Travel with me #78 : A visit to the magnificent Rose Island, Sandy Toes and snorkeling with Lion Fish!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends :


One of the best things about Bahamas is how many beautiful exotic islands there are. In fact, there are over 700 islands and islets which constitute the country that is Bahamas. Each have their own unique pedigree but I'm sure most visitors to Bahamas will agree that they are all largely unspoiled and very picturesque!

I haven't had much time to explore all the islands on this trip, but I did have the opportunity to visit the main ones like Compass Cay, Major Cay and Exuma Cays. Each had their own little surprises which are definitely worth a visit!

With so much to see and do, you might be wondering whether I had the opportunity to just enjoy the tropical weather, chill on the beach, swim in the sea and relax? The answer to that is yes!

I had the pleasure of visiting Rose Island, Sandy Toes and spend a day sipping cocktails by the beach, and swimming in the sea! Many would say that's the ideal activity for such a vacation and I must say - I agree!


The day started very early, I woke up around 7am to another gorgeous day brimming with sunshine and was ready for a lazy relaxing day at the private island known for it's pink sands!

The excursion was very easy to book, you can either book at your hotel, over the internet, or just turn up at the port where the boat leaves. Of course, I like to make sure everything is booked up in advance so I booked my excursion the very first day I arrived.


The gathering point for the boat trip is Magaritaville, a very popular restaurant and bar at the edge of Paradise Island.


Just beside Magaritaville, is the port where all of the boats are docked ready to take people all around Bahamas.

The bridge in the picture connects Nassau to Paradise Island and is quite impressive!

For this trip, a speedboat wasn't necessary because there were probably around 50 other people coming as well.
The boat gently pulls out from the dock and makes it's way at moderate speed through the harbour towards the open seas.


Only 15 minutes later, we're already arriving at Rose Island. The boat trip was short and actually very pleasant. Before docking, we drove along the long elongated island and saw very few man made buildings there. It certainly looks like a paradise waiting for me to explore!


The boat pulls over at what looks like the only dock on the island and we all disembark the boat immediately clamouring up the side of the hill ready to explore.



To my surprise, I was greeted by a bunch of free roaming chickens!


A small narrow passage connects between the landing area and the beach. It's all very natural and walking through, I felt like I was trekking through a small forest with Chickens watching my every step. How peculiar!

Amazingly, there were also quite a number of peacocks just chilling in the shade. Coming so close to them, I'm amazed by their beautiful plumage. They are even more beautiful in person than the pictures could show.





At the end of the little passage, we arrive at the beach bar and massage area which overlooks the sea and beautiful beach.

As you can imagine, i'm a little anxious to get my my feet wet!

I was really blown away by the beautiful and natural setting. All around, there are these beautiful rock formations that have been left untouched preserving their beauty.

In the distance, you can see a neighbouring island like a mirage unveiled before your eyes.


One of the best aspects about Rose Island is that it is a private island. This means there are virtually no people there and you can have so much of the beach to yourself. Exclusivity aside, the name Rose Island also comes from the fact that here, you will find the sandy beaches tinted in a slightly Rose colour. Sometimes, it's even called "Pink Sands".

The skies were absolutely amazing, whilst the sun toasted my skin and added to my already darkening skin tone, I kicked back for a moment to enjoy the neon-blue skies, threaded by heavenly white puffy clouds.

With such scenic and idyllic surroundings, it's hard to resist jumping for joy...

Before long, I felt the need to take a dip in the calm and tranquil water. Like most other islands in Bahamas, the water clarity is something to me marvelled at.

Just around this rock formation, you can see the coral reefs through the crystal clear water. It's amazing how the water blends from a yellow colour and through a gradient all the way to the tiffany blue colour you see further out.

Perfect opportunity for some on the fly photoshoots!

I really can't hold down my excitement so more jumping is due!

After some time at the beach, the hosts kindly invited us over for some impromptu island lunch.

Most people were happy to sit in the shade, but look at that view from the balcony!


After lunch, we had a couple more hours to enjoy the beach, but for more the more adventurous of us, we had the option of doing some light snorkelling around the island.

The ideal snorkelling spot is just around that rock where the corals and reefs are.

If you don't have your own gear, then they are happy to provide you with it for a small deposit.

Be sure to check out my video of my snorkelling adventure! Look out for the Lion Fish!

I made sure to leave a mark on the island before I left!

And that wraps up my day at Rose Island, Sandy Toes! After travelling around all over Bahamas, this one day mini escape to a private island was a much needed time to relax. I can't stress how beautiful the island is with it's roaming chickens, peacocks and myriad of natural fish swimming around the surrounding corals. If or when you visit Bahamas, I highly recommend taking one day to enjoy this little gem of an island for a truly memorable day of pure relaxation!

Be sure to upvote if you liked my post, follow for more, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!

旅行中总有几个难以忘怀的瞬间,遇见美好,再挥别美好,期待下一次重逢。1492年哥伦布登陆巴哈马,把这个人间天堂带到了世界的眼前。有着人间伊甸园之称的巴哈马,总共有700的岛屿,每一个都有它独一无二的特色,这里拥有大约26万平方公里世界上最清澈的海域,水下能见度可达到61米。我相信只要是来过这些岛的人,一定不会否认他们每一个都美到落泪。这一次旅行中,我虽然没有机会走遍这大大小小的岛屿,但是我也很幸运去到了Allen Cay喂了漂亮的小蜥蜴,去了Big Major Cay和会游泳的小猪一起玩水,最后还去到了Compass Cay和水里的猛兽鲨鱼来了此彻彻底底的亲密接触。

其实我知道巴哈马的招牌活动,除了和小猪一起游泳,另一个不得不去的就是粉色沙滩了。全世界唯一一片粉红色的沙滩,是因为海水冲刷红珊瑚而形成的,这里是度假天堂,也是拍照圣地。这片传说中的人间仙境位于巴哈马的Harbour Island东边,它有一个浪漫的不得了的名字——Rose Island玫瑰岛。这个保护这个地球上的粉色珍珠海滩,当地旅游公司实行了限制登岛流量的政策,每天只有50个人左右可以登上这个岛。所以我几乎提前一周,就预约了去岛上玩。今天我们就坐着小船,去探索一下最美丽的粉色沙滩吧,我已经兴奋的按捺不住了。今天我们要去玫瑰岛上的Sandy Toes沙滩的脚尖,这个名字是不是太有创意了。在船上,可以看到两岸一排排富人的别墅小洋房,白色,粉色的真漂亮,这25座色彩斑斓的小别墅融合了摩洛哥,印度和印尼巴厘岛等多种风格。船上放着欢快的音乐,游客们不自觉地跟着舞蹈起来,不一会就到了玫瑰岛。让我意料之外的是,岛上除了有最美颜色的沙滩,原来还有小鸡和孔雀,我赶紧过去和它们照相,孔雀的羽毛在阳光下闪闪发光。岛上的人们为了欢迎我们,还准备的欢迎的饮料,芒果味的鸡尾酒喝下去身体真清凉。顺着岛上各种形态的椰子树,就走到了海滩,海滩边还有一个酒吧,我们买了无限畅饮票的还可以一直喝饮料和酒水,真的太清凉了。这片粉色沙滩长约3英里,真正的粉色沙砾成了它的最大特点。再看看海水的颜色,在阳光下不停变换着它的颜色。到了中午用餐的时间,岛上的工作人员端来大盆的沙拉,热狗,还有烤鸡肉当作自助餐,坐在这样的美景前面,彻底陶醉了,都快要忘记吃饭了。



Great post. This is the kind of post I love to see. Beautiful photos of places and beautiful girl. It is so nice to have the combination of both all in one post. Thumbs up!


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you are too good in writing. I just love your all posts. bdw you are dam preety.

thank you steemlover, really appreciate you loving my posts, that means alot!


hi friends .. i have your vote please vote have me, let us be familiar ..


your photos very beautiful!! 😊

I can't believe how clear the water is! Diving in this area must be wondrous.

its absolutely beautiful!

Wow that is beautiful! Who is your cameraman? You need to invite me on the next vacation.

Haha, an avid traveller like myself, quite the internet celebrity in their own circles 😊

how did you get those underwater shots??

they look great by the way!

Was wondering the same thing haha

thank you orangeshasta! I have an old GoPro which I took with me !

Thanks 😊

nice shots.

I know that GoPro can do this kind of stuff but a friend told me is not the best for submersion. Would you agree with that?

did you used GoPro for deep submersion?

A GoPro is made to be used for action videography and water sports! The challenge is to keep it steady enough because it has no image stabilisation!

would you consider yourself vain or narcissistic? you seem to show an excessive interest in or admiration for yourself and your physical appearance.

thanks arthur-schopen, such is the world we live in. Anyone who uses instagram (and that's like most of the modern world) probably enjoys pictures of themselves and the things they get up to. No one needs to be criticised for being social and sharing pieces of their life with everybody.
Do you take pleasure in going against the grain of the society we live in? That's a rhetorical question.

I enjoyed this reply.
I used to be a bodybuilder and model before i got sick and my addictions spun out of control.

There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearence of even recognising that you look good.

If I didnt lose my body and my looks i would have gone down the same genre as sweets for steemit.

Now I am running a diary: the diary of a heroin addict. Check it out...

Great post sweets.

Thank you goldenbrown, i'm intrigued to hear your story, I followed you to see more :)

@sweetssj not everyone uses Instagram so it is only a small part of the world we live, while it might be a large part of the world you live in. What your comment did do was make me ask the question how many people are on Instagram? It turns out 700 million, which was surprising. FB owns Instagram and that influencers charge up to $100,000 for a sponsored post. I think I will submit a story about it later today.
While there are real benefits of social media. Do you realise and some thing which I have known for some time is that is a link to physiological issues. Many people live in a world of oversharing and oversensitive mindset.
I do take pleasure in going against the grain of society and there is nothing wrong with it. Just because an opinion is popular doesn't make it right or true. As a curious person and a critical thinker, much of my knowledge is based on decades of research and observations.
You should try not get offended by someone just because they have a different view to you, it might actually be that they know a bit more about what they are talking about.
I wish you well, if you have the time, have a look at some of my posts, good luck to you.

Arthur, I simply cannot accept your logic particularly when you are claim to be a philosopher and yet can't coherently put together an argument without being snide about it. You should know better.

Your very first issue is that you made an assumption about me, and then you put a measurement of a trait that is totally subjective on a immeasurable scale and outright fleeced me.

I won't take a look at someone's blog who has nothing better to do than complain about the injustice of the world and claim to be a philosopher when they can't even put together an argument without serious logical inconsistencies. You may have spent decades conducting research and observed many things, but that doesn't automatically put you in a set of people that know anything about about whether I am vain, narcissistic or even whether your theories about the negative consequences of social media are true.

I have read plenty of philosophy and done plenty of critical thinking exercises myself, and I wouldn't approach formulating an argument based on lose observations and assumptions.

Arthur, I was going to make a sharp response, but I went to your page instead! You have too much going for you, to be wasting your time trolling a young lady who is just trying to make a buck. I'm now following you, hope to see some more good content!

Cheers, @arthur-schopen


@underground thanks for that comment and following, it's much appreciated. You have a nice way about you.
I think we are all here for a similar reasons and this young lady has a head start. I am not trying to upset people but some times people get pissed too easy once they hear something that goes against what they believe.
Let's face it. If I had not of made that post I would not have such a nice follower as yourself. So on that basis alone, I am glad I posted. Aside from that, many people are falling into the trap of believing all that is online and it is affecting the "real world".

Lots of truth there, Arthur! However, I (and hopefully most others) see Miss SweetSSSJ as a temporary diversion from the ordinary. I'm hoping steemit does NOT become a place for "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" or anything that vacuous!!! LMAO!
SweetSSSJ is clearly much smarter and has more on the ball than "Big-A$$ KimmY" lololZ

Hello sweetssj.. looks like you enjoyed so much your holiday in bahamas, you have your photographer he or she did a good job! great photos.

I and many other divers use GoPros all of the time. They come with a case that is good for 300 feet or something.

please i need ur help i need ur following me

hi ms sweetsss. what a beautiful and sexy body. you look so great on your swimsuit ..and your dress is color blue also..your so to be with you..?^_^ i love the beach and the white sand.,,

i have dedicated poem on you hope you read it. and like it.. ^_^ take care always dear.


This comment has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 23.58 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @pastzam. Vote for Aggroed!

This comment gets a 2.27 % upvote thanks to @pastzam - Hail Eris !

If only.. :)

this is my exact reaction to this beautiful post!

I like toast 🍞

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