Staying fit / Stretching."


Staying fit is very important for everyone, can we stay fit without stretching? I don't know how possible it can be. In this week's challenge we have been taught many stretching techniques that's is helpful for the whole body build . I will be showing my stretching techniques as shown by our teacher.

After observing the above techniques, you will have to perform the stretching techniques shown in ONE SINGLE VIDEO, which you must include in your publication. You can do them in parts and edit them to make a single video.

Observing carefully our teacher did six stretching techniques and I have done all as shown ranging from the neck stretch, full leg stretch,chest and upper back stretch, full back and back leg stretch, shoulder stretch and lower back stretch. You can watch my video and applaud my performance

It is mandatory to wear sports clothing or apparel when making the video.

@okere-blessing on her sport outfit

Shot, polo, canvas.

Describe your personal step-by-step process in your own words.

The first stretch I did was as shown in the class. Neck stretch. I did this by stretching my neck towards my shoulder lifting my hands across to where it can reach, I stretched my neck both sides for good 10seconds , I continued by bending my head towards my chest region and lifting it backwards this I did for also 10 seconds.

Full leg stretch. I supported myself just like shown in the class by placing one of my hands on the wall then I hold my foot up then change to another one . I proceeded by bringing my knees to chest region I changed after 10seconds.

Chest and upper back stretch. Just like chesting out with my hands at the back having the pressure on my chest region. While the upper back stretch I brought my arms at the front targeting my chest level then I stretched little hard.

Full back and back of legs stretch. I did this stretch by carrying my leg backwards supporting it with my two arms ,and also carrying it front supporting with my arms for about 10 seconds.

Shoulder stretch. The focus on this stretch was on the shoulders I stretched my hands with a support of the other hand ,I did it for 10seconds then changed to stretching my hands backwards for the same time

Lower back stretch. This I did by rotating my waist to both sides for 10 seconds. The muscle is stretched helping the pressure accumulated from prolong standing.

Likewise, answer the following questions:
What areas of your body did you feel tense? Share your experience.


Of course there must be experience after stretching out my body. I felt little tense on my shoulder and chest region. This is because of how serious I took the stretching I guess.

When doing the rest stretch I did feel much tense hence I did not force myself I was as flexible as possible.

Do you think stretching is beneficial or counterproductive for you? Explain your answer

Any sport enthusiastic will surely agree with me that the benefits of stretching can never be overrated. It is very beneficial to me because it prepares my mind for the actual program.

  • It helps me to maintain my posture.

  • Stretching helps the joints and muscles to be flexible

  • Stretching increases blood flow

  • It helps to speed up recovery process.

Of all the techniques applied, which one would you choose for a personal exercise routine? Explain why.


My best among all is full leg stretch though I can comfortably do all. But I choose this one because it very helpful and simple to do.

As a business woman who walks around in making sure my customers are satisfied like this stretch because it helps my legs alot.

This is my entry post for week 1 , I'm inviting @chant @eliany @lhorgic


¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Que bueno que tengas el criterio de que los estiramientos no se pueden subestimar. Te confieso que he conocido personas que aseguran que estirar es perder el tiempo, ya que lo importante es hacer ejercicios complementarios.

Sin embargo, eso es un terrible error, porque a través de los estiramientos podemos prevenir lesiones al igual que, acondicionamos nuestro cuerpo para que pueda trabajar correctamente durante la dinámica deportiva.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you dear friend.


Hello friend, how great it was to be able to participate in this great challenge that will help us take care of our physical health and manage to stay in shape. In a few minutes.

Greetings 🥰♥️

Stretching is very good missing this exercise wouldn't have been a good idea. Thanks dear friend for stopping by.