Would You Consider this A Nature’s Call?

in #steemitcommunity3 years ago (edited)

Please give what you can to save a soul today.

In the words of Pierre de Marivaux, upon the death of one person is a bit of humanity lost.

You will feel pity at the gory sight of the new home of the indigenes of Odugbeho village in Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State.


These people were once happy inhabitants of a decent village, but the Fulani will not take their eyes off the supposed arable land of Benue people. They have chosen a nomadic lifestyle and will vehemently reject any idea of ranching for their life stock. Living a nomadic life is ordinarily not supposed to be a problem but doing so at the expense of people's lives is what saner nations would never allow. Sadly, this government seems to have allowed that.

When they started hiding their cows in our bushes, none of us knew what was lurking. They struck when they mastered our terrine. More than a hundred people, including women and children, lost their lives through their bullets. Twice of this number have died in resultant effects - hunger, sickness, poor hygiene, etc! The mental and psychological torture is extreme.

When The Channels reported the news, they said 20:

ThisThisDay report and said 30:

Vanguard said 27:

Saharareporters said 40:

All these media houses reported from a distance. Those of us on ground know that the death toll exceeded 100, and this was a repeat attack.

The Fulanis wanted the land. They have it now. After the Sunday 7th attack, all indigenes of Odugbeho deserted the village. Those with means ran far away. The rest are mainly uneducated destitute.

This is where we now live.



The government has done absolutely nothing to help us, and they call this an IDP camp. No water, no food, no healthcare facility, no suitable housing (these are wooden huts). When we came here last year, some people were already living in this place. We joined them.

We beg you, dear steemians, to please help us with whatever you can afford. We want to sponsor our kids to school. We want to bring pipe-borne water to this place, and we need first-aid care for the sick.

These are the three projects we are begging you to help us accomplish.

The government is overly insensitive to all of these. The people at the leadership levels habitually snub our plea every time. They would rather go on air to make bogus promises that will never be redeemed.

Up till today, this is where we are. No governmental support, no visit! This is an example of what an IDP should not be. When it rains, everywhere is flooded.

The perpetrators of this massacre are roaming freely with their weapons. No arrest, no prosecution. Just nothing!

People are dying here untimely. Please support us with whatever you can.

We've provided wallets where donations can be made:

STEEM: @newhyt

Biitcoin (BTC): 3K895SU4jRnVcQuWv7Tb3aYdMBdUKT4Ujh

Ethereum (ETH): 0x565B21d1cad29ad93af251dA4E3EC9896C50640B

We understand if you don't have the wherewithal to help at this moment.



用皮埃尔•德•马里沃(Pierre de Marivaux)的话来说,一个人的死是失去了一点人性。

看到贝努埃州阿加图地方政府区 Odugbeho 村土著人的新家园的血腥景象,您会感到遗憾。



[当频道报道这个消息时,他们说20:](https://googleweblight.com/sp?u=https://www.channelstv.com/2021/06/07/suspected-herdsmen-kill-20-persons-in-agatu-leave-many-injured/&grqid= jKpPKn4u&hl=en-NG)

[ThisThisDay报道并说30:](https://googleweblight.com/sp?u=https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2021/06/08/again-30-feared-killed-by-herdsmen-in-agatu/&grqid= Gvhajxqa&hl=en-NG)

[先锋 说 27:](https://googleweblight.com/sp?u=https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/again-27-mourners-and-traders-killed-in-agatu-by-armed-herdsmen/&grqid= Gvhajxqa&hl=en-NG)

撒哈拉记者说 40:


富拉尼人想要这片土地。他们现在有了。在周日的第 7 次袭击之后,奥杜贝霍的所有土著人都离开了村庄。有钱人跑远了。其余的主要是未受过教育的贫困人口。



我们恳求你们,亲爱的 steemians,请在您负担得起的任何事情上帮助我们。我们想赞助我们的孩子上学。我们想把管道输送的水带到这个地方,我们需要对病人进行急救。



直到今天,这就是我们所处的位置。没有政府支持,没有参观!这是 IDP 不应该成为的一个例子。下雨的时候,到处都是水。







