The child and the kittens

in R2cornell4 years ago


Once upon a time there was a lady who was selling kittens in a popular market, when a boy came up to her and asked her:

-"What are you selling?

She answered:

-Persian kittens.

She took one out of the basket and showed it to the boy:

-"They're beautiful, I want to buy one. How much do you sell them for?

She answered:

-In five silver coins.

The boy said:

-I have only three, but my mother is coming now and she will pay the rest, show me the kittens.

After giving the money to the lady, she took three more kittens out of the basket, the last one had a smaller leg, so it was limping.

The boy took it and said:

-This is the one I want.

She said:

-Son here are others, that one has a shorter leg.

He answered:

-"This is the one I like.

-Then I'll give it to you," said the lady.

-I'll buy it for you.

She said:

-"All right, I'll sell it to you for the three thousand you gave me.

The boy got angry and said:

-I'll pay you the five coins because this kitten is not worth less than the others, he's the strongest of all, that's why God made him different.

At that moment the boy's mother came up to him and he went on to say

-He's the perfect pet for me, I also have a smaller leg and my mother says I'm special, I was born to do big things like this kitten, right mother?

She answered:

-She said, "Yes, son, you are the strongest, bravest and most noble boy I know, and you will take good care of that kitten, you will teach it to be just like you.

The woman took out her purse and paid the other two coins to the lady and she understood.

The woman added:

-"You're right, son, you're a special being who taught me a great lesson today.


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