In the seventeenth round in Serie A, Torino will travel to San Paoli to play Napoli in a very interesting encounter. Each team is looking to gain more points in this match so they are not left behind in the race for the title in Serie A!
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En la fecha 17 de la Serie A tenemos otro interesante encuentro entre dos equipos que están teniendo una gran temporada, Napoli recibe en el San Paoli al Torino en la búsqueda de conseguir puntos y no quedarse atrás en la carrera por el titulo de la Serie A.
S.S.C. Napoli
In the last five rounds, Napoli has lost many important points as they have had two draws and three victories, which has left them behind in the race for the title. Napoli is currently ranked fourth in the table with and they are eight points behind the leader, Juventus. Another factor to take into account is that Lazio, a team in their table, has the same amount of points as Napoli does, so if they lose, they have a good chance of descending one or two positions in their table, leaving them in an even more unfavorable position. All in all, Napoli must win at all costs.
Napoli ha dejado escapar varios puntos importantes en los últimos 5 encuentros con 2 empates y 3 victorias, lo cual lo ha dejado un poco atrás en la carrera por el titulo. Se encuentran actualmente en el puesto 4 de la tabla a 8 puntos del líder. Por lo cual buscaran de sumar en casa, otro factor a tomar en cuenta es que Lazio posee igual cantidad de puntos que ellos, por lo que si llegan a perder podrían llegar a bajar 1 o dos puestos dejándolos en una posición aun más desfavorable. Napoli debe de ganar a toda costa.
Fortunately, Napoli's coach, Sarri, will have almost the whole squad healthy and capable to play expect for his striker, Milik. Unfortunately, Milik has been a considerable loss for the team, but Napoli has got used to playing without him, therefore, Napoli's performance should not be affected by this. Also, Napoli is considered the favorite to win this match.
El técnico de Napoli, Sarri, tendrá a su disposición toda la plantilla, ya que solo posee lesionado al delantero Milik, el cual ha sido una baja considerable pero el equipo se acostumbro a jugar esta primera vuelta del campeonato sin el por lo que no se vera afectado el rendimiento del equipo en este encuentro. Napoli es considerado como el favorito para ganar este encuentro.
Torino has had a good start to the season, but recently, they have not been doing very well in Serie A, in their last two games, they suffered two defeats at the hands of Juventus and Sampdoria, which has dropped them from fifth place to eighth place in their table. Because of the situation they are placed in, they must overcome it against Napoli in Napoli's stadium and pick up as many points possible to move back up to the fifth position in their table.
Torino había tenido un buen comienzo de temporada, pero en los últimos dos encuentros han sufridos derrotas a manos de la Juventus y Sampdoria, lo cual los ha hecho descender de los primeros 5 puestos del campeonato al 8 puesto de la tabla. Es por ello que los dirigidos por Sinisa necesitan hacerse fuertes al visitar al Napoli en su estadio y obtener puntos para retomar la racha ganadora con la que habían comenzado.
Luckil, Torino's players will all be healthy. Their coach, Sinisa can use his usual formation (4-3-3) against Napoli. Although, he may have a more defensive approach as his team is the visiting team, but their man goal is to come out on top.
Torino no posee a ningún jugador lesionado para este encuentro. Sinisa podrá emplear su formación habitual 4-3-3 contra Napoli. Quizás le dé un enfoque más defensivo por ser equipo visitante pero igualmente buscaran de llevarse la victoria ya que no pueden darse el lujo de seguir bajando posiciones en la tabla del campeonato.
This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the first half of Dec 18. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $13.58 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
Napoli RULES!
S.S.C. Napoli
Napoli win
Napoli no doubt
napoli to WIN
Napoli to win! o/
napoli wins
torino win
Torino baby!
Torino F.C.
who will win
This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the first half of Dec 18. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $13.58 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Dec 18 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
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