The "Follow Me" Protocol: Quid Pro Quo Is Not The Way To Go

in #steemit7 years ago


Having been on here for a while now, I've seen a lot of people responding to posts that people take a long time and a lot of work to prepare with "follow me." That's it, generally... every once in awhile you get something like, "Nice post- follow me." Speaking for myself, this just pisses me off and is counterproductive in my opinion. If you want people to follow you... produce some good content- something worth reading, or viewing.

I saw an introductory post by a young woman who posted only a picture and a caption that read (guess what?) FOLLOW ME. By the way, the title was, are you ready... Follow Me. I want to see everyone that comes to Steemit succeed, but I don't think this is the way to go. I'm not a very good writer as far as writers go, but I put a lot of time and effort into what I write. Typically, a chapter of the Night Gods, or the Lottery Council will take me 4-5 hours to complete... I agonize over every word to make certain it says what I want to say. When I get "follow me" for a comment. you can only imagine what I think!

Sometimes, I get "follow me and I'll follow you back"... (usually from someone with 25 followers, or so). Gee, I think... don't do me any favors. Actually, it's more like- Fuck you, follow this! I would rather have 100 loyal followers that read my stuff than 1000 of the "follow me" assholes. After posting, I'm cleaning out my "following" list and if I don't know you, or you're not someone that's come up with something better than "follow me" adios! I hope I don't lose a bunch of followers over this, but I guess if I do, they weren't really followers after all.

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Hey @richq11 this is so true I noticed ever since I got past a rep of 60 I often get people asking me to follow them, its annoying as they dont provide anything first, if they was a regular voter or a decent content writer then I would consider it yes.

I don't even give upvotes to my friends unless I like the post! I cleared over 200 people I was following off the list! I guess I'm not immune!!!

After posting, I'm cleaning out my "following" list and if I don't know you, or you're not someone that's come up with something better than "follow me" adios

It also clutters up the feed. I've found that the spam drowns out what I actually want to read. @richq11

That caution looks scary! What can you say about Washington being NOT amused because the ISIS-pledge alliance Maute group in the Philippines is losing against the government?

I haven't been following what's going on there... But if it's ISIS, it can't be good. I did read somewhere that your Pres. has been fighting them.

Yes he is. There were Caucasian casualties. Also, a cocaine lab was also found with millions of Pesos in there, some heavy artillery too. Hopefully, martial law is enough to defeat them, its more than 30 days now.

I'm praying for you guys! Are you somewhere safe???

Thank you. My family are from the north, though i have relatives in Mindanao but outside Marawi City.

I've just been making regular comments. I feel like those simple comments are usually low rated and don't get exposure either. Kind of defeats the purpose!

No it doesn't... people generally pay less for comments than posts. Don't take it personally. People just want to feel like you read their stuff rather than just "follow me."

Great advice-especially for my new - user self. Ha! I'm curious about your writing. Are Night Gods and Lottery Gods books or short stories that you write?

Good question! When I started the Lottery Council, I thought I could do it in 2 chaps. I'll be posting Chapter XIX today (it's almost done) The Night Gods is actually Part II, a sequel.

This is a link to the last chap of the Lottery council... if you scroll down there's links back to the beginning.

Oh. They are stories you're sharing on Steemit!?!! That. Is. Awesome.

I've been doing really well here... when the price of steem is up, I generally get about $80 + a chapter.

That's amazing. Great work. When I'm finished writing for my clients, I'm going to check out your stories.

Thank you... I just posted another chapter of The Lottery Council (That's what took me so long to respond) Do you live in the US?

Yes, I'm in North Carolina. You?

Arkansas. I used to live in NC... with the Indians in Pembroke. If you Google The Kid That Became A Guy... it's my life story. You should be able to find a chap with links to the beginning. I wrote it as a story but it's all true.

I'm hopeful that if we all ignore them they will stop -- the whole "dogs don't chase parked cars" thing.

However -- that hasn't stopped spam or telemarketers -- they can exist and continue to clog up our airways on a remarkably low percentage of return responses.

Any thoughts on what the community can do to actively discourage this besides wasting a down vote that otherwise could be used as an up vote to support someone?

I mute them that way I'm not bothered. I haven't downvoted or flagged since I've been here... But my mute list is as long as your arm!

It honestly pisses me off when someone ignores your entire post and just says "follow me" even when you put hours into something they'll ignore it all together and beg for upvotes or follows.

Really the only thing that i don't like about steemit at the moment.

Me too my friend... That's why I wrote the post... maybe we can discourage a few.

I made a post last night about nearly breaking my nose while cooking.

Someone posted underneath it "looks yummy"

Some people man.

Don't you love it... Work for hours and they TOTALLY miss the point!

Ahh well, it's a thing we have to live with when money is on the line I guess, they leave the site eventually when they don't make any money haha

I agree- you can smell that they are just in it for the money.

Not to mention the desperation!

Yep - write up something worth reading- from the heart- and then keep doing that and you will succeed on steemit.

Well stated, and exactly how I feel.

I haven't been here that long so the perfunctory "I like the way you write, check out my blog" comments are still getting a polite reply that sends them to a post about Follow-Begging.

I was busy not sleeping about 5:00 am composing a similar post in my head.

I should actually start writing, maybe if enough of us say the same thing often enough and loudly enough... nah, the vast majority won't listen.

But it's worth posting for those rare people who will become part of that 100 dedicated, active group of engaged & dedicated members of your community.

Absolutely! I have about 850 followers and my posts are lucky to get 100 views (and that's on a good day!)

This may sound a bit "trite" (I looked that up to make sure I was using it correctly) but;

It's not you, it's them.

As much as people would like to believe that "anyone" can make it here, the law of averages doesn't agree. The idea that "God created all men equal" is difficult to agree with when you objectively look around the world today.

With that said, I think that Steemit is currently the closest thing to Galt's Gulch (or at least what I understand that to be) that anyone has created.

Produce good content for whatever percentage of your readers are capable of "getting it."

Don't totally discount the Butterfly Effect either, you might be the one who posts something that inspires some momentous change.

I doubt it... The last chapter of my story got 27 views in an hour!!!

It only takes 1 to make a difference.

But, you're not allowed to know which one. ;-)

When you're writing your ass off to save your life... It makes a difference!!!

I know, believe me.

This is the only opportunity I have left.

I don't have any simple answers. I spent 6 hours on a post that the current payout value is $3.99 after 2 days, and that's after a minnowsupport upvote.

It's frustrating when you put a lot of effort into something and a single comment on someone else's post makes you more than your own work.

Tell me about it! I've been taking care of my ex-boss, living at his house. But his family is getting tired of his antics (he totalled a $65,000 Audi last week) and they're going to put him in a home... I'm trying to make enough to keep things going without having tp power down!

The insane amount of postings on this topic is well, insane :)

After living in for a month, I figured what we need is a really good onboarding class -- I am a woman on a mission.

Good idea! You sound like the right person for the job!!!

Thanks... I really needed those words. Back to work :)

I just posted a chapter to my book... I need a rest!!!

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