Environmentalism, a science

in R2cornell5 years ago
Environmentalism should be the science that studies humanity in relation to itself and the environment, in a normal or sustainable way and the alterations of that relationship, its characteristics and solutions. This has been our proposal since the end of the nineties of the 20th century: the science of Environmentalism as a response to so many environmental problems resulting from bad practices and lack of environmental education and to establish a sustainable relationship.

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Environmentalism as a science, helps us to define how humanity should occupy, should make activities, works and constructions in compatibility with the same humanity and the environment, without affecting them. These are the terms that define sustainability. It must be said that environmentalism is the science of sustainability.

Science is the deployment of knowledge within the historical framework, solidly a system of knowledge, based on evidence based on natural, social and artificial phenomena, endorsed by certain institutions (1) and is part of social activity as Karl Marx said.

Environmentalism as a science fits this definition. In this science of environmentalism we will develop knowledge based on the evidence of our relationship with humanity itself and with the environment through each historical framework, through our natural, social and artificial phenomena and these relationships are part of our social activities.

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The need for this science, environmentalism, also lies in the vacuum of being the object of a science. While biology studies living beings, ecology is the science, part of biology, that studies living beings in their interrelationship between them and with other environmental factors.

No science studies humanity, in its existence, in its integral interrelationship with itself and with the environment, good or bad. That is why the existence of this science is proposed, to indicate how we should relate in a friendly way, as an integral part of the ecological systems (Ecosystems, biomes, bioregions, biosphere, planet Mother Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Universe).

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We can no longer conceive of humanity's continued struggle against environmental and socio-environmental problems as an exclusive strategy. We cannot continue without defining how the occupation, the carrying out of activities, labours and constructions are integral and that they do not damage humanity itself and the environment.

In conclusion, we define that environmentalism as a science, is the science of sustainability and is the necessary instrument for the salvation of humanity and the planet Mother Earth.


Bachelard, G. (1973). The philosophy of the no. Buenos Aires. Amorrortu. ISBN 978-950-518-387-6


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