The Stupid Old Man Who Thought He Was A Writer

in #writing7 years ago


There was an old man that always wanted to be a writer. Then he heard about this amazing place called Steemit where people get paid to create good content. He decided to give it a go and he worked really hard... But more than anything, he tried to be a good Steemit citizen. When someone was in trouble, he gave as much as he could to help out.

But Steemit changed... it got taken over by rich guys that manipulated prices so only they could make money. It was also taken over by spammers, scammers and beggars.

This guy was stupid enough to believe he could write a book... so he worked really hard, taking time to go to his feed to upvote his friends and other good content. He put in 20 hours over two days hoping to get ahead so he could work on the book... He asked for a little help and support from the Steemit community- what an idiot. They laughed at him, and then kicked him in the teeth... They awarded him $4.95 for 8 straight hours of hard work.

I still have a couple of Chapters written- I might as well get my $5.00 for them before I power down!


Wow ! Definitely the type of post NOT to enter in my Power Of Positivity / #popcontest ! I hope things change after the next hard fork , there's also a lot of bad bots commenting that need to go !!! Best of luck moving forward im not a big book reader , I just don't have time im one of those short posts likes!! Haha ! I find that it seems lately we need a lot of SD of Steem available just to buy up votes from randowhale or minnow booster or booster just to make a bit of money on our posts or try to at least get them noticed !! Steem on my friend , don't give up , it will get better !!💙💙💙👍👍👍

I've written 2 books, and gotten them published (They're available on Amazon) I've never made more than 2 or 3 Hundred dollars from them. So much work, so little recompense. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours editing video. My "Adsense" revenue is crap. I'm not here on Steemit for the money..... Too many are. I'm here on the principal of it. I don't necessarily want the Steem Dollars, but neither do I want my hard work to benefit Sundar Pichai (Google CEO,) or Zuckerberg. These are leeches. They manipulate to benefit themselves, rather than the Community. I don't want to support that. I want a place where I can share opinions, (IMHO LOL) a place where my work and effort doesn't support parasites. Rich guys here on Steemit, can't get anything from ME without a piece of the "Pie" coming my way. Beggars, and spammers are annoying, but really no consequence. My work isn't being stolen for their profit. Hang in there @richq11 We'll do OK together.

Thanks, After 9 months of trying to make this place something we can be proud of, I feel like I've had my guts kicked out!

Too many friends to be made... Too many good interactions.... This overshadows the gut kicking. We can be proud of it anyhow. I feel proud just for knowing you!!!

I'm not going anywhere... I can make the same rewards for posts that 15-20 minutes rather than 8 hours. That way I can post more, make more money and have time to work on the book.

Great comment. Enjoyed. I'm not here for the $ either. Just glad I've found a place that's free.......................

Gee @richqll I'm not sure what to write. Maybe it's just one of those days where everything looks black.

Here are some positives:

1.) in the past 12 days you've had one post that made over $70.00 and another that made over $90.00

2.) you've been motivated to write a book! Wow that's fantastic! How many people have done that!

3.) you've had what I would consider a good level of success on Steemit at the age of 72!!!!!!!! Most people your age couldn't do what you've done!

4.) You have new friends all over the world. People that like and respect you and for what it's worth I'm one!!!!

5.) you've got more than 1300 followers.

6.) right now, at today's low prices you have almost $6000 in your wallet and That doesn't take into consideration what you've already cashed out.

My advice: count your blessings not your problems. Tomorrow will be better!

I can only feel like I feel and I feel like I've had my guts kicked out. I've spent the last 9 months not only for myself but to try to make Steemit a better place (yes, I'm that much of a fool). Now it's just become a haven for scumbags and con artists. I can make as much for 15 minutes worth of work as I can for pouring my heart and soul into something for over 8... which would you do--- Be realistic!

By the way, speaking of sewers, I watched your video about the sewer covers. Great job! In the video I could see that the designs were actually cast into the metal. I couldn't tell by the stills.

Steemit keeps on confusing me - some posts I think is awesome gets nothing, others with 3 lines gets 100's - I just keep to not thinking about upvotes and money and just do a post because I like it and anything I get is a bonus. You cannot let Steemit determine what you thing about your writing ability.

If it's your only source of income, it's different... especially when it's this or a nursing home. You just can never tell what will pay- I've posted stuff I thought was junk and made $100.

Very true - I wish you all the best and hope you get super rich from steemit. You surely have a talent and I hope everybody starts seeing that

Brother - I don' t look to the scammers and takers on here.
Just keep focusing. You worked your bum off in the last eight months. It shows results.

There is summer time, and overall participation/upvote has gone down - a seasonal thing.

Love ya bro!

Thanks Brother! This the only source of income I have (I can't get my Soc. Sec.) I start freaking out. If I just got a few resteems it would widen my viewership- It would take a lot of small voters- I seem to have pissed the bigtimers off.

I hear you @richq11 it is very demotivating. I honestly feel the same way. If I did not have to pay my sons university costs I would've given up long ago. The hardfork was NOT a good thing and hopefully things will change soon. Bad bots must definitely go or this platform is going to become a warzone of flagging! Perhaps we must start and build our own community and only support each other. We used to be a close community and honestly that feeling is gone. It took months for us to get where we are and now people do this is in like 3 months. Perhaps we must start doing shit posts to make people notice us again. I am not even sure that is going to work. I just know that something needs to be done soon because many writers with good content are giving up. What will be left of this platform?

You know, I've been thinking the exact same thing. I wonder how difficult it would be to start a new platform, just for creators... Upvotes for content only, not comments. That's where the problems lie, people getting paid for "nice post, how about an upvote."

This might be the best idea you have had EVER! The ideal platform. No spambots and you HAVE TO QUALIFY TO BE PART OF THIS NEW PLATFORM...
comments are good but no money for comments..... we could even use steem or create our own coin....
Honestly have you looked at the new posts coming in? It is absolutely scary...and I don't discriminate but if someone can post a picture of a cup with no content and get $77 then there is seriously something wrong. I feel totally lost. Competition might be good for

We need to do it! There are over 800 cryptocurrencies... I wonder how hard it would be to get one involved as a medium of exchange. It would draw people to the platform (good for us) and people to the crypto (good for them) Sounds like a win/win! It would take some doing- we need to find people familiar with Blockchain tech. Also have to have active devs- no censorship of ideas- only spam and garbage mongers. Three strikes and you're out!

Let us do some can not be so difficult? I know just the person to talk to!

Good! Let's do it. See what they have to say, let me know and we'll go from there.

Awe steemit aint all that bad :) I like it here!

Have you considered any kind of crowd funding/patreon and promoting yourself on other sites? I think there is only 30,000 active users here unfortunately!

No not really... as long as I can make $25-$50 a day, I'm fine. I was just freaking out after being up all night worrying.

Yeah, that happens to me to sometimes. I get a little thoughtful at night sometimes lol.

I think the best thing for me is to go for a walk for 30 minutes, force myself to not use tech so I can think through things. :) :) Hope you are doing well.

I'm fine thanks!

Hey @richq11 I often feel the same I mean I been trying to get this new computer for a while now and honestly id love to be at your level you made it to dolphin, just remember the more SP you save when the price goes up the more you will get rewarded the more we all grow the more we can help each other. As for the spammers they wont ever go away but I think steemit as a great system for fighting back just dont let them get to ya.

Thanks Buddy... I was up all night worrying. My living conditions have changed... if I don't make at least $25 a day, I'm screwed. It's either Steemit or a state funded nursing home!

Ah no wonder your post, its makes sense now, I am sorry to hear about that @richq11 its just steemit like any other platform takes time to grow I know its not what you want to hear right now. You have done so well not to power down and you hold good value as a dolphin the problem right now if you looked at my steemit value posts the value of Steem as being going down which means you will get less rewards and less for your powerdowns. I really hope you manage your $25 per day and not end up in a state home wish I could do more buddy but my steem power aint great yet.

Maybe I'll get rich off the book lol!

This is truly outstanding.

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