The Ugly Truth Behind Depression | SteemPH-Cebu's 1st Weekly Topic : Health/Medical

in #steemit-health7 years ago (edited)


Each of us is depressed from time to time, but clinical depression is a debilitating illness that lasts and interferes with one's daily routine. Notice that experts have different opinions about what is normal loneliness and what depression is. But there are people who really have a very negative emotion, sometimes with much guilt, persecution and feeling of uselessness. Self Inflicted death are defined as any death of a person who has apparently taken his or her own life irrespective of intent (MoJ, 2014).

What's the difference between a Clinical Depression and a Normal Depression:

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Sometimes people use the term "depressed" to describe a person who is feeling sad or blue. Depression is usually aggravated by an event such as loss of a loved one, fired from a job, a break-up, etc. Day to day activities can become bothersome to them. They can lose interest temporarily in activities they usually love to do. Depression for these people can be mild, moderate or even severe. But they can still manage to function on a daily basis.

Clinical Depression, on the other hand, disrupts every aspect of a person's life. It can affect them physically, mentally, emotionaly, and spiritually. To diagnose clinical depression, many doctors use the symptom criteria for major depressive disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Signs and symptoms of clinical depression may include:

• Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, tearfulness and emptiness
• Sudden outburst of anger, irritability, and frustration
• Disinterest in all normal activities, such as sex, socialization, hobbies or sports
• Sleep Disruption, which includes insomnia or oversleeping
• Feeling tired and lack of energy, even making simple tasks need an extra effort
• Lack of appetite, weight loss or sudden cravings for food and weight gain
• Increased sensitivity to external stimuli which leads to feeling agitated, anxious or restless
• Slowed thinking process, even talking or making movements
• Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, self pity, clinging on past failures or self-blame
• Trouble processing his/her thought, lack of concentration, difficulty in making decisions and remembering things
• Repeated or recurrent thoughts about death, suicidal tendencies, suicide attempts or suicide
• Malingering thoughts lead to unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches

Should I end my Life?

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Every year, millions of people are trying to commit suicide due to depression, and thousands of them had successfully ended their life. Due to the massive suicide rates, WHO(World Health Organization) have to raise awareness in the community and breaking down taboos about depression are important for countries in making efforts to prevent suicide.

Is there nothing to be worried about?

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Severe depression is always accompanied by a prevalent sense of suffering or pain as well as the thought of escaping from hopelessness. The agony of existence often becomes too much for severely depressed people to bear. The state of depression engulfs their thinking, allowing ideas like "Everyone would all be better off without me" to make a rational sense.

How to Spot Them? (WARNING SIGNS)

• Depressed people are high risk of suicide. Anybody who expresses suicidal thoughts or ideations should be taken very seriously. Do not hesitate to call for help. The Department of Health, together with the World Health Organization has recently launched 24/7 Hopeline, a local suicide hotline. It may be reached at (02) 804-4673; 0917-5584673; and 2919 for Globe and TM subscribers.

• One of my clinical instructor way back in college once told us during our class, that when a depressed person suddenly showing signs of being joyful or positive. We need to be alert at this times because they have a tendency to kill themselves. This might be a myth or a fact, whatever it is, we just need to be vigilant and watchful to their actions.

What Can We Do To Help Them?

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  • If someone is feeling depressed or having suicidal thoughts, our first response is to try to help. We offer advice, sympathize with their feelings, trying to find solutions.

  • Lend an ear, be quite and listen to them. People who have suicidal ideations, depressed or they don't want answers. They're just looking for a safe place to express their feelings of pain, fears or anxieties.

  • Don't judge quickly, nag, or refuse to acknowledge their condition. Never tell them to "Get Over It!".

  • Take away any objects that can cause harm to them, such as firearms, sharp objects, and dangerous medication pills.

  • Listening is the key. We need to control ourselves to peak in behalf of them. Let them talk, cry, or let them express their feelings that lie behind them. We must understand their own perspective, not ours.


Some people get used to putting on their social mask and continue to blend among other people, while some fall into the abyss and can't get out from it. A suicidal person who is depressed doesn't want to die or end their life, they just want to end the pain, their sufferings and agony. In order for them to achieve this, they resort on killing themselves. If you're down, sad or hopeless, ending your life will never be the solution. Think about others, think about the people who you leave, what will happen to them? Go on with your life. Keep going! Your story doesn't end here.

About the Author
@Ninyea is a content curator. A registered nurse, an artsy-wannabe and an online tutor. A korean food lover. One of the core leaders of SteemPh.Cebu. Has the passion of influencing others to push their full potential and interest on Steemit.


It is real and the sooner we realize that, the better. I get episodes of self hate, dissentment and feeling defeated and a failure. During those times , my bed seems to have a magnet attached to my body. Thoughts of suicide are always welcoming and seem a quick way out as solution to a problem. I figjt my self, bite my nails, starve my self and cry my eyes out. Shut my self in my room for couple days, sometimes a whole week without stepping out or seeing the light of day. Simple things like shower or personal hygiene become a burden. . And when the whole episode is gone, i would gather my self up, put on a smile and be picture perfect. But only i know am dying inside.

Most people dont take this as a serious disorder, but the sooner the better. we should stop putting off our friends, loved ones, partners when they need a shoukder to lean on, because you dont know if u are saving thst person from suicide.

Thats why for me, no matter how bad a friendship or relationship ends, if that person calls me years later and tells me I NEED YOU, il always be there. Becaude i know what and how it feels like.

Don't judge

May be one for the books but all people have different stories to tell. Often troublesome but these people need us, who are sane. They don't know what exactly they're leading to. They appear selfish but ending their lives is the easiest way out. We must understand that they could've ran out of options, they're tired of keeping up with things that are beyond their scope.

Good job, @ninyea! May this content raise awareness to many.

Helpful tips, especially for the beginner like me. I want to learn more!

A few years ago, a co-employee jumped off the roofdeck of our office building. That shook us all. There weren't obvious signs at first but when there were, they weren't that obvious. If only people knew... I wish this is disccused during employee orientation in every company.

we all feel depressed at times, it's part of our humanity but when it starts to alter our activities of daily living then that's when it's considered a disorder, the thing is people are romanticizing suicide today, yes depression can lead to suicide and we should help depressed people but let's not forget the fact that suicide is never been an answer to depression. Let's try to understand people undergoing such phase but let's not tolerate their suicidal tendencies and let's not try to justify their actions once they kill themselves. Many people said that those to took suicide should have been easily detected by their family or that they may be neglected by their loved ones, but for me people who killed themselves are manipulative and selfish people. They want to end their pain but they don't know the pain they inflict to the people left. In my own opinion suicidal people should not be patronized and put into pedestal. We however should help depressed people and that they will not come to a point of thinking about ending their life.

had bouts of depression coupled with anxiety attacks from time to time, these are not just because I want attention but because I can't help it. we might be smiling on the outside but crying from the inside. it just comes. prayers, reflections and moments of peace do help as well as knowing that someone is really listening really helps and heals.

Depression really is a serious matter. I've experienced one myself. I lost my dear cousin because of depression. My family were in a loss. We thought that he's okay and is not bothered by anything but truth be told he is not okay. He felt lonely, he felt sad and alone, he felt empty. He is always wearing a smile whenever we see each other but in reality, he's just putting up his facade. He is really in pain. He needs love and attention but he feels like there's no one he could talk too. He felt tired of his life so he ended it with himself thinking he can end his pain and suffering.

I hopeeveryone pays attention to their love one because we never know that his experiencing depression and he/she needs us to help them and to be there for him.

Thank you for sharing awareness to us about depression.

I am new here.Can you upvote me, please?

Really nice informative post. It will be great help for the depressed persons. Thanks for sharing su h good post.

Yeah it should be take actions early

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