Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 17 - I accept the true God over the false today

in #spirituality7 years ago

Day 17 - I accept the true God over the false today

The true voice of God comes from within yourself, not from an outer authority. The true voice comes from a source that loves you as a loving parent does a beloved child. Do we as imperfect parents want our children to suffer guilt and condemn themselves?

No. And neither does God.

Does a loving parent want a child to see its mistakes and make corrections in life?

Yes, but such corrections are done with joy and do not involve pain and self-condemnation that comes from guilt.

All guilt comes from illusion and false gods. Guilt is caused by a violation of the first commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

You can only have guilt if you place the authority of a false outward unloving god above the true loving God who speaks to you from the Spirit within.

The false outward god does not love you but has delight in your pain and self-condemnation from guilt. A true loving parent would never feel this way toward a struggling child, neither would a true God.

The true God wants you to make corrections by seeing greater light and realizing greater love through joining with Its mind which is manifesting within you. The scripture reads:

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” Phil 2:5-6

The same mind which was in Christ is also in you. The same true God resides there. The false gods are without.

The assignment today is to reject the false gods and to accept the true and loving one. Is it not more reasonable, as well as desirable, to choose a true and loving parent over a wrathful condemning false one that sees you not as a true son or daughter? The choice is to go to the fires of hell created by a false god who has contempt for you, or a caring parent who welcomes you with a loving embrace and wants to take away all your pain and grief.

When one finds his Source, there is only one choice. The choice is to obey the first commandment.

Contemplate these things and imagine God appearing before you as a loving father or mother. Imagine how much you may love your own child and then multiply that love and feel it from God. Does this parent take joy in your pain? Does this parent want to replace all pain with joy and happiness?

You know the answer. The answer lies within your mind and heart.

Imagine having a conversation with this this true Father/Mother God and feeling accepted much more than any earthly parent.

Copyright JJ Dewey

Day 16 - I will find the source of guilt

Day 15 - I see a difference between guilt and regret

Day 14 - I will discover the cause of guilt

Day 13 - I will be honest about my feelings

Day 12 - I will let my feelings express themselves

Day 11 - I will communicate my grievances and let them go.

Day 10 - I will change my mind today

Day 9 - The Two Grievances

Day 8 - I will find my grievances

Day 7 - I will examine my feelings today

Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the soul

Day 5 - I use my feelings; my feelings do not use me

Day 4 - I am not my feelings

Day 3 - I see this world for what it is

Day 2 - I See My Body For What It Is

Day 1 - Who or what am I?

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.

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