People on my Discord are trying to kill me. Please go there and talk to them.
Dr. Stella on Alex Jones. Covid is not all they got. Globalists have more tricks. Watch Alex Jones for more info. Google is delisting or deranking all search results minus a few approved sites. Many small businesses will suffer due to this leading towards potential famine. People may starve to death. Many people relied on Google.
If you want your article or anything to be searchable, it has to be run through a Google program and approved before it will show up in search results meaning Google will not allow anything they dislike in the search results. Google is used by most people online. When an alternative search engine to Google goes viral, then Google or others buy them up, we are being captured, Alex Jones reporting, Trump or Death, Elon Musk should launch his own search engine to compete with Google, Facebook, TikTok.
Globalists aren't going to stop at reducing the global population from 8 billion people to 500 million. If there were 2 immortal Rothschild creatures left on the planet, they would then try to kill each other even if they were the last two humans on earth. Alex Jones reporting.
My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn on social media. If you're new here, visit introduction and also check out the following links as well. You can also google search my name combined with keywords to find more of my content all over the Internet. You can also chat and advertise in my group on Discord. My content is not copyrighted meaning free to share, clip, reupload, edit, syndicate, rebroadcast, mirror, steal, copy, etc.
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Dr. Stella on Alex Jones
Oatmeal Daily - 2023-09-07 - Thursday | Published in September of 2023