My Biggest Fear On Steemit!

in #steem8 years ago

Since joining Steemit I've seen a lot of unhappy users over the past few days. A lot of disappointment.

Everyone wants to be rich but no one wants to put in any work!

You guys really need to think about why you're upset, and who you're upset with. I've been using social media for almost 10 years. Since 2007. I started with Myspace. I had thousands of friends and a page that I built from scratch using HTML code. Met a lot of girls on there too and that was great but HEY! Thats a story for a different day. But I must say, all the time spend on Myspace. All the code I hand wrote, Myspace never rewarded me with ONE CENT! Not even one penny! No pat on the back, NOTHING!

Once Myspace was done I started to tweet (I joined facebook after twitter because I wasn't in college yet). Twitter was the new wave. "See what your friends are up to right now with less that 140 characters!". My first Twitter page had over 50,000 tweets on it. I was very popular on Twitter in its prime. 100's of Retweets. Not to mention years of free promotion for them from me because every day at school I would say "Follow me on Twitter and tweet me." So I was constantly introducing my friends to it and they were passing a long the same message: "Follow me on Twitter." But did Twitter ever pay me for promotion? Or reward me for achieving 100 retweets? You already know the answer.

And facebook. I really don't want to get started with facebook because that is the greediest social media company on this spec of dust we call Earth. The have made BILLIONS from us and haven't given 1 cent TO us. Not even .00001% paid back to us.

So I say all that to introduce my biggest fear on Steemit is this: People will see users making $1,000 for post and then turn to look at their post making .01 or $1 and then give up on the platform. To some that sounds crazy but I can see it happening. Everyday I see a complaint from someone asking why their post isn't making as much as some of the posts on the trending page. It could be a number of reasons. Low votes. Low steem power votes. Or maybe no one likes it period. But keep this in mind, even if your post makes just under 1 cent worth of Steem Dollars,



I've been writing long posts on Facebook since 2007 and I'm so happy when I finally see this. I get to revisit all my writings, reflect on them and come up with new ones for the Steemit community. Close to 10 years just writing for my friends to read and now I'm getting a few bucks from strangers for my thoughts? Damn.. i love it lol.

I put in lots of work, share original ideas, art and music. But because I dont have boobs and flatter the Steemit devs, my 20 upvotes are only worth 2 Steam Pennies because those votes came from lowly peasants such as myself. Chicks get a dollar per upvote because a lot of rich crypto guys (steemit royalty) still cant get laid. Yes. Im jealous!

The most powerful steemers decide what goes up and down. Its a capitalistic heirchy. Super cool.

My concern isnt the money rewards.

Its that the money will create the familiar freedback loop of rich and powerful people deciding what we all should he paying attention to.

Good job on attracting some big fish to this post! Youre getting over a dollar per upvote!

It's probably better to view things in terms of motivational psychology. If you're the founder of a tech-heavy, male-dominated community, it's in your best interest (and that of the community) to be very inviting to the sex which is underrepresented and which makes up more than half of our species. You'll notice in Slack they also talk about upvoting posts from possible integration partners and other people of interest. This is completely reasonable and rational to me, considering the time and effort they have put into the platform.

I've only been here a couple days and was confused when a post I did on non-violent communication was up to over $30 with few only a handful of votes. Then I see a vote by "Dan". Yep, that @dan. I loved reading his introduceyourself post and I feel like we actually have quite a bit in common. I can see why he liked the post. It aligns with his self interests. I think the important thing about a platform like this isn't catering to specific groups, but being yourself and letting the world respond.

All that said, there is a potential for the whales to rule the waters. I'm still learning about the economics involved here and will post more once I understand it better. My pennies worth of advice: be genuine, care about others, and put in the work. What happens after that is out of our control.

""Dan". Yep, that @dan. I loved reading his introduceyourself post and I feel like we actually have quite a bit in common. I can see why he liked the post. It aligns with his self interests. I think the important thing about a platform like this isn't catering to specific groups, but being yourself and letting the world respond."
You're a genius. Thank you for having a functioning soul.

Wow, thank you @stellabelle. A "functioning soul" is about the best compliment I could hope for. :) I'm really enjoying the quality of the human beings here so far, and I'm only on day 2! (I'm still working on caring about the bots... yeah, I'm looking at you @wang)

;yeah, people don't like the bots at first, but I have a different feeling because the bots used to get attached to my posts...(diff. system in early days) so the bots were fun and friendly to me....helped me become a dolphin in here....@wang is not so bad!

@wang Great to have you here! :P

The Award for Authenticity goes to @lukestokes will be donating a steem dollar right now. I'm not a whale would do more:)

Wow! Thank you! I saw that in my wallet and was like, "WHAT?!?" My first tip on Steemit! :)

Yea that is an interesting concept. Power hunger is inescapable

the quest for power is an ingrained mammalian response. However humans are the only creatures on the planet who hoard massive resources to such an extent that others starve.

I never show my tits but I work my butt off daily. I work about 13 hours per day every day. I have 3 jobs, if you count single motherhood, then that's 4. But all 4 jobs I love. It can be done. I'm not hot nor am I young. I am the most outcasted demographic that exists on Steemit: an unfuckable middle-aged woman who has nothing to offer hot, horny crypto dudes except this:
alt text
Get out of the Matrix while you're young or hire me to write for you. I can always use another client to help me get on the richlist.

C'mon, I think you're hot.

I suppose it never hurts to hear those words. Hot? Hmmm, possibly but definitely rebellious, mischievous is more my game. And boy, do I love to be the architect of games. :)

Now, you sound even more tempting, who doesn't like games?

murakami would be pretty impressed right about now...

ha ha! I don't hide anything, much to the chagrin of the weak masses.
What murakami book did you read?

oh, about 4 but my favorite is a wild sheep chase or maybe Norwegian Wood?! but he does love a good ear and that is one :))

ok, enough with the aural sex pics... :)

THIS IS FOR YOU alt text

You're awesome. I enjoyed reading this! Now, I'm going to read your blogs! Don't stop being you :-)

"a lot of rich crypto guys (steemit royalty) still cant get laid"
It's probably just that they are a little more fastidious than you.

ah, but I can teach anyone how to get anything they want.

ha ha! How do you know?

I had to google fastidious to know what it meant.

That made me laugh!
have a penny

my post or trevonjb's?

the one with my 1 penny vote.

I was not replying to your post.

I think Steem is a good idea, but unless you get votes from the big voters you aren't gonna make much. So, carefully examine what is upvoted and write accordingly!!

there is danger in your thinking.
If we all did that, then fakery would be terrible. Dig deep, try different things, but always be yourself.

This post was freaking genius. You have just won a Golden Ticket. Check your wallet. Now.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! AND THANKS FOR THE TIP! I try to be original and promote originality

Originality is the original drug.

Hehe, I have been video-blogging since 2007 on youtube for free - over the years I must have spent almost $100,000 on equipment, maintenance and upgrades. At some point I gained enough subscribers to be a so called youtube-partner, so I do get a nice paycheck from them every month, but it is mostly pocket-change compared to the cost of operations.

Steemit gives me a chance to re-introduce my content to a new audience and who knows, maybe I actually break even at some point.

I blog about political incorrect stuff, religiously incorrect stuff - i disrupt a lot of common thinking and enjoy doing it.

It´s like always in life, no?!
When you do something just for the money, u never will be happy...never!

You like blogging, writing, design?
Do it, and ur fortune will come, becauseu do something by heart.

You like money and think creative work (in which way so ever) is the shortest track?In the long term you will fail. On Steemit and everywhere else.

The guys here are working hard in the background, improving shit every day...not for the money, because they have an idea, a vision...

People not seeing this..well...give ur data ur creativity away for free on all the other channels...the price u pay is, that you find tons of useless bullshit just to find one "pearl".

Actually, in years on FB, I just had one really good discussion with like 80 answers...the rest there is "I go to eat, I go to shit, I go to whateveryouarenotinteresstedin"

#steemit seems to be really differnt, just because the idea behind it is not to make money.

Good night :)

"do something by heart."

It should be both. You should want to make money but also try to be good at what you're doing. If you're not good at providing content to a certain audience then you have to adjust your content to make it valuable to the audience.

Face facts, most people don't enjoy what they do. In fact if you're in the position to enjoy what you do and make money consider yourself very very lucky. On the other hand if you focus on being good at what you do even if you don't like doing it, then there is a chance you can do something that a lot of people appreciate and over time if you play your cards right it can become money.

So I don't think the (do it for fun) applies to people who have real life expenses. At the same time I don't think people can expect it to be easy to produce content just like it's not easy to be a programmer or easy to do anything else. No matter what you're doing you have to find a niche and be good at it.

So if women get on Steem and because there are few women in these environments they stand out? That is great and if they choose unique topics which people find interesting then they create a niche. All of us have to carve out a niche and because we are still early there is time to do that.

Remember some of these people are just fishing upvotes, i've seen a guy who said if he get fucking $1500 on his post he'd quit smoking, WHAT???

Btw, here's my upvote for u, very nice post bro! ;D

I have to admit I got a good chuckle from all the videos you used to get your point across. More power to you brother. You spoke a lot of truth. Thanks!

Nice perspective. While I am only a sea monkey, I appreciate the time and effort that the developers put into the steem environment. It gives me a tremendous opportunity to do something I like with a monetary incentive, unlike the other platforms. The only limiting factors are me and my motivation. If anything, this opportunity is helping me improve myself and my shortcomings and for that I am eternally grateful.
Keep up the good work.

The willy wanka GIF was priceless lol XD

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