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RE: Why I Don't Believe in the Singularity.

in #singularity8 years ago (edited)

My contention is that "consciousness is an emergent property of a sufficiently complex network"

To this I would add "a sufficiently brainlike network". I think it's the architecture of the brain which causes it to automatically absorb information and self-program. But that's just my suspicion of course.

NONE of which should contradicts the fact that technology is advancing at a very high rate of speed. Not only that but it's rate of acceleration is accelerating.

All technology? Has the fuel efficiency of automobiles obeyed Moore's law, for example?


"all technolgy" in the sense that technology as a whole is advancing. Specific instances, like chipping flint, automobiles, and buggy whips, are 'mature' and no longer advance.

side note: some things, guns for example, are 'mature' technology. There's not a whole lot of room for improvement without a radical redesign.