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RE: My Biggest Fear On Steemit!

in #steem8 years ago

It´s like always in life, no?!
When you do something just for the money, u never will be happy...never!

You like blogging, writing, design?
Do it, and ur fortune will come, becauseu do something by heart.

You like money and think creative work (in which way so ever) is the shortest track?In the long term you will fail. On Steemit and everywhere else.

The guys here are working hard in the background, improving shit every day...not for the money, because they have an idea, a vision...

People not seeing this..well...give ur data ur creativity away for free on all the other channels...the price u pay is, that you find tons of useless bullshit just to find one "pearl".

Actually, in years on FB, I just had one really good discussion with like 80 answers...the rest there is "I go to eat, I go to shit, I go to whateveryouarenotinteresstedin"

#steemit seems to be really differnt, just because the idea behind it is not to make money.

Good night :)


"do something by heart."

It should be both. You should want to make money but also try to be good at what you're doing. If you're not good at providing content to a certain audience then you have to adjust your content to make it valuable to the audience.

Face facts, most people don't enjoy what they do. In fact if you're in the position to enjoy what you do and make money consider yourself very very lucky. On the other hand if you focus on being good at what you do even if you don't like doing it, then there is a chance you can do something that a lot of people appreciate and over time if you play your cards right it can become money.

So I don't think the (do it for fun) applies to people who have real life expenses. At the same time I don't think people can expect it to be easy to produce content just like it's not easy to be a programmer or easy to do anything else. No matter what you're doing you have to find a niche and be good at it.

So if women get on Steem and because there are few women in these environments they stand out? That is great and if they choose unique topics which people find interesting then they create a niche. All of us have to carve out a niche and because we are still early there is time to do that.

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