SteemFit - Travel Episode | 3 Tips To Stay Healthy!

in #steemfit7 years ago (edited)

In previous episodes of SteemFit, I introduced you to different parts of a healthy lifestyle, here is a quick recap: 1. Introducing SteemFit // 2. Yoga - Sun Salutation // 3. Nutrition - Healthy Breakfast  // 4. 20 min. Workout Routine // 5. Nutrition - Healthy Snacks //  6. SteemFit - Nutrition #2 // 7. Steemfit - Brain Training #1 // 8. SteemFit - Cardio Partner Workout! //9.SteemFit - Tennis Time! // 10. SteemFit - Intense Workout Routine // 11.SteemFit - Full Body Partner Workout // 12. SteemFit - Travel Edition: Hotel Gym & Pool 1 // 13. SteemFit - 5 Benefits of Walks // 14. SteemFit - Sunrise Yoga | Morning In Lisbon


Optimum health requires the mind, physical body and spirit to be in balance. SteemFit is focused on taking care of your health, your well-being and a concept for busy people with limited time. SteemFit stands for a balanced health and work life.

It's been a while since I posted a SteemFit Episode, but that doesn't mean I stopped the progress. I still go to the gym regularly and eat mostly healthy. I don't think about it too much, I'm not on a strict diet, never have been or will be, but I simply make conscious decision as to how I want to treat my body. In the last few days I have been feeling a little ill and got a typical tropical virus. When I actually don't feel fell (not including "not feeling like it), I always listen to my body and that's really the number one key in living a healthy lifestyle. 

Today I felt a lot better and ready to go to the gym! Usually when I don't workout for a week, I feel weaker, less energized and concentrated. You probably are already aware that being physically active is just as important as training your brain, so let this be your reminder! If you want to fulfill your potential and strive to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be, taking daily care of your body mind and soul is essential. Now I know the struggle of traveling and maintaining your routine, BUT if you make the choice and commitment to  a healthy life... you:


And of course I want to help you with that. So here are my 


1. Find a gym

If your hotel doesn't have a gym, all it takes is a google search and you will either find a gym in your area or other hotels that have fully equipped gyms. The first hotel I stayed at in Phuket had a great gym and even though the next hotel we decided to stay at for a longer period of time had a gym as well, it didn't have any weights and so I simply decided to take a walk in the morning or evening to our last hotel to get a workout in!

And with an amazing view like this, it's even better! Also when you're traveling to tropical countries like Thailand you actually can get results in a lot less time, because THE SWEAT IS REAL! After the first minute of cardio I already felt like I had worked out for an hour, so when you do finish a full workout I can only tell you how great you will feel afterwards!

2. Make healthy choices

Especially during travels it's easy to get distracted from keeping a clean and healthy diet, because there are lots of yummy foods to try in different places of the world. But there are also always options! and what I like to choose is light meals that are high in protein, low in carbs. When I keep my meals light I don't feel guilty about getting a dessert. And even with the desserts you can find incredibly yummy healthy options.

Some examples: 

I've been a vegetarian (or pescetarian to be exact) since I was 6 years old and even before I could think and understand what meat is and where it comes from, didn't really like to eat it. Whether you eat meat or not, trying to keep it light and have smaller portions is generally always a good idea. 

As a child I learned to eat what's on my plate, but this is actually one thing I changed and it has really made a big difference. I always try to eat consciously and only as much as my body wants to receive, not until I feel stuffed or the plate is empty. When you take the time and listen to your body it will tell you exactly when to stop. 

Also a great healthy choice especially in hot weather:


don't forget to drink as much water as you can and check the label for "Floride". Unfortunately most brands contain Floride (why this is really bad for you is a different subject matter). I found that EVIAN water here in Thailand is the best brand that you can find in almost every supermarket. 

A great way to stay hydrated and avoid floride containing water is by always keeping a bottle in your purse, bag or in your hand. That way you will be reminded  throughout the day to drink!

3. Balance !

Arguably the best part about keeping meals light and in smaller amounts is that I personally don't feel guilty about ordering a dessert when I feel like it.

MATCHA cake with a typical AFFOGATO 

But the more you change your diet to healthy, the less sweet cravings you will have overall since your appetite adjusts to what you feed your body. I now oftentimes crave fresh fruit salad much rather.

I cannot stress this enough. Every body is different, requires different amounts and kinds of meals and needs different training as well. Before you decide to live a healthy lifestyle, you first have to understand what healthy means for YOUR body and what kind of balance works for you. I used to get angry with myself if I didn't manage to go X times a week to the gym, or feel about myself when I ate a dessert once in a while. But there actually is nothing more unhealthy than forcing yourself to stick to some plan. Yes you should have a routine, find our what's best for your health in terms of diet and training, but also always listen to what feels right in the moment. 

The key in success is and will always be consistency! In the beginning it's always difficult, change is never easy, but when it comes to your health IT IS WORTH IT! Being too busy, traveling all the time etc. are no excuses. As I always like to say "no one has time. We only make time". So I encourage you to make your health your first priority, before work or anything else (because without it, you can't do anything). Stay active, at home as well as  on travels!

I hope you enjoyed this episode of SteemFit.

Much love,



Really good tips i'm gonna add them in my life style

Good contribution excellent and healthy friend I love greetings ..! I follow you..!

I can really relate to not feeling right if I stop exercising for like a week or so. I have been exercising since I was really young and I would never stop doing it. Obviously eating healthy food is really important as well and I've struggled with that for majority of my life. But last year I started to be aware of what I eat and it makes me feel so much better! I'm also cutting out meat from my life and gonna be a vegan pretty soon! :P

That's great! Thanks for sharing your story

Good tips! Gyms are nice and necessary for many types of exercise, but even if stuck in just a room there are many body-weight exercises or matless yoga that can be done.

Fish is healthy when spaced out (to prevent bioaccumulation of heavy metals), but it's really too bad what's happening to acidification of the oceans and oxygen levels dropping. The notion to eat until you feel full is very valid and necessary when dining out, as you can't use methods like eating on smaller plates to aid with portion control and satiety.

Balance is the key, and small, gradual changes that are integrated over a lifetime are more successful than any methods that seek rapid, instant results.

Very true! Great add to all three tips, thanks :)

Thank you for the post! A healthier society is a happier society!

I really liked the look of that fruit bowl. Nothing beige about it, And they arranged the fruits in a pleasant manner, a desert I would love. Listen - - - that is one thing people have forgotten how to do, whether iit is to other people, or their own bodies.

good continuation wish you all the best and good luck with exercises and i would like to say that food looks fantastic and actually the perfect meals after exercises good luck

This avocado... I want it now ! ... haha how powerful an picture can be !
Let’s say that it’s all about motivation. It’s trully a state of mind :) and terribly addictive once we start. I loose 15kg just by stopping eating sh*t, and doing daily exercices. And my mind is stronger and more effective even at work. Only good things come from an equilibrate life :) thanks for sharing your tips !

Amazing result! That's what it's really all about, the mindset. Thanks for emphasizing that and sharing your results

Yes. With a little bit of will, people can change.. And the more we practice the easier it becomes. Or not easier, but stronger (and addict :p) we become ! thank you for sharing all those advices :)

Thanks for sharing 🙏☺️

Wonderful advic @mrs.steemit. I am so glad you added the spirit. Mind, body and spirit are essential. I might ad the social as we all need love and feeling of belonging to feel healthy. Thanks for a splendid Steemfit blog. Blessings.

Thanks! Appreciate your thought through, honest comment and feedback :)

Healthy advice, great pictures. Steem on!

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