
Just have you have said and I’m replying to
I’m never holding back but playing it bigger.
No more hiding but leading
No more excuses but executions
It’s time to come into the light cause I’m playing it really big. Thanks for the motivation 🙌
It’s about time I changed my game to the next level


Thanks for sharing this encouraging words specially this lines

I’ve held back for far too long,
thinking I needed to know it all and come out with a bang,
that I wasn’t yet ready to be a role model, because I didn’t
have all the results I wanted in my life.

Sometimes we rely or me specifically on the things at the moment! I let all the opportunities passed by, I really need this one! your posts really was exactly on time thanks man! It could be a life changing or history making for me

Awesome. Great to hear. 😇

What advice do you give someone to overcome fear?
Sometimes we believe that we trust in ourselves, and we have faith in ourselves, but you feel that your family distrusts our capacity, how do you do not let yourself be emotionally influenced by them? It is not easy to know that your father or mother mistrusts


If they'd like to "overcome" it... commit to at least 3 nights of ayahuasca ceremony with a proper shaman, setting that as your intention. he he. 😇

how do you do not let yourself be emotionally influenced by them?

Such centering oneself on their own path is a challenge for many, which can often be a lifetime journey. I really don't think there's a one-size-fits-all answer to that, the solution varying from person-to-person, differing at different times of life, and perhaps unfolding in multiple parts...

Good text for this Sunday, @rok-sivante! The one who plays is exposed to win, if you don't bet, you don't even dream of victory. Sometimes we stay in our comfort zone doing always the same thing, without daring to do something different, to go against. Knowing that although the wind is against, the heart is always in favor. We must learn that everything is a risk, that living is a risk! That it will be very sad if you come out of life whole, without anything broken, without any experience to tell, without any tear to dry, without any love to miss. Then, as your mantra today: Bet on everything! If you are going to surrender, give it all! If you are going to love, love without measure. If we give 50% of ourselves, we will always be left with the doubt that would have happened if we had given 100%. Let's deliver our best cards, let's not save the best piece for a special moment, because maybe that moment will never come. If we have a dream, let's make it come true; if we love, let's say it. May your life be an inspiration for others. It is always good to read you! Hugs


Never been a fan of motivational speeches but this kinda got to me.

There is so much more I could've been if I had seen the bigger picture from the onset. Well am 24 and its not too late, I see it now and am determined to play as big as I can. Thanks

It is a very impressive, everyone who reads this will be impressed by it
Humanity can achieve major achievements through philanthropy

I think people become demoralized with the cut throat, ball lickers, beta males, the ones who need to cheat, lie, back stab their way up, the gate keepers who push away talent because they themselves lack talent, businesses like mediocre wet noodles, yes men, its a disgusting market, the last 20 plus years they have murdered the talent pool to further help crony capitalism win out. Decentralization is becoming mainstream because people can finally see real talent without the corporate gate keepers promoting their weak beta drivel, in someways if you are successful today what did you compromise, who did you throw under the bus on your way up, successful people maybe the worst role models today, 20-30 years ago I would argue against what I said, but you must stand strong regardless and not judge who you are by the sociopathic standards of today. Play bigger, and take down the establishment weak on your way out 😈

@rok-sivante, Yes, for sure there are many obstacles of life which surrounds us and which expands Fear Aspects in our life and inturn it pushes us in an shell, but as you said we and people around us will expand when we decided to step up in life while defeating and overcoming from all the fears. And it's easy to fear and stop initially and difficult to overcome fear and step up, but time will tell that second choice was life changing.

Yes, the vast world is staying inside us and it's just matter of Understanding and people who understand their inner world then for sure we will going to see the Inner Transformation and when we see inner transformation then for sure our thoughts will going to transform and inturn we will going to hold the power of changing of our reality.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

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