RE: Want to protest 'shithole' cities. Why not stage a 'shit in'?
Part of Colorado I lived in was the Utes. Every inch of the planet except maybe Antarctica was occupied by different people. The "Native Americans" (of which I am part of three tribes though my skin is white) also fought among each other in history and seized territory.
If there is a nation and you cross it's borders against the laws of that land. That is invasion.
Also unless you have a time machine and it WAS YOU that this was done to then grow up and get over it.
Otherwise, I can go back in history and find ancestors that were victimized some way.
If it wasn't done to you then shut the fuck up because you are no victim. (EDIT: Removed 'Just stupid' as I don't think you are stupid)
If you were a victim then you should be marketing your time machine.
And if I offended you. Good! Life is offensive. Get over it and quit acting like a damn victim.
As to Colorado... Spain gave that land to the U.S. So they stole it. They exchanged it.
Yet all of those people and any potential victims from that have been long dead.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON LIVING is a victim of that.
EDIT: And yes this is harsh. I am tired of political correctness and everyone whining about offense and hurt feelings. That is a mind plague that needs to be excised. So I am at times intentionally harsh. That is why.
That's the thing I was trying to say. But in reality, the native Americans simply occupied parts of North America and Alaska. There were over 500 separate tribes. Most didn't know of each others existance and the ones that did, many were at war and killing each other. There was no "nation". Just many completely separate groups of nomadic people living a very primitive life. Also, most of the Native American Indian tribes came over here across a land bridge and were not original inhabitants either. There's no way that a literal handful of people living this way could have or should have held onto a huge land mass. Its contratry to the evolution of human civilization. Imagine the state of humanity if everyone that found the continent said "Oh well. There's some scattered tribes of primitive people sporadically scattered around this huge land mass. So we better go."? LOL. Really. The bottom line is that the strong and more advanced always supercede. Civiliation would never evolve otherwise. And basically nothing is really "yours" if you are unwilling or unable to defend it. That's why the US has a strong military and the Constution gives citizens the right to keeep and bear arms. If we had no military, does anyone believe China or Russia or some other country would not invade us immediately?
P.S Dwinblood, I think you're awesome!