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RE: Truth bullies? Or logical people with reasonable questions?

in #truth7 years ago

Logical analysis?

No, just standard investigatory practices. Get the truth from as close to the source as possible.

The trouble with this is, if this a black flag event, then you cannot talk to those close to the source. They are unavailable. As in the FBI won't let you near them. And often "they" don't even exist.

So, we are left analysing photos. And asking people who have experience with triage to examine these photos.

From the photo above, a bullet did not cause that wound. When a bullet breaks through a bone, it leaves bone shards everywhere. These bone shards cut the flesh up every time they move. So, we must get out as many as we can. Thus, if the bullet went into the brain, we are going to have open brain surgery.

Further, the exit wound from a bullet is much larger than the entrance wound. The entire skin area around the exit wound will be a bloody, bruised mess.

Since, none of these always their things are not in the photo, then the photo is in doubt.


It is entirely possible for a bullet to impact the head at such an angle as to not damage the skull, but simply go under the skin, travel along the bone, and then exit the skin. It would cause one hell of a headache, but no lasting damage of the brain. This happens in war with full metal jacketed bullets, especially the small caliber bullets used in the AR-15 or M-16 type guns. Even 30 caliber bullets will do this if the bullet hits at a glancing angle instead of a straight on hit. A straight on hit would blow a chunk of skull and brains out of the exit wound due to hydraulic pressure.