Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 30 - I will not see the material world todaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #metaphysics7 years ago

So, how did you do with yesterday’s exercise? You were supposed to take a minute or so every hour and tune out the physical and focus on the inner world of Spirit. If you are like most people you were too distracted to do it more than twice. Most likely you thought about it after you read the assignment and then forgot about it.

Why did you forget?

Because you are extremely focused on this world and all the cares within it.

To commune with the soul you have to be as focused on the inner as the outer. You have to put yourself in a state of mind that is beyond the fears and cares of the world. Yes, you cannot be there all the time for you have to take care of the business of living with its responsibilities, but there is more time available than you realize. You know you have wasted much time in your life that could have been available for important pursuits. There is nothing more important than finding your Eternal Source so let us make priorities.

The problem is that you cannot see two worlds. If your focus is on the material then that is all you will see. On the other hand, if you really make the shift all you will see is the spiritual.

Yes, after the shift has been made your eyes and other senses will still take in perceptions, but your mind will be focused elsewhere. For instance, as I type these words my mind is not on the computer or keyboard even though my eyes take in the images. My mind is on the spirit in the words.

Remember how you often daydreamed when you were a kid? You probably still daydream some, but not like you did as a child. As a child you let your imagination go and sometimes it was so real that the outer world seemed to fade away to be replaced by what your mind created. When you were in this state of high imagination none of your thoughts were on anything happening in he physical world. You had no concerns for this world because you were seeing another world.

Even so must we become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven, but instead of seeing imaginary characters as a goal we will seek the end result of seeing the kingdom of God.

To see the greater reality you have to tune out the lesser one. This is a process of “not seeing” or unseeing.

To not see when you are used to using your eyes to see is, at first, much more difficult than it is to see. But if you look ahead of you and not see the images in front of you then you will see something else. You will always be seeing something, even if it is with the eyes of the understanding. You can never not see everything, but you can not see what is in the normal spectrum. When there is a vacuum in seeing your inner self will fill the vacuum with something else to see. What that turns out to be can be quite interesting.

If you successfully not see the physical world you do not automatically see the realms of the Spirit or have direct contact with the soul or Higher Self. At first you may merely replace the seeing of the physical with your imagination, but do not dismay for the world of your imagination is closer to Spirit than is the physical world.

Your imagination can take you to the kingdom of God that resides within you.

Your assignment today is to practice “not seeing” and take mental notes about what you do see.

Sit back in your chair, relax and look straight ahead. You may be looking at a blank wall, a television, your computer, a picture or a number of things. It matters not. Just look straight ahead not focusing on any object. Pick a point in space that appears empty and place your attention on it. Do this until images come to your mind. When this happens focus on them with as much attention as possible. Follow them and see where they take you.

Good. Now did you notice that when you were seeing the image or images that you seemed to have no attention at all on the regular physical world right in front of your eyes?

Repeat this exercise several times today, and this time try remind yourself to do it.

Copyright by JJ Dewey

Day 29 - I will shift my focus to Spirit
Day 28 - I will understand why I fear
Day 27 - I will find the source of my fears​
Day 26 - False gods are sustained by desire
Day 25 - I will begin the journey home
Day 24 - I will trust the Inner Voice over the outer
Day 23 - Words hide truth as well as reveal
Day 22 - I will identify my outer gods
Day 21 - My first false gods
Day 20 - I will replace theory with experience
Day 19 - I am discovering the key to recognizing the true God
Day 18 - I will obey the first commandment
Day 17 - I accept the true God over the false today
Day 16 - I will find the source of guilt
Day 15 - I see a difference between guilt and regret
Day 14 - I will discover the cause of guilt
Day 13 - I will be honest about my feelings
Day 12 - I will let my feelings express themselves
Day 11 - I will communicate my grievances and let them go.
Day 10 - I will change my mind today
Day 9 - The Two Grievances
Day 8 - I will find my grievances
Day 7 - I will examine my feelings today
Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the soul
Day 5 - I use my feelings; my feelings do not use me
Day 4 - I am not my feelings
Day 3 - I see this world for what it is
Day 2 - I See My Body For What It Is
Day 1 - Who or what am I?
NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.

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