My Trip to Egypt - Part 1

in #travel7 years ago

Back in 2012 (I know, it was a few years ago, but it's a funny/interesting story!) I went to Egypt!

I have a fascination with the place anyway, due to the Ancient Egyptians so I was estatic when my (ex) partner and I booked a holiday there.

Although, it wasn't easy to begin with, I had a few issues with convincing him to go! Ended up having an argument, because he wasn't too keen on the idea of spending the money. Yet, I needed a holiday, I had a rough year!

So, we eventually made it!


We did a River Nile Cruise, here is the boat we went on:

Although our room was on a lower deck and there was a strong smell of fuel outside our cabin. Luckily it wasn't in the room or I would have complained!

The first day, we actually went to the Valley of the Kings, although we weren't allowed to take photos while we were there, but here's a photo of me at a site before we got to the Valley of the Kings instead:


After the Valley of the Kings we went to this shop/house where they sell lots of real artifacts for tourists, including ancient artifacts. I bought a lovely vase and my (ex) partner bought a statue of anubis.

We also managed to squeeze in our first temple, Temple of Hatshepsut:

I think this temple has to be one of my favourites (below Abu Simbel) for the sheer beauty of it! The tour guide told us, however, that there is a huge issue with the rock face behind it, in which it is actually built into (it goes back into the rock) because the is cracking and the temple is at risk of being lost!

Later that day we went back to the ship for dinner, and onward travel down the Nile. We had to go through a loch though, and we were told to keep watch because lots of egyptians gather around and try to sell items to those on board, it was a strange experience!


We also loved our room cleaners too, they were always trying to make it interesting, look what they did to some towels one day:


The next day we saw our second temple, Temple of Kom ombo, unfortunately my (ex) partner was very sick that day and although he tried to go see it, he ended up throwing up and we went back to the ship. I was gutted I didn't get to see the temple, I should have just left him on the ship! For the rest of the day we just chilled out on the ship (well, he chilled, I was bored!)


The next day he was better, thank goodness and we managed to go and see some more sites!

We travelled again during the day, down the Nile and got to Aswan. It was a beautiful city! As soon as the ship started entering the area it was full of green, built up buildings, sailing boats and other ships:


And before the day was finished, we visited a Nubian Museum (I have a few photos of inside, but I was a little worried about taking photos in this museum). When we got out, the day had turned to night (and was a little cooler). And it was just as pretty at night (Sorry for the bad photo):


The next morning we got up to visit the High Dam, here's a random photo of me in a life jacket:


And a photo of me overlooking the water in the High Dam:

We were told that the High Dam, although it has been brilliant for the people of Egypt as a source of electricity to power the city and surrounding areas, it has caused parts of the Nile to flood, and as such, a lot of temples have unfortunately been submerged. Well, at least Abu Simbel had, before they managed to move it (more on that later).

After seeing the High Dam, we saw another temple:


I believe this one is Philae.

We did a bit of a boat trip after seeing the High Dam and Philae, and we came across this:

This is the steam-powered boat that was featured in Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile - ironically I went out and bought the book not long after we got back home to the UK!

The next morning, we woke up early and did Abu Simbel! Something I have been looking forward to all trip! This site really should be classed as one of the Wonders of the World! It's something very special.
We had to get up very early in the morning (I think it was about 5 in the morning) to drive through the Sahara Desert with an escort and an armed police officer on the bus!

But we made it and it was worth the trip!

Don't forget there are two temples at this site! One for Ramesses the Great and the only temple (or maybe the second?) in Egypt (that they know of) that was constructed for a Queen (There are a few for Goddesses, but no Queens!) The temple of Hathor and Nefertari:

(Hathor was a god, Nefertari was Ramesses's wife or 'chief consort').

I haven't got the space here to write about the mysterious wonders of this temple (Ramesses temple at least), but if you'd like me to write a post about it, let me know in the comments!

Unfortunately, my (ex) partner was ill on this trip too! Which caused a bit of a stir and lost time exploring! But we were lucky enough that we had just enough time having a look around.
And again, we weren't allowed to take photos inside!

The next day, after a long trip back through the desert and a well deserved early night, we were up early again the next morning for a hot airballoon ride! It was magical!


Only, when we landed, it wasn't planned to land in a farmer's field!


And the van to pick us up, got stuck!


But we had help from a local farmer, who came with his tracker!

I also nearly got myself a husband - a lovely Egyptian man followed me around trying to talk to me (in Egyptian Arabic) and I realised afterwards he was asking if we (myself and my ex-partner) were married. I should have said yes! Lol!

But we made it back in time for the ship to move on again onto our next destination! And we visited another temple!

Medinet Habu temple!

Part 2 coming soon!

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