Open Letter To Steem Community
Hello Steem Community!
With so much happening in Steem right out the gates for me and everyone at Tron and Steemit Inc, such as the launch of Communities and a soft fork 22.2 we weren’t expecting, I feel it is important to show you guys I am here and ready to begin building with you. Our team, the Tron folks and Steemit Inc together, are an amazing group of talented people and they are working hard behind the scenes to get our plans together after the acquisition process, which always leaves some open ended questions. It is my plan now to make sure we begin communicating with the Steem community and make sure we are a positive force in making Steem and Steemit 2.0 great.
We have so much to work to do to make the power that it really can be. And there are many ways we can get it there, from bridging TRX, TRC10’s and TRC20’s into Communities to marketing and growing From invitations and referrals to simpler and instant signups. From new listings of STEEM on ALL the greatest exchanges to integrations in critical hardware products. From bringing more influencers to the community and creating more content. There is so much I still want to give you from documenting and marketing my vision for to connecting with the passionate folks here in this community. Steemit team is also regrouping together in San Francisco this coming week, meeting up with the TRON’s developer community teams to discuss on the executable plans.
As such I want to make sure that together the team and community are a positive part of the communications that help to grow this ecosystem, and for that I would like to invite a group of our top 50 Witnesses to our first STEEMit 2.0 Town Hall, which we will hold tentatively on March 6th, 2020 (meeting logistics to follow). At this meeting I am hoping to hear from many Steemian Witness voices to learn and understand how they think we can grow Steem together, and how Steemit Inc can communicate with the witnesses on a regular basis. During the days leading up, I think we can post more information about this event with the help of any community members who tend to run town halls, and they will help make sure we are super effective. Please let us know who we should connect with in the comments! :)
Nice to meet you.
Welcome to. @cjsdns running
I think you are wise and appreciate your skills.
I will be happy to participate if it helps.
Thank you.
Big support to @cjsdns
I am from Hong Kong and it would be nice to know more about this community
I joined to steemit thanks to @dobartim who opened door and new vision to me
It is nice to see changes going forward with @justinsunsteemit Steem And Tron wisdom
I hope for the best to all our communities
Steem Tron On
@steemzzang you have my support
So Justin how is this working together in a town hall fashion that is going to be super effective working out? I have seen some shit not age well in my time but this has gotta be near the top.
watch out for grey hairs bro
Never gonna happen in this glorious mane.
Be careful bro, Ned will sell you in a heartbeat to the highest bidder 😂
This is a great step. I often host witness forums in a discord group called the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty network. I'd be happy to assist. PALnet can be reached at and my avatar can be found in the top right as aggroed. Let me know your vision of how it would work and we'll try to accommodate the best we can.
This would be great. Aggroed's shows are very well run, and an established way to hold productive discussions.
Third! I'd like to listen to the discussion even after it is over with... DLive 🤦♂️
No use it uses steem . DLive neither uses trx or steem we should avoid it for now, @justinsunsteemit will learn about the bad blood between steem and dlive, and we will have justin realize Threspeak is he real community run group, while dlive was announced at steem fest only to leave steem? It was betrayal plane and simple, and a lot of greed, and dlive needs to be cut off from tron, or, i guess they KNOW they are theyre giving it back? well if justin sun didnt know now he knows
anyway I would like to remind @justinsunsteemit that we already have ready to go to list a TRX STEEMP we can have on tron, we can just name it STEEM, and it will be just like the EOS STEEMP we had created,
The @newdex-io site for tron already has DEC which is on steem-engine already
Together we will bridge Steem and tron using @someguy123 and @privex and steemenginex which already bridges steem to eos and telos, trx will be next and then erc20 STEEMP as well! Steem will be omni present! as a token on all the dpos chains and its going to havesome sort of hybrid witness voting gateway management one day.
You understand that I’m thirding to him joining @aggroed on PAL right? I 🤦♂️ To DLive!
PALnet always document and publish everything! Thoroughly does he take upon his position of witnessing, he’s one of the first I have supported. They were my starting grounds for learning Steemy things and though I have ventured from the nest I intend to support my roots.
If I was to suggest a video platform it would be @DTUBE where you can ensure the longevity of your videos with self hosting as anything else can be removed from the centralized hosting servers!
Point was to agree with @arcange that @aggroed should host. Have them do a online meeting in PAL where a system has been proven to be executed efficiently for the entire STEEM community to review, big point, FOR ALL TIME!
Aggroed is the man here on Steem. Brought us Splinterlands and Steem-Engine. I would definitely communicate with this man to get in touch with the community of Steem.
I think that @good-karma is also amongst the top witnesses.
He created and continuously developing eSteem, which is nowadays my favorite dApp on the Steem blockchain.
This 100%! @aggroed already has a system in place and represents community concerns/questions well in these discussions. It would be great if it is a public discussion, so rest of the community can tune in too.
P.S. @justinsunsteemit you may find this discussion by witnesses interesting. It took place after your AMA.
I totally agree!👍👍👍👌
Yup. Aggy is the man to host and moderate such a discussion.
Nice haiku techslut 😂
Every time. I leave a comment and in comes that bot to remind me I was a poet once.
Ha ha... Haikubot is a dick like that. I remember once it appeared four times on a haiku post I wrote... And I'm like 'screw you haikubot! Stealing my thunder with your multiple haiku.'
I might have some good news for the poet's and fiction writers of steem very soon.
Watch this space 👀👀👀
Ooooh curious Ilana is now curious. My main issue with onboarding creatives is that crypto and wallets and keys make them quickly run away away. Too complex.
You have a point, but I'm hopeful these issues can be redressed (for some anyway) both through platform developments, and simple step by step tutorials.
There are also a lot of creative writers who left steem who may come back if the community strengthens, and rewards are more appropriate given the time and talent it takes to write great fiction and poetry.
Ha ha, anyway... I'll quit my salesman patter and let you know, one way or another, when the good-for-creative-writers news drops 🙂
Yup. Aggy is the
Man to host and moderate
Such a discussion.
- techslut
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
@aggroed would be a great contact for hosting a town hall on Discord. Many of the Steem community group together there in regular weekly and monthly meetings. He and others run regular radio shows gathering the community together including witnesses.
Starting to centralize Steemit users would be a great achievement. And the team of witnesses and the new Steemit team. Get together more than you have before. If possible..
As for discord. More of the same.
Half dead servers everywhere ....
I know that many of those present, of the witnesses hate the word centralization. But right now, Steemit is screaming for it. Centralize and reorganize.
Both the way of working and its users, as well as the contents of the platform (it cannot be that Steemit's technical content takes over the project completely).
This no longer looks like a "social network," it looks more like a forum about Steem and cryptocurrencies. Personally, I don't have anything against that (I love technology), but if the goal was to find a lot of users, I don't think it goes in the right direction.
Discord servers are a nest of dead users, everywhere.
Everyone talks about Steemit. But if you enter the servers, there is no life in almost any of them. Or there are a handful of participatory people (the same happens in almost the entire Hispanic community)
People simply come in to share their post and leave. Come on. An absolute garbage.. U Know
Perfectly, everything would be centralized in one place, but for that you have to work it.
Although it would be great, many do not like to "centralize" but it's a joke for four cats that publish. Are there about twenty servers that say they have 200? 300? 400? users and it turns out that I don't know if they reached 50 or 40 active users? I think I'm being generous..
Just like Steemit and the Steem blockchain. There are more than 1.3 million accounts, but most of them are inactive nowadays. They left Steemit and the Steem blockchain over the years. And most of the people, who remained, they focus only on their own posts, they do not care about other people's posts. They are selfish and greedy. Nowadays there are 23-32 000 daily active users, 40 000+ posts per day, but the average number of comments per post is only 1-3, and most of these comments are bot, bot-like, spam, spam-like comments. Many posts do not even receive comments. There are a lot of ignored/overlooked posts. This is very disappointing.
u-huh, i quit my autovoters i wrote up b/c actually about 80% or more of people i followed in my own scripts to vote on since 3+ years ago have quit, most quit when it went below $2 , the rest after apocalypse 21 and i hope the dip today doesn't mean the rest will follow
me, personally i dont have anything better to do and it would be awfully nice to see this marvelous piece of software achieving something other than the 20-people circlejerk from the start (you cant say it like that ! ... i just did ...)
at least somethings happening ! they were talking about communities when i signed up , the price was $7 , you had posts running in the $4000 , bots werent evil (they sold that software for over $1000 a piece and e'eryone happy with it at first)
and then nothing ... and now we get on guy with actual , real wall-street money and they can suddenly dust off the shelf and roll it out in two days and market it as HOT and NEW ...
not happy about the fact that the original inquisition is still state approved and now actually labels people on the U.I. for the world to see, that's like the same 5 deciding what good content is
this thing is less de-centralized than the belgian governments and we have six of those
i have spoken
i eagerly await the day when i can say
"steemit bought my lambo" ...
Yes. I almost 100 agree on that with you. Although I also think that.. I do not know if you are in other social networks or if you read web pages.
If you look, in part, that is the attitude that users are taking the most today.
And the social networks that receive comments. They are always squirting comments. In fact. A large part of the technology web pages where I constantly inform myself.
They have completely suppressed comments, or failing that; They have largely hidden them.
Users currently do not comment, almost nowhere. Except that they need or want very specific information.
In my facebook group. Ocurrs the same.
Users now look for the most instantaneous. Commenting is not, it is not fast, it is not agile. Less from a mobile device.
We could say that now Twitter and Instagram are used, maybe also Facebook. As if it were the old messenger of Microsoft.
But, ¿What is Steemit's big problem?
That in the web pages even if no comments are left they still have Google traffic.
That on Facebook even if you do not comment or think too much, you still have the traffic acquired previously.
What if. You look at the traffic analytics of the web pages or if you analyze the statistics of a Facebook page. You will realize that although there is no such participation.
On other platforms if there are users viewing the content, on Steemit. I have many doubts. I think not. That is the big difference.
I say it because it is something that on the Facebook page I am suffering daily.
I say it because it is something that on the Facebook page I am suffering from this every day.
It is difficult for me to get users to participate. They make me feel "alone."
And I only get visibility with very specific content.
The technical content is absolutely discarded from the user's visualizations.
You can not even imagine the difference between a publication of technical content, with a publication of a simple and ridiculous technological meme downloaded from Google.
The meme, which took me 3 minutes to download
and publish. In almost all occasions. It is able to multiply the attention attracted by users. Minimum, I would say a minimum of 5 or 6 times more attraction; than any other publication that I have shared. Publications that have taken me 2, 3 or more days to make.
All the content that goes viral, are memes or the "simplest" content among everything I can get to publish.
That there are many variables within "all this". That is something obvious. Equally obvious it is.
That there are millions and millions of people who want memes or simple content that makes them smile.
And it turns out that the witnesses of Steemit or people 100% interested in the technical content of Steemit; how many people can they be? Less than a thousand?
And those less than a thousand are the only ones who are 100% interested in the content we have every day on the cover of Steemit.
From top to bottom.
They are a minority. I would dare to say that they are even a minority within Steemit.
Well, this cause has been like this, since I'm in Steemit; and I've been thinking the same thing since then. But apparently nobody notices.
Or maybe, they don't want to realize, maybe for them, this is their perfect Steemit forum. And they feel comfortable like that. With its own forum.
It's funny that they talk about Justin that he can break the platform with all his power.
Isn't that exactly what all the witnesses have been doing for the entire time I have been on Steemit?
Because it is like that. FROM what I have read that Justin could do now.
All they want. It is to protect yourself from Justin not doing exactly what they themselves have been doing for years and still doing today.
I would even say that, in many cases, regardless of whether your actions hurt the former Steemit team.
It is exactly what the whole group of witnesses has been doing until today. 100% control the platform. From the technical part, to the publications part, the bots part, the benefits part. EVERYTHING. They control everything.
Well, that was not what I was talking about. That is another subject.
I just wanted to say something else. Just I wanted to say.
That when all the people outside of Steemit enter here, the first thing they do is see the cover of the platform.
For them, see that content.
It must be the closest thing to contemplating a conversation between aliens they have seen in their lives.
No one has taken action on the matter, ever. What seems absolutely incredible to me.
How does someone want to attract users to the platform in this way?
It's crazy, but good. It is the reality of Steemit; and exactly for that, among many other things.
That's why I stopped publishing my content here (it wouldn't cost me anything to do it, because on my page, I, public on Markdown. I would just have to copy and paste), but I find it ridiculous.
Because I should lose those 5 minutes. Duplicating my content on Steemit. To post it on a forum about Steemit?
No. Until things start to change.
No thanks..
I thought I could change something with the communities. And I'm trying to launch a community with a little brain. But simply, it is a test.
More. I have already seen all the "communities / groups" of curators creating their own communities. The same groups financed by one or another witness. These "fictional communities" have already become owners of the entire new "communities" section completely on the website.
Instead of creating thematic communities and giving platform users another option.
They just want to do the same thing over and over again. "Don't let anything change, just in case." That is your average thinking base.
They keep doing the same. Because they want to continue defending themselves and harnessing their steem power donated by blind witnesses that allow them to destroy the platform from top to bottom.
So ... More of the same. It is cyclic.
That's why they want to live locked up here.
Anyway. I better go..
Because they enervate me to the point of making me cry.
The potential of this project seems incredible, if someone could turn it around; and do some strength and hard hand.
I see how Steemit has developed and it makes me want to scream, cry, kill myself.
Just by trial and error, sooner or later the project should have found some point of attracting users.
But no. I have been here for two years and nothing has changed in regards to the user.
Yes. Best. I am going.. At the end. It's none of my business, I can't do anything. Also, they told me in their day that it was better for me to remain silent.
So. I better I m go to my home. To continue seeing what happens here from the shadow.
For fear that my criticisms are poorly received and end up sending me to hell inside Steemit. I return to where I have been for almost two years.
You know what's around here. The devil leads the one who criticizes hell later.
And the power people end up killing you. Only. For not licking her ass.
Also. Unfortunately, I don't know English; and that limits me tremendously when participating.
I would love to share many more ideas. Although I don't know what would be better, if I was quiet or talking. Tssssssssssssssss. I'm leaving that I don't do anything, and in my time here nobody rewards me.. 😹
I have felt the same way since the bots were introduced and I investigated who owned all the steem. It was pre-mined and I kinda lost all hope for Steemit. In general, I think all social media is doomed, it really isn't social my friend and when you include money for likes and dislikes, interaction, all the positive leaves. For people like me its nice to get my artwork out. What's funny, I've made more money earning crypto showing and writing about my paintings than selling them!
LOL same. I read only the first and last paragraphs 🙈
A real shame, because maybe. If you could understand a little of the idea I try to convey.
Steemit's problems would be understood.
Today's users leave no comments anywhere.
Users are users of mobile devices; little participatory
Large social networks have traffic that Steemit does not have and that until immediate registration is implemented, it will be virtually impossible to achieve.
Thanks for the summary. Nothing against you it was just too long.
Time will tell..
Good. Bad luck.. Ideas for forgetting, without more.
Sometimes happens.. 🤞
First understand what I am talking about. Then you come to give me negatives. Piece of ghost.
Your use of steemit is vomitive. You disgust me.
A little kiss 💋💋💋💋💋
I'm sorry. The bible I just wrote. My mother .. IPouf? They make me sick? I get sick? I'm sorry again.
Good day ..
It's okay, your post was heartfelt and there isn't a lot of that to be had. Take care of yourself.
I liked your comment. This is true and informative. thanks a lot
Have not been on steemit for longer than two years or so. Can honestly say I love it and am always scanning for other posts of interest. Must be more with this mentality. I know because I look inside. The opposite would be sad to endure
You used to be able to make some steem commenting but there was a hardfork that changed that. Everyone here is a content creator and no one is a consumer, its one of those things that has to change for success. I can post the same post on Reddit I post here and get a dozen replies. No one comes to steem and just browses
This is the problem, which prevents Steem from being successful. If people would use the Steem blockchain naturally, then the Steem blockchain would be a successful thing. But people come here only for the money. And they think only about themselves. They doom the whole platform by their selfishness and greediness.
I think that’s because steemit is so out of date and has such a poor user interface. I admit to being a selfish poster on here I just don’t have to the time I trawl through looking for things I like when the rewards are so low. The stuff I am interested is hard to find. On fb and insta I am far More engaged. It’s just not very user friendly. You can blame users as much as you like but there is a reason people are not engaging. Steemit rly needs a huge upgrade in its interface and the way we see and engage in posts.
This is not just/only about Steemit. There are many Steem blockchain interfaces, such as Busy, SteemPeak, eSteem, and the real human comments are rare on all of them.
I never rly graduated off steem as it’s just too much to hAve all these differnt sites for the same one. I did like partiko and steemshot more but it’s just too many apps for me. I mean maybe this style works for some people but most people I think prefer one user face that’s great.
centralize users :p ...
i dont know what its about, im sure ill find out but all i can see is that the price is dis-agreeing with something today . I havent been on any of the exchanges today so i dont know if its a global dip or not, hence
we shall keep our opinion until it comes with backing :p
i was hoping more for disruption of the steemit quo, not continuation of the current 10 peple-wide protectorate and the 4 state-approved blacklists
cos thats just more of the same, and that has proven for 2+ years now : "not to work at all"
100% agree. The right word would have been to unify. I was just trying to make a small pun..
In the Hispanic community, there are too many communities; and all with a small number of users.
Perfectly, they could group together to get stronger. But it seems impossible due to people's selfishness.
I think. That we have a similar thought.
What seems clear is that Steemit needs a change in his methodology, or something like that.
And I find it very, very curious. That witnesses seem to want to go out to protect themselves before they even know what can happen.
That is understandable. In part, but ..
They should also be open to changes. For the benefit of all.
The project itself has proven not to work too well for now.
It is clearly stagnant.
Another "yes" to get @aggroed to host it. He has experience holding large discussions and have shown this from previous shows/forums
I second this!
Fourth! I want to hear it after it's done!
I honestly think if Justin wants to show that he's interested and committed to working with witnesses and the community, he should get in contact with y'all, not the other way around. He can't buy y'all's trust and cooperation, and it's not like y'all went into hiding. Personal outreach is considered important for a reason, ya?
Posted using Partiko Android
Great place for it and a non-witness host like @shadowspub should also be moderating to represent the community aspect that isn't witness oriented but here for the freedom Steem offers. That's her bottom line - it's all about the community.
I love this idea. Thanks for taking the lead on this @aggroed this community has lots of faith and trust in you. I’m sure with LOTS and LOTS of regular talks between Justin and our witnesses blockchain mountains can be moved. Justin can help us and we can help him which is exactly how it should be. One day at time brother.
Yo @justinsunsteemit its a fact that you have to flow with @aggroed on PAL our versatile community is pure and very close knit, its only right! MAKE IT HAPPEN MAN!!
Thank you
Bump for @aggroed to host/coordinate the meeting. He knows how to draw a crowd and keep the conversation on track
Posted via Steemleo
What a bunch of bullshit. I’m not gonna sit here and blow you like the rest of these pathetic ass kissing witnesses who bend over at the promise of a conversation.
You didn’t even understand what you were buying from @ned, did you?
Everyone seems to have forgotten how you’ve abused power in your own chain, abused employees, etc after a simple ass kissing post.
You made CLUELESS announcements that shows just how out of touch you are with Steem and what actually goes on here.
This pathetic support and immediate change in tone goes to show you these witnesses are only here for the money, not the chain. People don’t change overnight. You all should be ashamed at rolling over so easy when you know damn well he’s going to try to kill this chain and all support for it while we move to China chain.
The only reason the most of those crack pots voted for a fork was their fear they might need to get a real job once Justin took over. I will love seeing them bend the knee one after the other and doing all kinds of mental gymnastics when justin writes them a check.
You nailed it.
I agree with you. Most of the top witnesses don't care about Steem. They just care about how much blood they can suck from Steem. Steemit had become a garbage can for a long time, but none of the top witnesses cares. As long as they can get paid, they won't care about Steem. Who cares?
We got his attention, let's see what he knows about the chain, what he has to say, and what kind of commitments he can provide.
Thank you Bernie.
Edit: Note for everyone here. Please notice all the replies from @justinsunsteemit. Maybe the witnesses and Justin can communicate by post.
Took me a bit to figure out that there are none 🙈🙈
I was kinda shocked about all the mega fakeness here.
lol then steem would be semi transparent and not all cloak n dagger like
Ha! This comment of all the ones in this thread should get an award. Seriously have me rolling over here.
I am all in favor of the witnesses implementing a softfork to change the username of "justinsunsteemit" to "buy_my_shit_coin" or "trons_is_a_scam".
You are right, he abuses his own chain. It is a centralized "chain"[ ], yet he fraudulently markets it as decentralized. He should be arrested, prosecuted, and convicted for his fraud. The tron chain offers us nothing but tiny 200 byte transactions [ ], far below the 65536 byte transaction size limit that enables true dapps here on steem. The token swap implies that Justin Sun is planning the death of the steem chain. A token swap also means a new minting, and a new minting means he could print as many coins as he wanted for himself since he wants to centralize everything. Theft through dilution. If he had his way then he or Chinese Communist party would censor what we say on the platform by reducing steem to how own personal private database. Tron [and China in General] is famous for deleting things it disagrees with: . Justin Sun is persona Non-gratis. If the only thing Justin sun can offer us is free marketing, I think we can get far more marketing if we as a community let all of the cryptosphere know Justin Sun for the Cancer that he is and that Steem Chain was the chemo. It was the mouse that roared.
The cryptospehere should one day punish Mr Justin Sun and reduce is Tron tokens to zero for its crimes against those who invested in what they erroneously thought, as Tron marketed, a decentralized future on it. The streets of San Fran should welcome Mr. Justin Sun. The streets are full of shit, the San Fran elites doesn't like it, and Justin Sun completely loves peddling it. Enjoy your future Justin Sun for your first real job in your entire life-it is your calling. And you are more than welcome to use that mouth of yours to clean it up.
You purchased an inferior Dapp Mr. Sun-not the chain. Go lick your wounds, and get the hell out of here.
For context, that video was obtained while those involved were all under Chatham House Rules. Which means they agreed not to post or broadcast anything without the express permission of those involved. The intent is to allow people to discuss ideas freely because they feel relaxed that their reputation isn't on the line and that they're not going to be publicly quoted.
Yes, very nefarious act of violating someone's trust.
No, Peter asked permission to do so.. Justin was all in. Amazing how people can pull things out of their ass around here lately.
BWahahahahaaa! Isn't that why it's called a shit show?
using that video as evidence of anything is really stupid. I don't know the context of it, but it is obvious that it is a joke
Posted using Partiko Android
Did I say it was? No one is using it as evidence of anything, I simply responded to the incorrect claim about it above. It’s a video of two guys joking around, it’s not a victim being taken advantage of and trust being broken etc etc etc
i am being misunderstood a lot lately :D was just confirming your standpoint on this :D
Some people dont get jokes...
We really need a /r/wooosh community...
Ummm he had expressed permission to post it, from Justin. Were you there or something?
Ya, JS mentioned in a recent interview he was just embracing the meme and that the internet is full of memes so no point to ignore it or something.
CCP Agent hoovering up blockchain and decentralised tech assets for his Big Pig Master Blaster. I never thought communism was so virulently capitalist.
I just joined Steemit for the first time yesterday and opened up a defi community (, but felt a tremendous sense of disappointment upon learning that Tron has purchased Steemit. That video is very revealing.
There's still
.etc. which aren't steemit...
Welcome to #STEEM 🎉
Oh that's great, those look nicer too.
Yeah... just don't tell Justin Sun that 😂
Go Bernie! Go! Am sticking with you in all these like a tick on a cow's tail.
Posted using Partiko Android
#lol capt
@captainbob, omg! thought it was you LOLOLOLOL
Thx for opening my eyes. I changed my mind about you. :)
yep. I agree infact I am certain of it. the butcher's breakfast of BitTorrent acquisition, BTT or whatever & now BTFS is going to unfurl in very disastrous ways for jizzy Justine.
Nice to see your emotion directed where it is deserved, @berniesanders. My first upvote for one of your posts! 😎
Of course most of us we are here for the money lol. I am glad you are here using Steemit, whether you like Justin Sun or not that's fine. We need trolls like you to keep things interesting while using this platform even with all the negativity and bitterness. Btw this my first post. Its gonna be fun responding to some random trolls #bernie2020
Tbf I'm not around as much anymore but I agree. He didn't buy trust or cooperation from witnesses, community, or chain, but that only lasts as long as we don't sell it to him. I'd say the first step to earning any of that is doing something concrete, rather than making promises and requests.
Posted using Partiko Android
talking should be the first step even if he had no idea what he bought. if there is a way to make a public contact about using that stake, why not do it?
Posted using Partiko Android
first vote from me to you!
do you still know me?
also @miketr (steemit-total)
No @justinsunsteemit only knows the name STEEM like $ in his eyes
But he doesn't know the name of the Community STEEMIT, he always says stimy :-)
What about the millions of STEEM from the @ poloniex account?
Ok, he has a problem with his nose
whether it is due to corrona or cocaine remains open ;-)
Better he get some !BEER ;-)
Maybe he just has a booger/bogie and is picking his nose like we all do. ....or are you so physiologically perfect you don't get gloop up your nose.?
View or trade
.Hey @berniesanders, here is a little bit of
from @investyourvote for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
first vote from me to you!
do you still know me?
also @miketr (steemit-total)
No @justinsunsteemit only knows the name STEEM like $ in his eyes
But he doesn't know the name of the Community STEEMIT, he always says stimy :-)
What about the millions of STEEM from the @ poloniex account?
Ok, he has a problem with his nose
whether it is due to corrona or cocaine remains open ;-)
Better he get some !invest_vote
@investyourvote denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@investyourvote thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?
yea aggy hear ye hear ye you and your cronies look more pathetic and weak than ever.. Soft fork yourself
I can only agree with it. It takes a lot of time to know what steemit is, what is bought and what surprises me most of all how hypocrite most, suddenly, are. Stick to your words and do not change because you are afraid you might not be needed another or you miss the big upvote. 💕
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Menh, you bad. Bad as in badh. One thing I have learnt recently is that it takes courage to stand up and say what's on your mind, it also take mind to seat quietly and listen to abuses.
Dear Justin, I want to express my opinion on the whole situation. Steem blockchain is a great investment if it's run in the business corner.
I suggested a long time ago to open a referral program and introduce changes, but if the main people are not ready to listen to the proposals of those involved in the business, then we have only a strong developer lobby and then the whole business logic is based on who has more Steem Power Power.
If there is a downvote with which the most powerful users control freedom of speech and opinion then censorship is introduced and there is no freedom of speech and opinion, and we know well that there is no development of society and business. Technical changes are important, but without business consultations with the whole society and with those who are not witnesses you cannot have insight into the whole.
If we want more decentralization then everyone should be able to move forward without any interference and impose rules in communication, blogging, etc.
There are many investors who do not agree with the management of current witnesses, you need to listen to all the options and do what is best for investors, bloggers, developers.
I wish you much success and making the best team possible, and making quick changes to Steem's value.
Instead of witnesses getting a position because of Steem Power, they should get a position because of the number of votes - 1 user can vote for one witness and all users have the same voting power. In that case, they would have more decentralization and positive change.
Whereas, big stakeholders create accounts upon accounts upon accounts upon accounts upon accounts?
Well said, it's the first time I understand "the power of the witnesses*
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Justin, I think this is the right move. I hope you realize, thru your participation in DPoS, that the Steem witnesses came together to take steps we felt were highly necessary to maintain the status quo and prevent major changes in the seem consensus due to the SteemIt, Inc. stake.
I would be happy to participate in discussions with you, and the rest of the witnesses, to best figure out how we can move forward in the best interest of Steem.
Surely, the morning sun is here with steem with the position aired by @Justinsunsteemit. This prompt response is important.
Lol. I was playing this last week. #throwback
Hahaha that game is a classic
Yeah well the status quo is what's killing the place.
Very happy to see your response. I really believe this is a match made in heaven if we play this right. Steem is a unique blockchain with an amazing community. Let’s work together to make this community as big and decentralized as it has ever been!
Great move by the witnesses as proven by the response. I’m still buying!
I did buy some Tron! The more points of view I read the more confusing/clear/exciting/devastating/exhilarating this becomes!
Be patient. I have a feeling that we'll have much lower entry point for both. Steem and Tron.
I agree with your sentiments 100 percent. This is surely a win win scenario.
If played right. I was looking at some numbers the other day and see why he bought Steemit. Tron only had 900 some odd actual users which is but a tenth (if not less) than Steem on the whole. The fact is, despite him bringing the much needed money here and vision, we don't need him - he needs us.
Pls consider changing witness voting rules to avoid current and future such crises. Details are in my post
Agree with your stand. Below is my take and proposal to handle similar crises in future
The best would be via voice chat, a lot of the witnesses are scattered around the world, it would be a challenge to gather them in a physical location. The community holds numerous weekly chats on Discord, so you're welcome anytime to join us to discuss important matters.
And please keep the "Pop Network" in mind, moving ahead with Tron...
Maybe a voice chat dApp on the Steem blockchain would be better than Discord. The conversations may be streamed and/or stored on the blockchain, so the users would be able to hear them to have more insight and knowledge about the happenings around Steemit and around the Steem blockchain.
These meetings are posted by aggroed after they happen, stored on the blockchain. Isn't that good enough for you?
I only gave an idea. I did not even know that the meetings are posted by anyone on the Steem blockchain.
I just read Tron Tron Tron from your side.
I am not interested on the Tron Chain and this never change.
Steem is a book for writing.
If you want help to grow this book, just write your text in it. Vote small!!! Witnesses and do not promote your Chain in every second word.
I am out of Steemit.
Why not wait and see what happens? Why not be open for new things? I will never understand why humans always tempt to make hasty decisions before even knowing what's going on..
At least Justin communicated already more than Ned in the 1.5 years I'm on this chain..
Yes he talk about Tron. I am not so open for „new“ things, that is right, because new means not better every time. @ned create this chain, it another thing for me. Here we got a new big stakeholder, a new way to promote his own thing. Tokens from Tron on Steem??? Not for me. I do not need changes for every price.
Remember my sceptic later.
New things bring new options and opportunities. There are so many aspects which could finally change with the support of the tron foundation. Just take marketing as an example - The way the marketing was handled in the past was beyond terrible. It's obvious that good marketing requires resources (money) and with the tron foundation there are finally enough funds which could back up those issues.
Nothing wrong with being septic though. But deciding to leave the chain without having any evidence on what's going on is in my eyes an hasty decision.
I understand your point of view. A (better) Marketing for the Steem is Ok for me. But wath is the price we paid for?
How much did Tron paid for Steemit??? 20?% of the hole Steem they bought with it. How much they paid? I do not think, it was 1500 Sat for a single Steem.
Often I saw a new Boss in a Companie. Every!!! times it was a bad desicion for the little ones.
I do not think it worth it. Let us see, how long it needs they sell it again.
The Spirit of Steem died with this change for me. Now, it is the Spirit of Tron.
This is great news. Thank you for responding so quickly.
Steemit has clearly needed better leadership for quite some time and I for one am excited to see it taking shape. My hope is this new partnership between Tron and Steemit will also benefit the STEEM token holders and the users of the Steem blockchain who have spent years of their life putting content on this chain. The temporary steps taken in SF22.2 were in response to those users who expected their witnesses to protect their chain. Your response and willingness to reach out to the witnesses and have an open discussion is exactly what I was hoping for. I hope the meetings next week with the Steemit team go fantastically well. The witnesses are ready to engage in conversation to find the best path forward for our communities.
Edit: as for the meeting, I hope for a Zoom video call or Discord audio call where the top witnesses can directly participate but all in the community can listen in.