Sex is for physical health

in #sex8 years ago

Few people think about what gives sexual intercourse the woman. But the pleasure, the feeling of self-relevance and emotional connection with a lover — not all the positive qualities of sex for females of a fragile floor.

So, intimacy with a man is a great workout for your muscles. As her partner, all the muscular tissue of the female body in the process of making love are in tension, but in fact the end – reach the deepest relaxation. On the one hand, this is a great stimulant for the activity of the cardiovascular system: during the act blood in my veins running faster, accelerating metabolic processes, the saturation of bodies with oxygen and nutrients and elimination of toxins. On the other hand, relaxing after an orgasm provides risk reduction of wrinkles, contributes to the normalization of the General condition and getting rid of accumulated stress.

Further, sex also affects the production of special substances that greatly improve the quality of the General condition of women. Scientists of various institutions of the world at different times of their research came to two interesting conclusions. First, the female hormone estrogen, which promotes not only to stimulate the heart muscle and the normalization of the status of all bodies, but also strengthens the structure of hair and nails, and improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin, restoring its youth and freshness, is produced in the process of intimacy is very active. Second, the famous "happiness hormone", which women actively seek to fill, eating bananas and chocolate, is another gift of sex woman. In addition, the endorphin (the semi-official name of the hormone) increases overall body tone, reduces stress and lifts the mood — he still is the strongest natural analgesic.

By the way, the best way it contributes to reducing headaches, making a completely unacceptable standard female excuse from sexape the cause of migraine.

But the physical benefits of sex for women's health is not limited. Being a great antidepressant due to active production prostaglandin in the blood of women, sex also becomes effective prevention one of the most unloved of all diseases — dental caries. Indeed, in recent studies, scientists have found that in the process of lovemaking in the body reduces the amount of harmful substances that destroy tooth enamel. Especially if intimacy is accompanied by multiple kisses: the exchange of saliva is another wonderful remedy for problems with teeth.

Preserving the beauty and youth of women is the main merit of sex.

However, it is not physics unified pleases sex. In search of an answer to the question of how sex affects women's health, specialists of the American University have discovered one of the unknown properties. It turns out that regular sexual acts contribute not only to the overall strengthening of immunity of the female body or maintaining it in good shape, but have an impact on external data the fair sex.

So, active blood circulation and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. So the color of the woman's face remains healthier, and her skin becomes soft and velvety. In addition, sex is a great replacement sport. Indeed, in the process of lovemaking burn more than 200 calories, which is equivalent to half hour exercise gym, 40 minutes of skating, one-hour bike ride or 45 minutes swimming. And the orgasm that brings a lot of fun and blissful relaxation of the muscles — a considerable bonus for an active struggle for the ideal weight.

The figure for women is not only the main tool of seduction fans, but the most important factor in terms of its assessment of its beauty. It turns out that independently of the selected poses and the rhythm of sex during sexual intercourse is the most intense, work those muscles that shape the feminine figure.

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