story, right, @finnian? A botched robbery but nothing stolen, still alive at scene and brought to hospital, tending doctors expected him to live and the next morning his room is guarded and he disappears. If there R no good guys or white hats, then we are all doomed but if there R good people in power, Seth Rich just might be alive. Too many questions unanswered. Time will tell.

I would love it if he were alive and simply in some form of witness protection.

hello @onewhoseeks, what an exhaustive and complicated collection of information who have presented here. I commend you on all the sincere work you have done here. I certainly agree that the truth matters and we should all seek the truth but that's a pretty dour scenario, everyone is evil and we have to save ourselves. I guess you haven't read the Bible because God wins. Do you have a source for your alleged internet prophecy and could you detail the meaning of this prophecy to the extent that you did supporting your conclusion that there are no white hats and black hats but that all hats of power are evil. Then I ask you if we have to save ourselves, how do we do that? Also, who is going the save the world? I offer you and all fellow truthseekers another perspective. This is a video explaining another version of the truth where groups are not seen as evil but rather a small number of greedy people willing to sell their souls, have infiltrated all these groups, especially the best, the most honorable of groups.

This is the earliest version I could find on youtube. The channel is StormIs UponUs LInk here:

Thank you for opening up dialogue.

I've seen that video and I think it's pure propaganda, sorry. I don't buy it. Nothing Q Anon has claimed rings true. Go and check out my other 4 part piece on Q Anon here on Steemit. There's no plan to save the's a plan to take over the world being waged by Zionists. Anybody who is paying attention and has done their research should be able to see that Q Anon is a psy-op. Even the very definition of a psy-op applies directly to Q. I've been calling Q Anon out as a Mossad/Zionist psy-op since late November/early December of last year and as yet nothing has convinced me otherwise. If anything, Q coming out to endorse regime change in Iran, coupled with the US embassy move in Jerusalem, the fact that Trump is completely surrounded by Zionists, and the fact that the Chabad doomsday cult appear to be controlling both Trump & Putin... I just don't buy the Q narrative. None of it makes sense, and that particular video is suspicious to me -- who actually made it?

I've read bits and pieces of the bible from a critical/skeptical standpoint. I think what religious people desperately need to come to terms with is that religion, particularly the Abrahamic religions, are all about control - they always have been. What we are seeing is not a deep state take down, but a power struggle between deep state factions. The Jewish cult Chabad is actively trying to bring about the end times scenario. They want rebuild the 3rd temple and usher in a technocratic new world order where the Jews will rule the goyim. All this because of a book - not written by God, mind you - but by elite human beings.
It's no wonder that Q Anon has captured such a large audience of religious people -- they're exactly the kind of people who believe in unfounded, baseless bullshit stories and prefer to wait for a savior.

The only way to save the world is for enough people to wake up and form a critical mass of resistance to all leaders. Trump is not going to save you. He's as evil as any of the cabal swamp dwellers he has surrounded himself with all his life.

Well, what are you going to do when you find out God is real? Your Creator, your Maker loves and believes in your eternal potential, even though you refuse to believe in Him. How can there be a ring of truth if the is no Creator of resonance? To me, your religion is whatever you believe. Your highest values and your deepest convictions are what you are going to act upon. You want people to wake up to the direst of scenarios and then what? Your message is complicated, confusing and demoralizing so it is not good news. Truth is simple and easily expressed. It is sophistry that demands layers and layers of info to convince searching minds but those who are saved by the spirit do not wait, they stand as witnesses and beacons.

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