Can a Psychic or Channel Help You On Your Journey to Wellness?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #wellness7 years ago


Some of us believe in a world that exist far beyond our human knowledge, a world where all of the answers are known. Some of us believe it's poppy-cock. For those of you willing to take a chance, getting a reading from someone who is well known and trusted may just change your mind, or solidify in your mind, what you have known to be true all along.
Getting insight into your own life, feelings, and purpose when you are lost, can seem like a bright beacon of hope. And believe it or not, most people are skeptics until they have their first reading or experience with a channel, psychic, past life hypnotist, or chart reader. I was certainly one of those people. However, having my own readings has opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at life.

What these gifted people do isn't exactly what you would expect. They don't and can't tell you when you are going to die or how but other than that, the door for information is wide open. You can ask about yourself, your career, where you should be headed in life, or how to live up to your potential. You can ask about a troubled relationship or the cause of your angst and how to help yourself. The possibilities are endless!

The bottom line is, you just might find the information that is shared with you via one of these people to be very freeing. You may find that you are, in-fact, on the right track. You may gain some perspective to the direction you should be going, therefore finding a sense of renewed confidence. The experience can be soul changing. All of these things are beneficial to your well being and your health. A serious does of universe can do us all some good, would you agree?

Here is a list of professionals, that I personally have used, that are highly recommended in their fields and the links to their sites.

Channel/Psychic - Paul Selig
Psychic/Medium - James Van Praagh
Astrologist - Heather Ensworth Ph.D.
Hypnotist (Past live or between life regression) - Robert Schwartz

A couple of very well know Psychic/Mediums (that are much more difficult to see as their popularity has grown due to their televised gifts), but you can still see them in action free on youtube:
John Edwards
Allison Dubois

So next time you really want or need some answers, look to the universe and someone who can connect you to it, and enjoy the smile that it brings to your face and to your soul.



I was sent here by my guides thank you :)

I believe you chose to come here to fulfill your need to experience and learn. Your guides are here to protect you and keep you on a the path of your highest and best good.
I talk to mine daily.

Thank you for reading and responding!

it seems such 'big business' in America and monetized to the max that it kind of starts feeling like greed.
In England the clairvoyants (no matter how good) would never have a secretary, office and 3 to 6 month waiting list and they would never charge the 'sky' for their gifts.
Its one thing that always upset me with the American Clairvoyants... they seem to be more akin to an Evangelist, with a big 'cha-ching'.
Everybody is entitled to earn a living in this world, but i think the American ones have gone too far (with the business side of it).
Unless of course my experience in America is not reflective of the entire country. (in which case I apologize).
I'd love to hear your take on this, as I assume you are from America.

I totally agree with you. When I ran into these people that I recommend, they too were much cheaper. As a business person, myself, I understand the concept of supply and demand. However, Walmart does make a lot of money. I think in the US, the better you are (more proven), the more money you get per reading. However, that being said, the better you are the more people want your services. One person cannot handle that much business. It's not a gift that you can pass onto another person in your office to handle.
I'm hoping that soon, as more people are born with these gifts, it won't be as expensive and will become more common practice.

Sending good vibes and thank you for reading!

thanks for adding more to this.
I appreciate it.
the only thing that I think I would like to add is this: you said:
"I'm hoping that soon, as more people are born with these gifts, it won't be as expensive"
Does this mean you believe people are 'born' with a clairvoyant gift ?
Personally I think that 'everyone' can do it... it just needs practice.
Some are lucky and can do it without being taught.
but (in my opinion), just about anyone can learn this skill as really we are all made of energy and can use our minds accordingly (if taught correctly).
In theory, a great medium could potentially teach this to several people, thus expanding the supply of mediums.
it sounds a bit like multi-level-marketing or scientology when I said it like that.. Lol
But I think you know what I am getting at.

Do you think that this skill can be learned ?
or do you think its something that only a select few will ever have the ability to do ?

again,, I'm just enjoying chatting with other people around the world about these subjects ;)

I completely agree with you! I believe we all have the ability to work on our universal gifts. However, not many of us are willing to work at honing in our our clairvoyant/empathic/psychic abilities.

More to the point, I think that even if I set out to become a medium, that doesn't mean that I will ever (no matter how much I work at it), actualize as a medium.

I do believe that some people are "born" with very clear abilities to communicate with the universe in ways many others cannot.
If you talk with psychics and mediums, even they admit to limitations of their abilities. Some may be able to see and speak with people who have passed, where as others do not have that ability. That is only one example.

Do I think that we can be taught? I believe that we all have empathic abilities. I believe we can be taught a heightened awareness and to trust our intuition in ways that seem out of the realm of reality, yes.

Do I think we can be taught to have conversations with the other side in a way that is beneficial to another party, no.

I enjoy this conversation too! Have you ever taken a look at This mans work is to explore the afterlife. He does several interviews with the kind of gifted people we are discussing. You may want to check it out :)

Sending good vibes my friend!

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