Keto: Not Just Another Fad

in #food7 years ago

The keto diet isn't just another celebrity diet fad.

There are many people who are turning to the keto lifestyle not just for weight loss purposes, but for a variety of personal health reasons.

It's not only well-known athletes and other celebrities who are following the diet, but many nutritionists and doctors have also indicated that they themselves are following the lifestyle too. Not only that, but a number of doctors have also claimed that they even recommend the ketogenic diet to their patients. And because of the growing attention surrounding this low-carb, high-fat eating approach, it might seem like a new diet approach to many. However, people have been found consuming similar diets for thousands of years.

It's been suggested by dozens of health professionals that the low-carb, high-fat approach could play a critical role in helping sick people to feel better. That this diet might help many to potentially reduce their prescription medications. It won't just be people turning to this diet to try and lose weight.

The keto approach is already helping many who have turned to it for weight-loss purposes and other reasons. Now, it seems like more doctors are also starting to suggest that it could help to fight against illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

One of the leading cancer specialists right now in the United States claims to have been following the keto approach for at least 4 years now. Dr. Patrick Hwu, who opts to refer to the diet as the fat-burning diet, says that he has seen the benefits firsthand. Though he does suggest that more research in this area is needed in order to better understand the benefits and value that this diet approach could provide.

He's specifically interested to see if the keto diet would be effective at inhibiting cancer cells; known to thrive on sugar.

Anytime that you consume carbs, be it chips, pasta, rice, bread, cookies, strawberries or apples etc, your body is going to turn the almost all of the carbs into glucose (sugar). When there is too much sugar, then you are going to induce high insulin levels in the body. Rather than burning fat for fuel, the body in that instance is going to burn sugar and carbs.

Previous research in this area has suggested that there is a notable relationship between glycemic index (GI) and inflammation, and that inflammation is known to play a detrimental role in the development of many chronic diseases today.

Previous studies have also affirmed that by making the move to drastically reduce the consumption of dietary carbs that it could help to potentially suppress or delay the emergence of cancer in the body.

Further, scientists have alleged that high insulin levels in the body that result from chronic ingestion of dietary carbs (CHOs) can also greatly effect tumor cell proliferation.

Whereas ketosis has been seen to have an anti-tumor effect.

Despite many proponents of the diet standing by the benefits that they believe it provides, there are also a great deal of physicians out there today who still recommend low-fat diets be followed as the superior diet approach. Regardless of the naysayers though, the word about the ketogenic diet continues to spread and it seems like more people are coming around to wanting to try it out for themselves to find it they can reap any sort of benefit. I suspect that this isn't just another celebrity diet fad that's going to quickly come and go like so many others already have before it.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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It seems like medical science contradict itself all the time. I tend to think Keto is dangerous and that science has proven this.

As for those who better their plight caused by epilepsy, I tend to think Cannabis would be a better option.

Actually science has disproved fat as being dangerous. The majority of science saying fat is bad for you is often looking at a high fat/high carb diet rather than a high fat/low carb diet. A high fat diet/high carb diet can be horrible for your health. However, keto is not only safe but extremely beneficial for many different conditions!

It is crucial to read the studies to understand what is going on. A high fat diet is not a ketogenic diet. I looked at the 3 of the studies you picked and none of them listed the diet, they just said they were fed high fat. High fat in the presence of high carb will promote much of what you are talking about such as inflammation. Research often mistakes fat as being the culprit of negative outcomes in these high fat/high carb studies.

Additionally, duration of study is key. True adaptation to a ketogenic diet takes time so studies looking at markers following 5 days of a high fat diet will not be a good indication. Check out all ketogenic studies that are 4 weeks or longer and are actually ketogenic and not just low carb and you will see much different results! If you would like me to point you in the direction of more relevant research please let me know!

Have you watched the video I posted?

What a joke.. i've been doing low carb high fat for 4 years now.. based on what you said, i'm lucky to be alive.

But the reality is that i'm free of type 2 diabetes, 100lbs lighter, and much happier, and actually physically active.. much better off from when i was a high carb vegan!

I think a high-carb diet is what's dangerous and IMO that sort of diet which is the common Western diet nowadays and for the past several decades, has no doubt contributed to many digestive illnesses that we see at epidemic levels in multiple countries today. I also think within a few years, the scientific community will catch up , The truth is already starting to come to light :) thanks for taking the time to read my article, all of the relevant sources and consider it though 👍😊

"High"-carb diet is what our most closest relative the chimp are on. It's what we evolved on for the vast majority of our existence on this planet.

It's what shaped the bio-chemistry of our ancestors for millions of years.

Chimps are hunters of raw meat.... and eat each other when they have wars with each other...

Yup. The vast majority of their calories are from vegan sources.

One of the things that often gets overlooked, is that unless you're eating organic, the quality of carbs are often contaminated with chemicals and mixed with fillers and additives which effects the nutrients you derive from eating, as well as how your body breaks food down. For example, I'm really careful about the baked goods I get while eating out in the US, because they often make me brain fogged and sluggish feeling after eating them. But when I was on vacation on St. Marteen, an island in the Caribbean, I didn't have the same problems when eating out at restaurants because they never allowed Monsato on the island.

That being said, I agree that it's better to keep a low carb diet to stay healthier overall. One of the things that I found surprising while doing keto, was the huge quantities of food I was able to consume while still losing weight and gaining muscle. This really brought home the point that quality and the source of my foods is really impactful on my moods and physical well-being.

Get out of here, vegan filth!

Sounds like a good diet for health and burning fat as well.

Great post @doitvoluntarily ! Any diet that helps you ward off disease especially cancer is great in my books ! And if it can keep you from paying the high costs of prescription medications by controlling your diabetes for example which my brother is , and mother was diabetic , all the better ! It can be very expensive ! Thanks for sharing this awesome information with us!!👍👍👍💕✌💕

My boyfriend and I have both used keto and food to heal ourselves. While he was dealing with IBS and sibo, I had precancerous cells on my cervix, we both wanted to try a holistic path over western medicine. Two years later I'm no longer on a strict keto diet, but my relationship with food has become a lot healthier. My boyfriend still has chronic health issues, but his IBS and Sibo are gone and we're on the right path to getting him fully healthy. It's challenging to change eating and grocery shopping habits, but overall it is so worthwhile in terms of mental fatigue and energy.

Although I didn't go into it for weight loss, I ended up loosing over 20 pounds (my end-of + post-college booze and pizza weight). It's been an interesting journey, and learning how my body functions differently based on how I choose to fuel it has been enlightening, fascinating and at times depressing (bc I'm such a carb fiend) but definitely worthwhile. Especially if you have a health condition and need to help kick your body into self healing mode.

thanks for sharing your story about it :)

^-^ Learning about the relationship between my body, mind, digestive tract and foods has really changed my life in positive ways. I hope my experiences can help someone else on their journey, thanks for spreading the knowledge!

I tried this diet earlier this year as I had read the benefits for migraine sufferers. It was quite a hard journey to adjust and unfortunately it did not work out for me, and caused me more health issues during, so had to go off it. But on the plus side I did loose weight and got used to not depending on sugary foods or carbs so much. So even though I'm not on it anymore it set me up for a healthier diet and lifestyle.

thanks for sharing your feedback about your journey with it :)

I have a couple friends that swear by it. I weigh about 130 soaking wet, I'm not trying any diet. I have on friend though who lost over 200 lbs with this diet, then had a child and is back to her pre pregnancy weight. Who am I to call her a liar?

I'm just trying to find what works best for me :) thanks for your feedback!

I tried keto twice for more than a month each times. It's amazing. I never felt better in all previous years.

My constant bloating from my IBS simply disappeared after my body adapted. I didn't have any digestive problems for the period I was in keto. I slept less, feeling more rested after waking up. I ate less and less often, feeling more nourished. I could easily go a day with only eating once without feeling any hunger.

The thing that really impressed me is how differently the brain worked. I could focus for longer periods of time, I could form ideas and identify patterns way faster. Zero depression, zero anxiety issues. It was sorta like I was on some kind of mental stimulant. Amazing.

Would recommend keto to anyone. Try it for at least 3 weeks in order for your body/organs to fully enter ketosis.

those are some pretty impressive results, thanks for sharing your feedback :)

I've always wondered if this diet actually works. There's a personal fitness guy that keep seeing ads pop up on Facebook that describe this keto-diet.

guess that depends on what you're trying to 'achieve'? lol :)

It's seriously a great diet. Do more research before judging it. You get lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, the list goes on. Majority of the carbs people eat come from grains which are fairly new to our diet if you take in all of human existence. They're not saying you need to eat a stick of butter but eat healthy fats from avocados, almonds or salmon. Some people are able to do this diet vegetarian.

I love the idea of starving the body of glucose, so the brain can signal that it needs the reserve of ketones. It seems to run parallel with the theory that if you rely less on carbs, then the body will burn up the fat, since it is going to need fuel. This could boost performance - physically and mentally. Perhaps, even lower insulin levels, regularize appetite, and enhance the body's immunity.

So, the ketogenic diet could be good. I have never tried it, but have no issues with anyone that wants to. At the end of the day, though, the best diet or weight loss mechanism is really the one you stick with it. As a holistic practitioner and vegan, I find that measures to lose weight, build muscle, or strengthen the body will only come about if consistency is applied.

Thanks for sharing. Cheers.

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