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in #sethrich6 years ago

hello @onewhoseeks, what an exhaustive and complicated collection of information who have presented here. I commend you on all the sincere work you have done here. I certainly agree that the truth matters and we should all seek the truth but that's a pretty dour scenario, everyone is evil and we have to save ourselves. I guess you haven't read the Bible because God wins. Do you have a source for your alleged internet prophecy and could you detail the meaning of this prophecy to the extent that you did supporting your conclusion that there are no white hats and black hats but that all hats of power are evil. Then I ask you if we have to save ourselves, how do we do that? Also, who is going the save the world? I offer you and all fellow truthseekers another perspective. This is a video explaining another version of the truth where groups are not seen as evil but rather a small number of greedy people willing to sell their souls, have infiltrated all these groups, especially the best, the most honorable of groups.

This is the earliest version I could find on youtube. The channel is StormIs UponUs LInk here:

Thank you for opening up dialogue.


I've seen that video and I think it's pure propaganda, sorry. I don't buy it. Nothing Q Anon has claimed rings true. Go and check out my other 4 part piece on Q Anon here on Steemit. There's no plan to save the's a plan to take over the world being waged by Zionists. Anybody who is paying attention and has done their research should be able to see that Q Anon is a psy-op. Even the very definition of a psy-op applies directly to Q. I've been calling Q Anon out as a Mossad/Zionist psy-op since late November/early December of last year and as yet nothing has convinced me otherwise. If anything, Q coming out to endorse regime change in Iran, coupled with the US embassy move in Jerusalem, the fact that Trump is completely surrounded by Zionists, and the fact that the Chabad doomsday cult appear to be controlling both Trump & Putin... I just don't buy the Q narrative. None of it makes sense, and that particular video is suspicious to me -- who actually made it?

I've read bits and pieces of the bible from a critical/skeptical standpoint. I think what religious people desperately need to come to terms with is that religion, particularly the Abrahamic religions, are all about control - they always have been. What we are seeing is not a deep state take down, but a power struggle between deep state factions. The Jewish cult Chabad is actively trying to bring about the end times scenario. They want rebuild the 3rd temple and usher in a technocratic new world order where the Jews will rule the goyim. All this because of a book - not written by God, mind you - but by elite human beings.
It's no wonder that Q Anon has captured such a large audience of religious people -- they're exactly the kind of people who believe in unfounded, baseless bullshit stories and prefer to wait for a savior.

The only way to save the world is for enough people to wake up and form a critical mass of resistance to all leaders. Trump is not going to save you. He's as evil as any of the cabal swamp dwellers he has surrounded himself with all his life.

Well, what are you going to do when you find out God is real? Your Creator, your Maker loves and believes in your eternal potential, even though you refuse to believe in Him. How can there be a ring of truth if the is no Creator of resonance? To me, your religion is whatever you believe. Your highest values and your deepest convictions are what you are going to act upon. You want people to wake up to the direst of scenarios and then what? Your message is complicated, confusing and demoralizing so it is not good news. Truth is simple and easily expressed. It is sophistry that demands layers and layers of info to convince searching minds but those who are saved by the spirit do not wait, they stand as witnesses and beacons.

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