Another Wedding!

in Steem Sri Lanka20 days ago

Well, these days weddings are a regular thing in my diary! I think I am passing to a very dangerous age, that all my friends are getting married, and the same question is following me. 😅

It was one of my closest friends at the university from Kurnegala. We two were in the same group, and then the same department, since the first year. So, I couldn't neglect the invitation despite my busy schedule. It was not the attending the ceremony, it was a long way from my hometown. Anyway, I made it!

Happy Wedded Life brother!! 🖤


The date was the 11th of December. So, I decided to travel to Colombo on the previous day and go to the ceremony the next day. Yeah, I know it was quite a journey. I contacted some of my friends who got invited, but many of them were unable to make it.

I left the home at around 08.00 a.m and took a highway bus from Kadawatha. From the it was around a 2hr journey to the hotel.

Hotel Epitome, Kurunegala! I gotta say it's pretty awesome. As I saw it's a 3-star hotel, and the first impression is great as do the rest of the day, and their service.



Wehn I arrived their the couple has arrived there and the rituals have been completed. As I said earlier, the hotel is very beautiful, and well organized. There were decent crowd, and straight away I could find some of my Uni friends. Otherwise the whole scenario could have been awkward.

After having the welcome dinner and few bites, I took time to wish the couple. It's almost after three years, once we left the university. They were a matching couple, and I am so glad that they found each other, and come to this point as well.



There were so much to catch between the friends. All of them are working in different locations and now slowly stabilizing their careers. We had a small visit around the location as well. It was huge, and on the top there's an Infinity pool as well. There's a nice view with many mountains, jungles in the surrounding area.

Then we had Lunch. It was pretty decent like the rest. For the starters, we had a Soup, and then followed by the other choices, and the desserts.

There was a special surprise event planned for the couple, and we they joined the dancing crew as well. So, after an enjoyable and memorable day, I left the scene at around 03.00 p.m. Eventhough the event was not finished I had to leave as I had a long journey back.

So, once again Happy wedded Life to the couple!



So, that's it for today!! Until the next time! Enjoy!

Thank you.
Best Regards!


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Curated by : @fjjrg

Las bodas de nuestros amigos siempre son motivo de celebración, y aunque muchos de ellos se adelanten, no hay que tener prisa, ya que es un paso muy importante y de mucha madurez.

Felicidades a sus amigos por tan importante ceremonia y mucha felicidad en adelante.
