Cardio, weights, or both?

in #fitness3 years ago

For people involved in fitness on some level they seem to normally go one way or the other but only people that probably rank a bit higher than what I consider myself actually do both on any meaningful level.

For me, I much prefer weights over cardio.


I would much rather have an empty one of these than an empty park to run or cycle in and both of these scenarios are very unlikely to occur where I live. I prefer weights because of a couple of reasons and one of them is a lazy reason. In a weight room you are at the start and finish line at all times whereas when I go for runs I can sometime lose motivation and still be a long ways away from home. This is lazy on my part and I am aware of this. I always end up pushing through though.

On the other hand I prefer lifting weights over cardio because of the fact that I can see the changes in my own body a lot more noticeably. With running you need some sort of tracking device or app to even know if you are getting any better, whereas with weights you can track your progress with just a piece of paper and a pen.

I also notice physical changes such as tightness in muscles a lot more rapidly after a weight workout.

For overall health, a combination of cardio and weights is ideal, but most people don't do this. I do a workaround with the small gym that is in my building on lazy days simply by not taking breaks and if you do this, take not of the fact that your heart rate is definitely staying up. The problem with this method is the only way you can really accomplish this is by doing lighter weights, which isn't ideal if you are trying to make any gains.

It's all still better than sitting on the sofa or going down a YouTube rabbit-hole.

There are a lot of beefcakes at my gym that are probably on PED's that NEVER do any cardio and avoid doing it because they are trying to bulk up. I fear for these people because although they look great now, we have seen countless examples of how this results in disaster and many problems with internal organs later in life, especially if they are on some sort of juicing cycle.

So how about you? Do you go for looking better from weights or do you go for cardiovascular health by doing cardio?


Well I think both are equally important, cardio and weight...

absolutely agree. I do a lot more weights than cardio, but a mix is important for sure

Weights and cardio....really depends on your goals.

The problem I face sometimes is that if I focus too much on cardio, I actually lose muscle mass in my upper body. But we all know how important cardio is so finding that perfect balance is pretty tough.

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