###The Godlings Call---Chapter 2---World Warping!###

in #writing7 years ago

Dearest, Theophilus

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Yet another day passed, as I lay on the cove enthroned between the Rock Of Avalon and sea. This vision was given to me of the young lady. I meditated on it for a while until understanding and clarity found me. Unfortunately, none of those sought me. I determined to fall into despair. Then like the dawning of the sun a light illuminated my path and revealed Percifiny to me. I can not say where this light was born, yet its warmth and radiance put me at ease.

I can no longer offer up my flesh and blood as before; however, I have discovered one of the last living faeries. There are only ten within the known worlds left. Of course, I procured her for a price. Needless to say, I am currently an appendage short. In my younger years it meant so much and yet now it means so little compared to what we have lost.

This princess of faeries is the royal bloodline of Queen Mergo, the Grand Faerie. She has kindly agreed to enchant my letters and protect them from prying eyes. Maybe she feels the end, as much as I?

The spies of the Ancients are many and we dwindle in number. I humbly ask again, that you take up the mantle of Thoth once more and aid us. We require a true scribe and not merely a novice, such as I. Your golden prose can compel gods and men.

Below I leave you with another prophecy or dare I say more of the same. Unlike the last, these are of my own words. The light has allowed me this one joy.

Within my vision, I strolled toward the pool of ages through the forest of Yor and all of the trees greeted my every footstep. The grandest of green sprouted before me and a plethora of lilies were born from large vines, which gave birth to every white petal. It was as if they had expected my presence for quite some time. These lifted me to the very top of the world tree and at its summit; I gazed at the Shinar pool.

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I wondered at its silver glimmer and changes to blue hues. Inside purple spheres of worlds gazed upon by the Celestials appeared. Then this very pool of ages brought forth the girl clear as any day.

Her auburn hair ruffled over a pair of lenses forged by the gods and given the bats eye. For the girl could see into the darkest depths with little or no light.

Percifiny lay on the floor befuddled with strange thick slimes or possibly oils. They were black and grim aura attached to them. It troubled her soul and lowered her spirit. Seemingly the goop attempted to make her more pliable.

A roar then echoed through the dark stone cavity and woke her from the outskirts of oblivion. Poor thing trembled a bit. Her muscles ached from a fall and she grabbed hold of her right arm.

“Billy! Billy! Where are you”, Percifiny replied.

Mind you, I was not sure at the first and had I not seen it; I would not believe nor exercise the thought of it. But there within the swelling of the abyss, a creature of ginormous girth and veracity swam through the midnight void like a whale. It spanned more than 10,000 cubits. This beast was far larger than the Kraken of old or any such tales, as its kin Leviathan.

Percifiny’s voice woke the inward beasts yet again; however, they stood not moving an inch.

“Thou hast awoke an ancient with thine fine scent. Didst thou think it would be easy to remove my treasured piece?”

When he spoke ripples fluxed through the pool of Shinar. Then I became antiquated with the stories of old--the things which existed before the Titans. For a brief second Hastur and a cacophony of sound materialized before me.


What terrible beings they are. I felt shivers down to my hooves.

Once the terror passed, Percifiny appeared again.

“Who are you”, Percifiny asked.

“Foolish girl in the presence of death. Did ye think thou would inquire of my immortal vastness? Whom art thou?

“Then why am I still alive? Why not just kill me and be done with it”, Percifiny said.

“Even, I have found thee amusing. Thy taste is a delicacy. You reek of confidence, hope, and purpose. Knowest thou no purpose exists within the Void? Yet do ye purpose against the depthless. And so the flavors of thine aura fill me. Thus, It pleases me so.”

“You piece of rocky shit! I’m so damn sick and tired of everything in this place taking a piece of me. I don’t care what you are---who you are! You have no god damn right to any of me.”

"Surely, thou lackest knowledge little girl. Be it known to thee, thou art part of a whole. Thy kind is the breed for the purpose of servitude and culinary delight. Ye do well to understand that.”

“We aren’t your slaves or your food, you giant ball sack!”

The ravenous creatures known as the grey became offended by Percifiny’s words and they contorted, rolled and slithered their way towards her.

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One of them lashed at her leg like a whip and opened a wound behind her knee.

It struck me as curious that she was afforded any sort of hope. For the creatures in question could catch their prey in a matter of seconds. Did they see fit to toy with her? She could barely stand, let alone walk.

I continued to watch brave and battered Percifiny persevere none the less. With all her might she limped deeper into
the darkness until she fell over an object.

“Ouch! Watch where the hell yer going idiot.”

“Billy? Crap. We have to get out of here.”

“Wait yer still alive”, Billy said.

“Fine. Fuck you. Stay and rot in this place but I’m getting out”, Percifiny said.

“Ok, fine I’m sorry. How we gonna get out of here in the first place?”

“You’re not the Necronomicon but you’re filled with spells and incantations, right?"

“Yeah but yer no sorceress. How you gonna wield a spell? I mean this is powerful stuff here. And if you screw it up, then you kill yourself and hurt me. And, you ain’t got time to charge one up.”

“That’s not entirely true”, Percifiny said as she pulled out her old pocket watch.

“Oh, Bless yer little heart. Girl, you know last time we got sucked into this thing, on account of you not using that watch properly.”

“Oh, ye of little faith.”

“I ain’t got no faith to place but, I do like a good gamble. I got a good spell too.”

Billy turned his pages to an enchantment and it read World Warping. Which when translated means World Warping.
Percifiny pulled the crown off of her old hunters watch and poured turquoise liquid on Billy’s pages while reciting the words, “Klang-gee Thulu-Kla Hectate Thulu-kla Ha Mani!”

She caressed the blood from behind her knee and placed her fingers into Billy’s mouth. And he drank like it was sweet nectar.

“What’d you do that for?”

“We go now”, Percifiny said.

“Go where it didn’t work.”

Percifiny grabbed Billy off of the cold ground and jumped over into the blackness. She fell over by the wayside further into midnight. It seemed as if the young girl had lost her mind, but then there was a glimmer in her eyes and while this little light appeared, she spoke the word“Abre-Kani!”

This tore open a purple galaxy filed with gold, blue and red stars beneath her. It swirled, pulling in every particle of her being. Percifiny and Billy became a brilliant white and drifted between worlds. She materialized elsewhere. I could not say but felt assured; it was somewhere worthy, for she awoke on soft wet grass. She was accompanied by the scent of lilac comingling with the music of crickets and birds chirping. Certainly a grand place by my own standard, wise Theophilus. This was all the pool revealed unto me that day.

Your brother and true friend,

The Fluted One


Thanks for reading!!

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