A Forced Break to Restore Sanity and Focus

in Steem4Nigerialast year

There are certain stages of life when humans tend to be totally confused, not knowing what to turn, or what decisions to make and in the end, they most likely make decisions that hurt from within. It can be breaking a relationship or quitting something, even if they don't want to but the condition warrants it.

A Forced Break to Restore Sanity and Focus

Today, Fred is just about to make one decision that breaks his heart and many out there would feel the same about this decision. I'm taking a break from Steemit which means I will power down my account and stay away for some time. No one could have ever imagined this based on my love for Steemit but certain things have grown beyond my capacity over the last few months.

I have been depressed for months, galloping like an antelope, I feel better today and tomorrow is another state of depression. I hardly concentrate these days and it affected my blogging as well, my strength is fading. I don't know if I love my family too much or if I have only imposed a lot of pressure on myself. You must have seen me write a lot about my parents in some of my articles before (I wrote many). Hmmm, those people mean the world to me.

I proposed to establish their businesses in the first quarter of the year to ease off the hard job they have been involved in even at old age (Dad is 70+). To achieve this, I worked harder than I have ever done, venturing into investments, learning new skills, and so on. Unfortunately, the little that comes back from my investments has been used for my upkeep and others around me.

At a stage, I got distracted easily from the new skills I have been learning, knowing I have not been able to get anywhere closer to my targets. But for how long would this continue? My strength is fading even though I hid the pain from others but within, something is killing me. Nothing interests me any longer and it's evident my soul thirst to relieve these burdens.

When I was a student at the Academy, I would spend over 8 hours at a stretch (there are times I forgot to eat) preparing homework entry, likewise, as a professor preparing lectures and verifying entries. I did all these joyfully back then but to write for 3 hrs now is hard for me, my mind takes me off to my burdens all the time and that depresses me more.

This less activity can be seen on my page, there are times I don't write more than 3 articles in a week. And participating in the engagement challenge, I am more interested in topics that allow me to pour out my pain, wishes, and other things that bothers me hoping to get relieved but the effect only last for a short while, the pain would return. I'm dying within.

Sad Man | Source: Pixabay

I have rent that was due last month even though I'm staying away from the house to secure another place where I can have like minds around me, if I should pay the rent now, it means I have nothing left on me, in fact, I don't have enough to pay for the rent comfortably. My grinds have been on hold since my computer recently got damaged beyond repair. I was even forced to stop learning the skills I started a few months ago.

I have tried hard to make things work but it ain't yet, I get less sleep these days as I sleep for just 3 - 4 hours daily (my mind is always awake and scares sleep away), if it continues like this I may likely break down anytime and that would be more disastrous. I was very sick some months ago, my friend was with me and I asked her "Do you know the password to my Binance wallet?" She was scared about me dying, yeah, that's how I felt at that moment, thinking the little I have shouldn't waste away in my wallet.

It's been a very rough road, I tried all I can and the situation in Nigeria ain't making it any better. So, I'm deciding to power down and take the burdens off myself. Giving enough to my parents takes a huge burden off me and then I can be more focused on myself alone, building the foundation of the future I have always wanted. Even though the estimation of my needs can't be covered with the power down but it would help to an extent. God knows I don't want to leave, I tried too hard but I ran out of options.

It all feels like my legacy in a few communities is crumbling with this decision but I think my well-being is equally important. The projects I started to make the community more lively and promote quality content on the platform all seem they are fading away, maybe not forever.

For this reason, I'm stepping down as a professor in the Crypto Academy, Country Representative, and Admin in Steem4Nigeria. To avoid misalignment in the team, I held back from applying for the community curator role when the last call for applications was released. Honestly, it hurts!

Nothing would happen to Steem4Nigeria and its account, we have not set it up for profit purposes, we just want a community for our people and for the growth of STEEM in this part of the world, that's why we haven't taken any STEEM out for ourselves since the community started existing. The community would continue operation while @xkool24 would be the main Admin and will be assisted by the moderators.

What my STEEM would be Used For
  • Higher percentage goes to my parents (this will keep me focused on myself alone for the coming years).

  • Pay the rent for another apartment.

  • Acquire advanced laptop device and other computer devices for my job. Also, I'm picking up again the skills I've been learning.

  • Whatever remains would be for some little investments. It would only take a little time for my feet to be solid in my next endeavors. I'm smart to make anything work with the help of God and the focus I have lost due to burdens of life is just about being restored.

Am I Coming Back?

Definitely Yes, I will be back when I can hit the club status again, let's say two months from now. I will return to work for the growth of Steem4Nigeria, well, I may not be fully blogging during that time because I will be grinding so hard to raise funds that can be enough to buy back what I'm about to take out now and power up again.

In addition, I will be helping people who needs my help on getting things right on the platform even during my powering down. Steem has been part of me and it's hard to stay away for a long period.

Letter to Nigerians

To Nigerians, you are doing great these days and I urge you to keep up with the quality, energy and diligence (don't cheat the system or you will get exposed someday). Please don't power down your account, circumstances forced me to take this step.

Stay focused and add value to the platform, be a worthy guide to your recruits, and abide by the rules of the platform. I wish you good luck.


In conclusion, I refuse to leave in silence because Steemit has been there for me, the platform opened my sight to the other side of the world and I'm grateful for all the support over the past 2 years, none of them is taken for granted. I seriously wish this is not happening but I was so weak and out of ideas. I will be back to cover this loophole sooner.

I don't know if I'm making the right decision now because I'm losing my mind already. I'm sacrificing my reputation with this brief exit for my mental health and recovering the lost focus which would help my career. Thank you.


 last year (edited)

HMMMMMM (deep breath)!!!
Chief Fred, I've known you since those early days in the academy and we bonded well in all we do. You've been a strong force and an honest being void of deceit and pretense. You've always believed in the good course of the platform, hence the ideas put together for the creation of the Nigerian community we co-founded.

If I had my ways, I would have stopped this move by making the necessary provisions but it was all tailored to restore sanity and your mental health in the Interim. I know it was a hard decision but you had to let go. It has been a terrible moment for us in my country Nigeria both economically and mentally due to degenerated means of survival here.

We have been plagued with depressive moments as Nigerians, and as well trying to thrive by presenting all survival instincts to avoid a total system crash. The question here is, what else can we do at this moment to salvage these temporary exits if not calling on the steemit team for assistance? We NEED the STEEMIT TEAM to intervene.

We have seen two strong leaders who are both representatives in the country, community, and platform in general temporarily taking a bow to salvage their mental and economic demands. Those aren't out of place when extreme measures are to be taken but at the same time contrary to the rules guiding the steemit team and communities to receive support.

My standing strong today may likely be because of the monthly stipend gained from my private sector workplace that helps caution most of the present challenges as one could barely bankroll from the remains of club status regulated transfers. But, however, we pray that the steemit team looks into these challenges and helps proffer solutions to some guiding rules.

Long live Nigeria! Long Live Steem4nigeria!! Long Live Steemit!!!

Thank you.

I also strived hard to avoid this from happening, trying other means but to no avail. It's been hard and reaching this conclusion means a lot has gotten out of control. I appreciate your concern on this, boss @xkool24. We hope for the best.

 last year 

Hello Fred, I'm not hiding a secret from you that once I found out about your decision, I was very puzzled because I consider you one of the most important users of the platform to be with us in the academy or at the level of the Nigerian community, and your contributions are many, in ideas or content, as well as the fight against plagiarism, but when I read your article I felt the depth of the depression you are suffering from , and this is a stage that I have reached before and I know its results. Indeed, in recent weeks, I have noticed a drop in the number of your articles, so I have invited you several times to write through contests, without lengthening or going into more detail. I wish you a quick return to school full of new and original ideas. we are waiting for you dear friend.

 last year (edited)

It's a very tough decision for me to make, I wept while composing this article and even publishing it makes it worse. But I have to accept that since I have tried other means and nothing has worked yet, this should be able to help me to a large extent in restoring sanity and focus.

The Academy is a community of my heart where I prefer spending hours ensuring things are in the right shape and now I have to forfeit my role, hmmm 😕. I only hope for the best.

I'm glad you noticed something was wrong with me earlier and you have utilized the available means to draw me closer again but it's just been so hard for me to focus recently. I appreciate all you do, sir @kouba01. And I will be back.

 last year (edited)

Saludos querido amigo @fredquantum.

Hoy mi alma se llena de tristeza al leer esta publicación, porque eres una persona muy especial y responsable. He aprendido a trabajar contigo y hemos hecho un gran equipo.

Pero sabes, lo más importante eres tú, y no hay otro que pueda ayudarte y sacar de esta situación, sino Dios. Busca y confía en Dios.

Deseo que Dios bendiga a tus padres y todo lo que tú emprendas. Te deseo lo mejor y nos seguiremos viendo.

No te rindas, sigue adelante, eres una gran persona. Aquí tienes un amigo que quiere ayudarte en lo que puedas.

Dios bendiga tu vida. Un fuerte abrazo amigo.

I have read from several people who say "Hide your pains because nobody cares" and it sounds to be true. Likewise, there is a wise saying in my local dialect that says "No matter how bad things seem, there would always be someone left to hold you up", I'm glad I can count on you as a great support.

We have spent a great time together and I appreciate every bit of it. Thanks for the encouragement shared on this, sir @pelon53.

 last year 

This must have been one of the hardest decision you've taken so far in your life. I was enveloped with shock when I saw this post, the content is so deep, I really wish I could help out with all you mentioned here, but it obvious am incapacitated... I really wish things didn't get to this point... I feel pained but life happens sometimes.
Well I will leave you with my prayer.
I pray that God come through for you and grant you all your heart desire, I pray you find rest on every side and that He satisfy you early in Jesus Name (Amen).
Please stay strong and don't forget your promise to be back. I will personally miss you.♥️

Indeed, it was hard to reach a conclusion as this. I say amen to the wishes, brother. I'll be back. Thank you so much, @lhorgic.

Hola amigo, lamento mucho leer esto, cuando hablamos por privado me sentí muy mal al respecto. Pero lo primero siempre será nuestra salud y más si hablamos de nuestra salud mental. Espero las cosas mejoren tanto para ti como para tu familia, solo tu sabes lo que está pasando en tu vida. Espero puedas resolver y en algún momento regresar a Steemit, te estaremos esperando!!😊❤

Thanks for being there, dear friend @franyeligonzalez. I appreciate the soothing words you have shared both in private and in this piece. Thanks for wishing my family the best. I think this part may likely lead to another story of my greatness on Steem if things go as planned, I just need to take care of a few things and regain my focus first. I will be back and not just that, stronger!

 last year (edited)

Woooo! Me detengo a leer esto y me cuesta creerlo aunque si noté algo raro cuando revisando las entradas de las postulaciones no vi la tuya, en Nigeria están pasando muchas cosas que cada día les afecta más y es lamentable que muchos apaguen sus cuentas obligados por la dura situación y a otros se las apaguen personas egoístas que solo buscan su propio bien es decir (que le roban sus ahorros a otros) . Gracias a Dios no es tu caso amigo y lo que cuentas aquí es muy triste has sido un ejemplo firme de lo que es un buen usuario y has hecho cosas importantes en la plataforma.

Espero puedas encontrar la paz mental que te hará estar más tranquilo y sobretodo muy sano para seguir avanzando en la vida, 2 meses pasan muy rápido y seguro que al resolver tu situación te sentirás mucho mejor .

Mis mejores deseos para ti y tu familia .

I strived not to let this happen but I ran out of options. Thank you for the words of encouragement, @mile16. I will be back stronger.

 last year 

Dear friend, your publication made me cry because it hurts that you leave, and I tell you this because I appreciate and admire you not only as a great Steemian but as a human being.

I can only tell you that you have not lost the respect you earned from me, you are an honest human being and that is highly valued.

I hope your projects go well and you recover your strength and everything you need. May God bless you and provide you with what you need. I send you a hug.

I've always said how amazing you are and I'm glad we met and have done a few things together. It's good to know that I still have my position in place with you as a friend. This journey is all about restoring sanity and focus, I'd be back and do more in the ecosystem. Thanks, dear @inspiracion.


Bueno, desconozco tus condiciones de vida y tu situación. Pero solo puedo decirte que espero que puedas resolver por todo lo que estás viviendo ya que ser sostén de hogar y cargar con los gastos de adultos mayores no es nada fácil.

Espero que tú apagado te alcance para algo más que pagar un alquiler. Que puedas inclusive comprar tu propio hogar para no pagar más renta (es una gran opción), además sería chevere que tu dinero lo pudieras invertir en un negocio que pueda ser rentable, que te pueda dar algo más que solo pagar rentas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en todo lo que vayas a hacer. Desligarse de nuestra cuenta de Steemit no debe ser fácil. Pero nunca olvides que cada centavo que hayas producido con el sudor de tu trabajo en esta plataforma es única y exclusivamente tuyo

Siempre haz el bien y no mires a quien, se empático con tu familia y siempre trabajs duro

Steemit siempre será tu hogar

I appreciate your concern on this, dear friend. Your suggestions are great ones but it's a bit hard to get mini houses for purchase here in Nigeria, considering different factors attached to my power down, I may be unable to purchase a house now. I love the idea but I think I'm incapacitated at the moment (there are more burdens on me).

About investments, I will definitely venture into some to ensure something comes back and can be used to take care of a few things. I think the path to focus on myself and do good for the people around me starts from here, and I will make good use of it. Thank you for the great advice, @yonaikerurso. I appreciate everything in this piece.

 last year 

My God! This is so sad..
After reading your article, I wish I could do something to help stop you from not taking this break you have intended.

Am really sad right now but In all I take courage in the many value you have brought on the table. I am one of the many persons that look up to you.

I wish all the best. Come back soon boss

Thank you, @ruthjoe. I didn't easily give up the fight, it was hard-fought until there were no options for me any longer. I know how much it takes from me taking this decision but it's the only thing I can turn to for now. I only wish for the best and strength to return to cover the loophole in a few months.

 last year 

It's well.. I will wait for your return.
Pls take care of yourself

it hurts sir! it hurts!!

Who am I to question you? Everything happens for a reason sir, I wish this is not happening, steem4nigeria has been one of my top 3 best communities and through your sacrifice and hardwork in the community, I got inspired to create a community better than it before the end of this year and has thought of getting your help when the time come, but I think this is quite the time.

Sir you brought our a guessing contest and I was so excited the first day I saw it. Incase you don't know, guessing is my hobby and it used to be my talent but I refused to nurture it due to my ignorance. The first week you brought out this contest I won and I was so proud of myself. You made me to continue my guessing training through this contest ❤️‍🔥 and I will forever remain greatful for this

My prayer for you is that God will fight all your battles for you, you will never go down but up, anything that's concerns steemit next time will be all about powering up and NEVER powering down. God will grant you all your heart desires and they will definitely last forever, Amen

We love you sir and your fellow Nigerians here will never disappoint you, I pray I successfully become a moderator in steem4nigeria before your return, Amen. Please expect my messages on Whatsapp🤝

@saintkelvin17 and the entire steemians cares💚

Yeah, it hurts. Battling with myself before making the decision and even making it known here on the platform, everything hurts.

That said, do not allow my exit to affect you in any way, continue giving your best within the ecosystem, and stay faithful. I also wish it wasn't happening but I have no more strength to keep fighting the cause.

I say amen 🙏 to the wishes. I promise to do all within my capacity to return. Thank you, @saintkelvin17.

Yes sir I will continue to do my best but remember, we will be expecting you soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😓

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