Worries are consuming me. How can I manage this?

in #steem5 days ago

Worries are natural reactions to different situations that we do not know, uncertain situations or those that imply some type of challenge. When we allow these worries to take over and dominate us, we use excessive energy and our ability to make the best decisions is affected.

There are many types of worries and not all of them have an immediate solution. Here is the key, we must manage worries in a practical way and also in a strategic way. When we organize our worries we can manage them more clearly, this allows us to discover solutions, and we see that it is much simpler than we imagine, even if we do not find a solution directly we can manage it effectively.

To manage our worries effectively we can adopt an exercise by writing the following on a sheet of paper: We divide it into 3 columns and in the first column we write "The worry", in the second column we write "Does it have a solution?" and in the third column we write: What have I learned? What actions can I take?

We must identify what is worrying us, without judging whether that worry is simple or complex, whether it is big or small. This step is VERY important as it allows us to remove that worry from our mind.

In the second column we will be very honest when answering, we will state whether that concern has a solution, remember to put the answer "yes or NO" or maybe "Not now" if it is the case that the solution depends on another person.

In the action or reflection column, when the answer is "YES", we will immediately write down what we will do to resolve or improve the situation. If the answer is "NO", we will reflect on why that concern has no solution, but we must also write down something that allows us to accept that reality. Let us remember that simply accepting what worries us is already the beginning of the solution and finding the peace we seek. When the answer is "Not now" we must keep in mind and record the concern in order to find a solution in the future, but we must give it a date of execution.

ConcernIs there a solution?Action/Reflection
Project delayed at workYesDedicate an extra hour a day this week
Health of a family memberNot nowCall to offer support, stay available
Financial concernYesReview budget and reduce unnecessary expenses
Change of weather (makes me anxious)NoAccept that I can't change it, focus on myself

When we write we can develop a much more systemic vision of the case, in turn we can make decisions about each detail of the situation itself, with this we can change the situations or simply some of them we can accept or also let go.

I hope this exercise helps you manage your worries and live a few more peaceful days to enjoy other things.